
a writeblr i think

@writingbetty / writingbetty.tumblr.com

betty | nineteen | constantly trying to write a book


hey! long time no see (again! whoops!) but i’ve been writing a lot and i’m coming to the end of something i absolutely adore so please ask away if you want to know more!!


personal space tarot + what direction should I take with my writing career? (I hope this isn't too specific!!)

You got the following cards:- IX of Swords (9 of Swords)- VI of Swords (6 of Swords)- VIII of Pentacles (8 of Pentacles), Reversed

First Card: Nine of Swords

The suit of Swords represents the Air element, which in turn represents logic, ideas, and intellect. Nines represent fulfillment, and idealism.
Key Terms: Anxiety, Hopelessness, Nightmares
You may be feeling paralysed by indecision and helplessness, or trapped in negative thoughts that are causing you to over-analyse circumstances that do not warrant it.

Second Card: Six of Swords

The suit of Swords represents the Air element, which in turn represents logic, ideas, and intellect. Sixes represent cooperation, harmony and compassion.
Key Terms: Transition, Leaving behind, Moving on
Pain in your past may be initiating a journey that leads you out of your comfort zone. This is an important journey that will help you overcome something. The pain is being left behind and this new destination is a place of potential.

Third Card: Eight of Pentacles (Reversed)

The suite of Pentacles (also called Coins) represents the Earth element, which in turn represents the earthly, material and sensual. Eights represent action, change and regeneration. 
Key Terms: No focus, no ambition, no motivation.
The mundanity of the day to day may be causing you to lose focus on achieving your goals. You may be feeling that your ambition and motivation are low, and accomplishing tasks with diligence is difficult. Take careful consideration with your thoughts and actions to avoid this kind of rut in the future.

thank you so much this is super cool!!!


How To Write A Book Pitch

This is what you say when someone says ‘what’s the book about?’—a paralyzing question, and you need a compelling answer.

If you don’t know where to start,

A very basic formula for a book pitch can go something like this—

Character, conflict, setting, hook


Most pitches start with character.

A charming cyborg…

A relentless assasin…

A battered detective…

(Try to keep it to one interesting character, too many characters at once can be confusing.)


This is the problem your character faces. This is whatever your plot is.

…gets stranded on mars…

…falls in love with the man she’s supposed to kill…

…uncovers a dangerous secret…


…in a world ravaged by famine…

…lost in an unforgiving sea…

…at an elusive liberal arts college…


THIS is the part that is tricky, because there’s no easy formulaic way I can suggest you end your pitch—but you should have a hook, something snappy that pulls you in.


Under this formula, the pitch for my novel, ‘The Runaway’s Promise’ would look something like this…

Creative foster kid Beverly wants nothing more than to run away from her fatally dull small-town home. In trying to make an escape plan, she gets caught in a dangerous town secret that threatens to keep her there forever.


I’m not big on formulas but this one’s solid. Who is the focus of the book? What is the challenge this object of focus must face? Where does this conflict take place and what is the context? And as for the hook, why is there no easy or obvious solution to the conflict at hand?


2020 life update

wow it’s been a long time. a lot of words have been written, stories have been started and finished or just left somewhere along the way and I think it’s time I gave you all a bit of an update of where I’m at !


  • I've just started a new bookstagram and I'd really appreciate it if you could check it out HERE
  • I might start including a few book reviews on here if people would be interested????
  • also I'm always looking for recommendations (a good reader makes a good writer imo) so hmu with any of your faves!!


  • in january I wrote a rough draft of a novel that I'm super in love with and hope to query by the end of the year. I don't really want to share a lot of details about this particular WIP just yet but it’s happening and maybe further down the line I will post more about it
  • I'm also currently tempted to rework some of the things I worked on in 2019 - mainly heartbreak anonymous - at the moment so any love on that wip page would be appreciated

thank you guys for sticking around even when I go awol for months. I love you all and writblr always resparks my imagination and creativity!! 


Be obsessed with your writing.

You’re allowed to be obsessed with your story. You NEED to be for it to be good. If you have it on your mind 24/7 you’ll be able to fix plot holes and make better scenes and charecter development. Play out your favorite parts in your head before you fall asleep. Daydream about it. Make memes and mood boards and play lists about it. BY ALL MEANS chat about it incessantly with your friends and family and mutuals. I’m rooting for you! Fantasize! Create! Obses!



hey everyone!! it’s Betty and this is my new book blog.

I hope to be posting book reviews, tag + game style posts, advice and of course pretty pictures of books!!

my favourite books all time = a little life

my favourite YA book = the slated series

currently reading: the tattooist of auschwitz

I also have a Bookstagram which I’d really appreciate if you checked out


hi, please check out my booklr for more book related content!!


starting writing a new story is hard

the characters are still new

there voices not quite fixed inside my mind

every word seems wrong and unfamiliar

but with perseverance

writing a new story becomes magic

at the end of your fingertips

as the words spill out

and the story is no longer scary and new


Seven years after, I see you again 😚

Guys this completely changed my writing, heed it. I often do an entire draft just looking at sentence variation and oftentimes the results are absolutely transformative in the difference.



so im currently outlining a new wip (I know I need to stop but I promise I'm actually going to write this one) and I need some help

basically there’s some time travel involved (don't want to give too much away, spoilers!!) and I want the method to be sort of like a portkey where my mc touches an item and is then transported through time

the only issue is, I don't know what item to choose. like a watch (or directly time related item) seems to obvious but then I don't know what else would actually be relevant and not just choosing a random item????



bc right now I love it but don't have those bubbly feelings about any of my long list of works in progress and it’s stressing me out.




your first draft is going to suck, but a great way to not let that get to you is to remember that the first draft’s job is be written. just being there makes it perfect in itself.


bad writing advice: you should not EVER NEVER do this thing

good writing advice: everyone’s style is different. there’s no rules set in stone about how to be a good writer. develop your own style and run far with it. it doesn’t have to be perfect. there’s thousands of people out there searching for something new and unique. no matter what, someone out there will always read and be interested in your work. you can become someone’s favorite author by just being yourself.

Every writer on here needs to here this, as well as people who put out writing advice


okay so I have a whole novel completely planned out (that was supposed to be for Nano but I'm impatient) so imma start posting some stuff about that soon (mainly to keep myself accountable) so WATCH THIS SPACE

Anonymous asked:

Recommend any writeblrs????

Oh, goodness, Anon, yes I deffo can!

There are so, so many I want to boost here, but I can’t mention them all. Check out my #writeblr friends tag to see all of the wonderful writers whom I love dearly.

Off the top of my head:

@pens-swords-stuff: AMAZING. Stupendous. Brilliant. A pillar of the community. Lovely prose. Lovely person. Makes you feel good about yourself and the world.

@mvcreates: Flippin’ spectacular writing. Incredible amount of depth in her writing. Mina is the bomb-diddy. Endlessly supportive, amazingly talented in both words and pictures, a staple of a writeblr following list. (And that voice?? Are you kidding me??)

@dc-writes: Endless WIP factory of amazingness. How do they have so many good ideas? Great prose, great person, go follow.

@quilloftheclouds: Ahoy, ahoy, excellent human alert. Fantastic worldbuilding, incredible character writing, creator of MY BOY COLIN, infinite font of positive energy.

@cawolters: I love. Stunning. Bold and beautiful. Dark and sexy writing. Incredible pillar of the community. Follow, follow.

@aslanwrites: My buddy. Dark and urban fantasy. Twisty turny writing, the suspense, go read, an excellent follow.

@ofvisitorsthefairest: Very cool WIPs, very cool human, I just really like them and think you should follow.

@writing-and-nutmeg: I’m a very new follower of theirs but their writing makes my heart go doki doki.

Okay there are a whole bunch more but go look at the tag for a plethora of excellence because this post would be a mile long if I could list them all. But here are a few more I wanna boost:


Yeah!!! Follow em all!! All!! These are excellent writers 🌟✨

Allow me to add: @k-w-writes (omg brilliant vivid amazing words) @whymanwrites (destined for a literary award) @james-stark-the-writer (witty and hard hitting) @inexorableblob (JUST my FUCKING prose god) @bexminx (One of the best wips) @sweetcatminteareblog (Lovely stories, makes me feel things!) @pheita (OWNS the concept of flash fiction)
@madammuffins (T A L E N T E D)





@james-stark-the-writer you just made my week agh thank you so much!!! 😍😍😍😍

Everyone please go follow @sixstepsaway @the-real-rg @cogesque @homesteadchronicles @futureauthor-mabye @incandescent-creativity @sulfurousdreamscapes @tracle0 @elliewritesstories they’re amazing and deserve so much love!!! 💕💕💕💕💕

Aaaah this was so sweet, thank you Caitlin!! Of course I have many of my own!!

@semblanche - Incredible writing style, incredible characters, incredible edits, and I’m naming my firstborn Jekyll

@syposium - That aesthetic is always on point?? And at the same time that writing style?? It’s too much, someone call an ambulance x_x

@ashes-to-sen - You will never, in all your days, find a sweeter person to talk to. Plus Ghost’s writing style has LITERALLY made my jaw drop and that’s not allowed

@thespooniewrites - As the Beta Ellie I’m a mere plebeian in comparison to this Alpha Ellie. I’ve been obsessed with her characters forever and I always freak out when she talks because how could someone so cool talk to me??

@omgbrekkerkaz - Zara is literally one of the kindest people I’ve ever met holy cannoli I’d so grab a croissant with her some day! Her edits and aesthetics are so good too bsjdjsjs

@nerocael - You’re basically looking at my tumblr mom right here. Vall is an absolute gift and I sometimes mistake her edits for professional pieces, they’re so well done

@katabasiss - This is my home girl right here!!Kristina could write a grocery list and I’d fall in love with it like seriously Who Allowed This

And of course so many others! Here are just a couple:

awww ellie, thank you! everyone mentioned above is amazing!. here are some of my favourite writeblrs:

@fartistically- will i ever stop screaming about ananya’s wips and ocs? hm, probably not! seriously, they’re all so amazing and her edits never fail to blow my mind because wow, they’re so amazing.

@euphoriecs- i’ve only known amira’s ocs for a day, but if anything happened to them i’d kill everyone in this room and then myself…okay, maybe that was a tad bit dramatic, but seriously, her ocs are awesome and wtsf might just be one of my favourite wips to date!

@sorroways- all of eva’s wips are so…divine? seriously, if you haven’t seen them you are missing out on some quality content!

@nmcwriting- you all know how much i love cosmicity, and nicki’s writing always makes me gasp out in delight because of the sheer amount of talent she has. just…wow.

@isherwrites- where do i even begin? trust me, when red publishes the changing house i’ll probably be first in line to buy it. the concept and the writing is just so fucking good, i’m in awe. 

@theforgottencoolkid- tani is such a sweetheart! and her wips? honestly so, so good. if i could adopt all of her ocs, i would, trust me.

but that’s not all! here are some other writeblrs you must check out:

kind of wish i could put my whole blogroll on here tbh

Oh @sancta-silje is an excellent writeblr to follow too and I am not saying this because she tagged me in this! Looking for dark biblical aesthetic and dark characters and Hell subjects? Silje’s wip got it! Other cool ones you may want to check out is @theouterdark , @theevolutionofledarose , @astaera-writes , @i-rove-rock-n-roll , @kainablue , @syposium , @theguildedtypewriter , @farrradays , @mgcorvo-author, @jingjingteon , @noloumna , @ivonoris , @bowtomypointlesswords

Oh my, thank you! I highly recommend @incandescent-creativity, @westywrites, @starlitesymphony, @thewritertiffany and @thegrimlyreaper! They’re all so sweet and lovely, and have such fun WIPs too!

Aw, thanks for recommending me! I appreciate it 😊. I myself recommend @writeness, @writer-jessicac, @ren-c-leyn, @gaslightwestern, @erinisawriter, @endlesshourglass, @lmorasey, @cjjameswriting, @cupcakeswriting, and @writerinafury, @writingbetty, @writingfyis, and @writinginslowmotion. They’ve got great WIPs and helpful writing tips/resources, and are really kind and supportive folks!


Thanks for the love, it means a lot to me!! Some personal faves of mine are @els-writes @farrradays @brynwrites @chronicintrovert @delphwrites @fannawrites 


desperately need to find some motivation to write

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