
Pagan & Magic User's Directory and Resource

@magicusersresource / magicusersresource.tumblr.com

A compilation of resources, reference pages, and directories for various practices within the tumblr pagan and magic users communities.

Now Seeking Admins

Hey friends, so as I’m sure some of you have noticed, Allie and I haven’t been so good about maintaining this blog. Real life has been getting in the way. So, we’ve decided to bring a couple new admins on board to bring things back up to snuff! If you’re interested, please fill out the following application and SUBMIT it (please do not use the ask box). We will review the apps and contact those who we think might be a good fit. Applications will remain open until 2-3-18

URL if you have a specific witchcraft blog separate from the blog you’re submitting on(your main account)
How long have you been practicing witchcraft?
Describe your practice in your own words:
How active are you on tumblr?
What sort of content would you like to provide for this blog?
What special knowledge or experience do you feel you would bring to the table?

Thank you!



Now Seeking Admins

Hey friends, so as I’m sure some of you have noticed, Allie and I haven’t been so good about maintaining this blog. Real life has been getting in the way. So, we’ve decided to bring a couple new admins on board to bring things back up to snuff! If you’re interested, please fill out the following application and SUBMIT it (please do not use the ask box). We will review the apps and contact those who we think might be a good fit. Applications will remain open until 2-3-18

URL if you have a specific witchcraft blog separate from the blog you’re submitting on(your main account)
How long have you been practicing witchcraft?
Describe your practice in your own words:
How active are you on tumblr?
What sort of content would you like to provide for this blog?
What special knowledge or experience do you feel you would bring to the table?

Thank you!



Now Seeking Admins

Hey friends, so as I’m sure some of you have noticed, Allie and I haven’t been so good about maintaining this blog. Real life has been getting in the way. So, we’ve decided to bring a couple new admins on board to bring things back up to snuff! If you’re interested, please fill out the following application and SUBMIT it (please do not use the ask box). We will review the apps and contact those who we think might be a good fit. Applications will remain open until 2-3-18

URL if you have a specific witchcraft blog separate from the blog you’re submitting on(your main account)
How long have you been practicing witchcraft?
Describe your practice in your own words:
How active are you on tumblr?
What sort of content would you like to provide for this blog?
What special knowledge or experience do you feel you would bring to the table?

Thank you!



From infusions and tinctures to oils and salves: The basics of herbal healing and the beginnings of any potion

Decoction: A decoction is needed to extract the deeper essence from harder substances such as barks, roots and stems. Place the raw materials in a pot and fill it with fresh water. Simmer uncovered until the water lever is reduced by 1/3. Strain the resulting liquid to remove particulates then drink or use as needed. Infusion: Pour freshly boiled water over the desired herb or planar matter, roughly 8 ounces of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs roughly 3 times as much is required. 

Oil: Place flowers, herbs or other plant parts in a sealed glass container. Fill the container with an organic oil (ex: Olive, sesame, etc…) until it is an inch above the material being used. Place the bottle somewhere warm for 2 weeks, next to a stove while cooking, on the mantle, a sunny window sill, etc. Upend the container daily to ensure the oil saturates the material. 

Ointment: Heat 2 cups of pure lard to frying temperature. Add 4 handfuls of crumbled dry herbs or 6 handfuls of chopped fresh herb to the lard. Stir to to blend and let simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat, cover and let sit over night. Reheat until liquid then mix in 4 tablespoons of an organic oil, this will prevent it hardening to much. Squeeze through a cheese clothe to remove solids and store in a crockery or glass container. 

Salve: Mix 3 ounces of finely pulped plant parts, 7 ounces of lard and 1 ounce of beeswax. When thoroughly mixed simmer over low heat in active red pot for 1-2 hours. Remove from eat and allow to cool. 

 Tincture: A tincture uses alcohol to extract the properties of a herb or plant. Loosely fill a glass container with fresh or dried herbs and add some sort of food grade spirit (ex: vodka), vinegar can also be used for certain ingredients. Cork or otherwise seal the container and leave somewhere warm for 2 or more weeks. 

 *Information from “Healing Teas - How to prepare and use read to maximize your health” by Marie Nadine Antol. 

**images from google.


for my witches spending holidays with possibly unpleasant family members, some spell suggestions~

happy holidays my dears! ♡

Anonymous asked:

Psst most of your blood magic links are fuck'd mguy

I just visited that masterpost myself and about half the links do work, but sadly many of our masterposts are several years old, if not more, and once a URL changes or deactivates, there’s nothing we can do. Sorry about that mguy


Anonymous asked:

Ive been looking through your tags for any simple spells that can help me release anger without it being destructive (to me or others) but Im not sure where something like that would go. Any tips?

Go to the forest. Scream until not angry. 

Nah, just kidding. Have a masterpost. 


Anonymous asked:

White sage is not endangered. Please don't spread misinformation. It IS important to check that it's been ethically sourced but we should be doing that with all of our materials anyway.

To clarify, white sage is part of a protected, endangered ecosystem specific to Southern California. See another post on that with adequate sources here.

We can’t encourage the mass culling of those plants, hence the previous answer. Of course, if the white sage was cultivated instead of wild, then it’s not a problem, but the way the ask was written led me to think it was wild white sage.

Also yes! Ethically sourcing everything is important, but it’s quite hard to do in most cases because shops typically don’t help with this. The rest of the industry is moving on with these issues and it’d be nice if occult shops could follow.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I bought a couple of sage bundles about a month or so ago to have around for smoke cleansing. When I looked closer, though, I think it may be white sage, which is an endangered species. Do you have any tips on what I should do with them now? Would giving them to someone who would put them to significant use be for the best?

Well no one is going to do anything better about them than you are? It’s too late now, the plant has been cut, so whether you do use them or not doesn’t really matters. I’d say to use them, because I’m against waste, but it’s up to you.

You can, however, report the vendor and/or make some noise about them selling endangered species.


Back-to-School Masterpost for Witches!


Spells and Sigils for Tests/Exams:

Spells and Sigils for Anti-Procrastination 

Spells and Sigils for Profs/Teachers

Spells and Sigils for College Applications

Dorm Life

Spells and Sigils for Anxiety 

Misc. Spells and Sigils


Non-Witchblr School Resources:


Witchy advice from the vulture culture community:

Always look up animal remains laws in your state. Especially look up the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

I know that bone or feather you found would make a super pretty addition to your altar, but you can be fined and jailed for possessing certain animal parts. The vulture community can rarely have birds, and the witchy community has no more special privilege.

If you find feathers or bird remains in particular, please save yourself the trouble and don’t pick them up. The odds are very good that the remains came from a bird that is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and you CAN get in deep shit for having them. Yes, you can be fined $500 and/or jailed for six months over one found feather. And if you sell them or items made with them, you get quadruple the punishment ($2000, 2yrs)

It sucks, but the MBTA is extremely necessary to protect wildlife. You can’t prove you aren’t plucking the feathers and just found it.

Don’t get yourself in trouble because you don’t think it’s a big deal, or that you won’t get busted. Don’t think you’re exempt from animal conservation laws just because it might hold religious or spiritual meaning to you

When birds of a feather flock together, leave them alone.


I just asked my boss for a raise is there some sort of spell I can do to make it happen? I'm having a hard time finding one.


Just check any of our posts tagged spells, or our masterposts. Any kind of luck or money spell should do the work.


A Note on Cultural Appropriation

If you’re not Native American, its not smudging its smoke cleansing.

If you’re not Native American, its not a spirit animal, it’s an animal guide, patronus or daemon. (And no it’s not a totem animal either.)

If youre not African American or Afro-Carribean, it’s not a voodoo doll it’s a poppet.

Yes, you’re not wrong in pointing out that i just gave you a list of synonyms. No one is saying that these CONCEPTS are inherently appropriation. But specific terms carry their specific ties. Know what ties are for you, and what aren’t.


I wanted to see the sigil for nonbinary and genderfluid but it opens a new tab and asks for a password????


We answered that question in our last post. Yes, the user who created the sigils had to protect their blog through a password. There’s nothing we can do about it, except ask people around if they have reblogged those sigils so you can access them through a reblog. But the original versions isn’t accessible anymore. 


Hey, most of the things on your gender magick masterpost are locked so you can't actually use any of them, wasn't sure if you knew


Yeah, it seems that one person who did a lot of posts on the subject had to password-protect their blog. Thank you for letting us know.

Sadly, there’s not much we can do about that. Tumblr search returns a few other sigils on the same subject, but not the ones that were linked. Maybe one of our readers have them saved on their blogs and we could link to those?


My witchy iOS apps.

Wow! I’ve never gotten more than MAYBE 15 notes in my many years on tumblr. Thanks, witch fam!

UPDATED*** Here are some app links for @valicorne​ and others who requested. They should all be free. Some of these are also in the Android Marketplace, and for those that aren’t, there are comparable ones.

And my mom has a baller sigil making app on Android I envy: Sigil Automatron. Anyone know of a comparable one for iOS? (I don’t want just a paint or photoshop-like app, but one specific To making sigils)

Not all the full names show in the screenshotted app view, which is why some of you struggled to find them. Sorry!):

1. Tarot Card Memorizer: Pretty self explantaory. This is a nice reference when you’re trying to learn card meanings.

2. Pendulum Charts Free - a plethora of charts. I like using that on my iPad, not super useful on a smaller screen, aka my iPhone. Can also use to reference for making your own charts on paper, or woodburning like I’m working on.

3. Golden Thread Tarot - Really nice free eversion of great physical deck. Nice for witches on the go, or witches on a budget.

4. Crystals And Gems - Handy reference guide for both physical and metaphysical attributes.

5. Mighty Timer - temperature, time, and amount of tea you need for the perfect cup. Great kitchen witch app, especially if you grow some of your own herbs for tea, like I do.

6. TimePassages - Free daily horoscopes, meanings, planetary bodies glossary and then some paid options for chart downloads.

7. Herbs Guide - Herbs for health and cooking. ***never take any information found on the Internet or via apps as medical advice. Seek professional medical help if you have an issues. This witch is very pro-science and modern medicine, despite making teas, tinctures, and herbal salves. Those are merely supplements to help relieve symptoms.

8. Dreamboard - my favorite digital dream journal

9. Runes - pocket advisor - Get one, two and three rune readings. Also helps you learn the meanings of elder futhark runes. 10. SkyView Free -This overlays constellations and other astronomical information when you open the app and point it at the night sky. Uses your camera and GPS to know what it’s looking at. Works inside, too. I impress the heck out of people when I whip this out at stargazing events.

11. Best Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Guide Pro - This app, containing six broad sections - guides, application, single oil, oil blends, aromatherapy and weight loss. Again, this is not to be used in place of proper nutrition and medical attention, and be very careful when using essential oils. All need to be diluted with carrier oils, and some are dangerous if you’re pregnant, etc.

12. Spellcaster - tarot cards, horoscope and pre-written spells. Not my favorite, but fun to flip through.

13. Celeste -LOOOVE. Celeste allows you to calculate a natal chart, which you can view on a zodiac wheel. You also get a description of all the planets in signs, not just the sun sign.

14. Star Chart - This is similar to skyview. I haven’t played with it too much so I can’t vouch for it quite yet. I think I prefer the skyview interface.

15. Free Candle - Different candle options, and you cna blow them out. Great for on the go candle magick/meditation, and for those who aren’t allowed to use candles in apartments/dorms/etc.

16. The Pocket Pagan - “This unique Pagan app includes a map of the USA and Canada filled with Pagan, occult and New Age stores, a handy correspondence guide for quick magickal look-ups, and a calendar that shows you the next full moon and Sabbat dates. Quick links can help you find the latest news, blogs and videos too. One little widget shows the real-time moon phase too.”

17. Moon - current moon phase - Love this. Very simple interface for when you JUST want basic full, new, waxing, waning moon info.

18. Herbs in Magick - The application contains information about more than 200 herbs and their magickal use. No internet connection

Anonymous asked:

I've heard that you can't practice more than one type of magic because they'll cancel each other out, is that true?

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m interpreting this as (for example) “I can’t do kitchen magic AND weather magic because they cancel each other out” and if that’s the case then no, that’s not true, and I have no idea why someone would suggest it. That’s like saying I can’t study gardening AND fencing because somehow one will prevent me from doing the other. That being said, if you cast spells for directly opposite results, like doing a rain spell followed by a sunshine spell, then yeah prolly nothing is gonna happen.


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