An idiot Navigating Life As Best She/they Can

@over-a-rainbow /

Claire:25:Multifandom garbage and home of D quality memes

Yk this actually started as a second pass at @ratblazer 's DTIYS but I got a little bit excited about light pens and ended up here. At least, I think that's what happened. I got the memory of a gnat, you know how it be


Smoke and Mirrors: Chapter One

It’s here! My @cssns​ entry! Thank you to @deckerstarblanche​ for beta-ing! Check out this amazing art by @piinfeathers​ !

Needing a fresh start, Emma moves to Storybrooke. It’s a small, picturesque town that her cousin had settled in just a few years before. Wanting to be close to family, but far away from the past she wants to forget, she purchases an old bar that has a reputation for being haunted.

Not one to believe in ghosts, she rolls her eyes at the notion… until she meets Killian Jones. The former bartender who disappeared years before.

As she gets to know the snarky spirit, she learns his story, unravels his past, and realizes that everything might not be what it seems.

Chapter One

Emma Swan didn’t believe in ghost stories. It didn’t matter that the entire town warned her about the old building (this is where she’s revitalizing an old bar?), she just couldn’t buy into the nonsense. Was the previous owner’s story sad and somewhat mysterious? Sure. But his disappearance wasn’t anything weird. He disappeared before most of the people telling his story were even born.

So in her eyes, it was nothing more than an urban legend. A cold case that lingered over the town like a bad memory. 

She could relate to that. There were a million bad memories she was attempting to escape. The story of Killian Jones just helped her get a prime spot in town at a cheap price. It was perfect. She’d fix up the old bar and people would see that it was just another building.

But with the best drinks in town.

At least, that’s what she hoped. 

Her neighbor was the town shrink, and even though they shared a wall, even he had his reservations about the place. 


sorry but I am officially a joel miller apologist. the fireflies knock him out & as soon as he regains consciousness marlene breaks the news to him that ‘yah sorry you’re never going to see your daughter again bc the surgery is lethal. but here’s her knife as a keep sake <3′ i’m sorry marlene but u thought that was going to go over well? you thought the insanely dangerous and firearm proficient man was who obviously bonded to ellie was going to go calmly? she should have sent ten men to escort him out. thirty. she should have just shot him in the head while he was unconscious. but of course she underestimated how much he cared. what he would do for ellie. bc she knew mean gruff self serving survivalist joel not father joel. she didn’t even let joel and ellie say goodbye to each other. was planning on killing ellie without even telling her for an experimental procedure they had no proof would work. didn’t even give joel the option to see her one last time. “would u kill 1 person to save 100?” they didn’t even allow a fourteen year old the agency to answer that question. team joel 


I really wish Watcher had gone the route of something like Jet Lag the game, where they release all their content early on Nebula, a content streaming site with a ton of YouTubers in which all the money goes directly to the creators(at least that’s how it’s pitched) that that’s 12 dollars a YEAR! So they can have people sign up using there code so they get the money directly, release things a week early and have exclusive content on there, and then release everything on YouTube a week or so later. That way they get money from Nebula, and add revenue from YouTube. And it’s a much better deal for the consumer.


Fuck it!

Dresden Files characters as Taylor Swift songs:

Harry-Anti Hero:Feels a little like a cheap shot, but this is current Harry.

Murphy-Your On Your Own Kid and The Archer:To be fair the Archer is basically any character from this series anthem, so it could go to anyone. I picked Your On Your Own Kid primarily for the feeling this song invokes in me personally. That idea of getting pushed down again, and again, but still having this sort of bitter sweet optimism in the end is Murph.

Molly-Snow On The Beach:Again this is based on how this one makes me feel. I like the quiet beauty and evocative imagery that comes with it. Molly to me always felt like a sort of quiet danger mixed with shocking beauty and grace.

Thomas-Cornelia Street:This feels like the type of dramatics Thomas would go to in my head, and I love him for that.

Micheal-Our Song:I got no explanation for this one. Just felt right.

Marcone-Look What You Made Me Do:Marcone is ether all of reputation or all of Midnights just depends on the day. Again this is based off of how I feel when I listen to it, and Marcone is just that dramatic bitch.


Honest question. Did you enjoy the Percy Jackson show, why or why not?

It just feels like all I see now is how it sucked, and everyone didn’t enjoy it.

Were expectations to high? Do writers need to change? Are we not allowing it to grow before we go in guns blazing? Or is it something more than that all together?

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