
aro culture is

@aro-culture-is / aro-culture-is.tumblr.com

submissions closed. blog on long hiatus due to life. please read the pinned post for rules! (aro =/= ace, please double check you've got the right blog!)

intro and rules

hi! this is a submission based blog centered around aromanticism as both a specific identity and an umbrella of identities. due to chronic illnesses, we post somewhat inconsistently, and would recommend not sending urgent questions our way. That said, you can send questions about being aro, though we would like to suggest checking out our tags #question (for general questions), #am-i-aro (for questions about if the asker is aromantic), and #advice (for aro-focused advice) first. Please be patient if you would like an individualized response to a situation.

submissions can be silly or serious. aromantic people are not a monolith, and your mileage may vary for each and every submission - know that even if you don't relate to many posts about your identity, that's okay. we don't relate to a lot of this either.

we will probably block you if you're rude about how "everyone can experience this, not just aros!" there are no "purely" aro experiences, and we hate to tell you, but we'd rather not just post increasingly niche definitions of aromanticism.

this is open for any aro-spec people (including questioning folks)! if you don’t see much for your particular aro identity here, feel free to send more :)

for those interested in a playlist of the submitted "music recs", @felixisaprince has made one here for Spotify.

Submission Rules - if you do not follow these, your submission will be deleted. If you submit via an account, I will attempt to contact you for re-submission.

  • Submit via the ask box or submit tab. Anonymous and user submissions are allowed. If you'd like to modify / not submit it, please dm @just-aro rather than sending a second ask that will not be seen in time.
  • Begin each submission with the phrase “aro culture is”, or something more specific like disabled aro culture, demiro culture, or whatever you’d like.
  • No discourse - We do this for fun, and that isn’t fun. Judging by our inbox, we need to explicitly state that shipping discourse is included in this statement. That said, we are radically inclusive. We are stronger together, and it's always worth listening to each other.
  • Please don't send replies to other submissions (ie, "aro culture is hating xyz thing", and sending "actually I like xyz thing"). Reblog the post with your addition if you care that much about it, please.
  • Exclusionism, ableism, racism, or anything of that like will get you a block. "Cringe culture” is inherently ableist. other people have described this better than we can, but the tl;dr is: most everything described as "cringy, cringe-worthy" behavior is something performed by neurodivergent folks, and generally harmless. Ask yourself it it bothers you because of harm caused or for not following a social norm.
  • Use of the terms “opposite gender/sex” will result in deletion of the submission. If needed, “other binary gender” or things like that can be used. You can also say that people have expectations of boys and girls, for example. Fight the genderqueer/agender mods by telling us our opposite genders if you think this is so awful, and listen to intersex folks as well.
  • NO IMAGE SUBMISSIONS unless they are credited and have an image description (link to guide on writing them, additional link for an image to text generator, discord help here). Credit your artists and/or photographers, don't steal their work. Provide alt text and/or image descriptions for those who are blind, low-vision, have other accessibility needs, and who are suffering from Tumblr's poor loading speed.

Thank you :)

last edit: 4/19/23. Notes on edit: Rewording, removed rule about "hating" media to replace with rule on replying outside of post. Added submit tab as option for submissions. Added description of cringe culture.

Anonymous asked:

aroace culture is doubting your aro identity bc these feelings you have for your zucchini could be what asexuals experience as romantic and you will never know for sure if you’re actually aro.

(meanwhile, scared that if these feelings are romantic, my aro zucchini might be able to tell and not want to be with me anymore)



Aro culture is finding the "Oh, I was in love with love, I wanted so badly to fall in love, I was obsessed with romance, but I couldn't :(((( " trope even more alien and unrelatable than allo characters outside of romantic comedies. I guess that's someone's experience, but as someone whose experience with romance was 1. boredom with fictional love stories 2. panic with real life relationships..... sorry, can't relate.



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