

@ericdagley / ericdagley.tumblr.com

http://ericdagley.com | https://www.artstation.com/guyfugly

Happy holidays! Last year Stoic asked me to design their holiday card. I don’t think I ever posted it here so please pretend this is new!


So it looks like Tumblr might be back


Gigantic, the game I work on, finally entered open beta on Xbox One and the Windows 10 Store last Thursday, meaning I can start posting these! These are part of our fortune card system (basically a daily challenge system for in-game rewards). For being such a stylistic departure from anything else I’ve done up to this point, these were a ton of fun to do. Can’t wait for some of the other artists to post their work because it’s all really fantastic. There are other cards in the game that I will probably post at some point, but for the moment here are a few of my favorites. You can check out more fortune card art from our other illustrator Lexxy over in this general area.


Some sort of gator/kobold/dragonborn magician person

They’ve kind of got a balloon animal schtick going on but with magic fire instead. They’re not great at it.


HEY I was researching an issue I ran into with my yiynova tablet and you posted about the same issue, only being able to draw straight lines in Photoshop. What was your solution? I really appreciate any info you can pass on!


The solution that worked for me (that I apparently failed to really describe at all) was to turn off the "Run as administrator" option when running Photoshop. This one is a total crap shoot so it's tough to say if this will resolve your issue, but basically running Photoshop with admin privileges can either fix your problem or cause your problem. If you're running PS as an admin, try disabling it. If you aren't running PS as admin, try enabling it.For instructions on how to set up a program to run with admin privileges, see here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff431742.aspx

Again, not necessarily a reliable fix but hopefully that yields results for you?? Unfortunately troubleshooting between UC Logic drivers and PS is less science and more mashing buttons until things eventually work.Good luck!


Had a dream the other night that Gordon Ramsay was serving me an espresso shot he made using a “secret technique he perfected” The espresso shot wasn’t very good, but I could tell Ramsay was feeling really vulnerable and nervous about what I’d say so I told him it was a very good shot. Anyway, I need to practice drawing somewhat recognizable faces so here


Coming off a major milestone at work and it feels like I’m finally getting to the other side of a months long “I forgot how to draw” spell, so here’s a frogteen fanart.


Technically not a Inktober thing because i sux

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