

@gogo-the-king / gogo-the-king.tumblr.com

GoGo The King
18 Years Old
Anonymous asked:

Did you delete a bunch of your writing?

Nope! All of my writing should be up! Haven’t really posted in a while and some tags don’t encompass every post they’re on so that may be why you could be missing some.


The Girl Who Wrote Me Letters VI.

[post-canon/canonverse] | series masterlist

— Annie x Mute! Fem! Reader.

summary: The ungrounded mystery grows restless and tensions grow higher with every passing moment.

Author’s note: After 9 different drafts, I have this one lmao. Thank you for everyone sticking close to the story and those who have been anticipating chapter 6. Here it is! and I hope you enjoy. 🍧💕



 Thank you everyone for the previous support it means a lot!! I’ll try to update the next chapter by Saturday

. The day never seemed to end. It seems as the second you got a stain out of the wall, another one appeared. The cold water and harsh chemicals almost completely burned the senses of your delicate hands. The fact you were wearing the same thing you wore the day you were abducted from your warm lab, a simple dress shirt you could only assume used to be white, and a simple pair of trousers. You weren’t so well equipped for this work nor did your non-human captors seem to understand that. Most of them didn’t seem to be wearing clothes for the sake of keeping warm- mostly for their appearances you could’ve assumed. You finally stopped scrubbing as your nose suddenly felt itchy as you sneezed. You attempted to rub the feeling away with the sleeves of your dress shirt only to be interrupted by the door opening once again. You turned your face to look at the two Omnics who were starting to approach you. One of them immediately approached you whilst the other one looked around to monitor what you’ve done so far. You managed to organize the tables and chairs, scrubbed most of the stains out of the tiles and got rid of the cobwebs. They seemed to notice, but what concerned you was the lack of personal space between you and the omnic that knelt down to meet your eye level. It turned to his omnic friend gesturing him to approach the two of you. It pointed directly to your nose. “Do humans usually turn this red?” He asked. The two seemed to study your features - then you finally realized what was going on. You lacked energy, your nose was stuffy and your limbs felt cold. You caught a cold. You weren’t sure where the base was located- but it seemed like the cold metal walls only surrounded by other metal and no heating didn’t seem to provide a lot of warmth for your organic body. Come to think of it– you hadn’t noticed any form of heating since the day you were captured. No sign of radiators nor, air conditioning. It seemed as if an omnic designed and built this place specifically for them. Another dry cough managed to escape your throat as the omnics flinched and took a step back to avoid having any sort of human contact on their cold metal bodies. They seemed to whisper something to each other, you couldn’t focus as you were using the remains of your dress shirt sleeves to wipe your face. As your focus was brought back on the two Omnics all you could hear was them indecisively bickering. And then the realization hit you. What if they’re going to kill you? Or throw you out into the cold? A million thoughts went through your head but it was all halted as one of the Omnics grabbed you by the wrist and started dragging you out of the room. You couldn’t pay attention to the path they were leading you down as the omnic grabbed your wrist so tightly you could’ve sworn it would’ve come off any minute. All of a sudden, you were in a brightly lit room, with nothing but a operating table and a few medicine cabinets which were repurposed into holding many spare omnic parts. “Hey, hey! You know what to do with an overheating human?” One of the two called out. All of a sudden, a head peaked out of one of the attached storage rooms. The omnic was wiping it’s hands down from the remaining oil as it approached you. Your eyes lit up as you recognized it’s features. It was the mute omnic who gave you the candy the previous day. The omnic pulled out what seemed to be some sort of tiny thermometer. It touched your forehead for only a second and it nodded, gesturing to the table. One of the Omnics constrained your arms whilst the other grabbed your legs, lifting you up to the table and restraining you as if you were a psychiatric patient. “Uh.. I guess we’ll leave you to it. Wouldn’t want to catch a virus from that thing. Let us know when you’re done.” The omnics turned and left immediately after saying that. Sheesh. You knew they were racist to humans for obvious reasons, but the treatment they gave you as if you were some sort of filthy animal made you feel slightly more hurt than the previous times. You turned to face the remaining omnic in the room, it was shuffling through the drawers and you got to examine it’s features more clearly. The omnic was built like most- non gender specific design of it’s body shape, the usual closed mouth, the three bright blue sensors on its forehead. But this omnic dressed slightly different- it wore clothes a human doctor would wear. Some sort of blue sweater, black trousers and a white lab coat stained with what seemed like oil on various parts. You pondered that information for awhile. Was this omnic some sort of researcher? Chemist? Former mechanic turned human doctor? The possibilities were countless- you were just praying this omnic was nothing like that.. one doctor back on base. Torturing humans for their own sadistic pleasure, scrapping omnics just for the fun of it. The only thing you could do was pray and hope, beg for your life right now. The omnic pulled out what seemed to be like a regular container of pills. You couldn’t quite make out what it said from the piercing lights of the illuminating lightbulb above you. You suddenly felt a tug at your arms- as your restraints were moved you quickly held them together to ease the tension in your wrists. The omnic studied your every move. In the meantime it brought you a glass of water, and he gave you the entire container of medicine. You look at it, confused. It seemed neither of you were getting your point across as the omnic started gesturing and signing in an attempt to communicate with you. And that’s when it struck you once again. The omnic was mute. You were so dissapointed in yourself for not taking classes back when overwatch offered you. You gave the omnic a sympathetic look. That’s all you could do. There was barely any room for communication at this point in time. The omnic gestured dissapointment as it grabbed a pen and paper from off the desk. ‘drink please’ I mean, you thought that was obvious but the thought it could be some sort of lethal poison to put you out of your misery sent chills down your spine as you shook your head to the omnic. It looked defeated. 'please trust me. I want to help you.’ You let out a sigh of relief. At least that was out of the way. You took a sip of the lukewarm water and taking one of the pills that the omnic gave you. It appears you made it quite happy with your actions - it jumped once in place with the clap of it’s hands and took the glass and container away from you. The omnic looked at you for quite some time, in attempts to figure out what to do next. It went back to the paper once more. 'im not a human doctor. I am sorry.’  it seemed quite upset handing you the note. “It’s okay… Thank you.. for earlier y'know. It means a lot. ” You weakly smiled at the omnic. It tilted it’s head in approval. As the omnic turned away from you and started digging through the boxes in it’s makeshift lab- you decided to take this opportunity to think about your current situation. This omnic most likely considers you a friend, it could be your ticket to escape. But.. what if the poor thing got into trouble because of you? It seemed kind and helpful. Truly the only one showing you any form of compassion right now. You wouldn’t want to ruin a good soul and use it for your own benefit… You might want to think of some other ways of escaping. The omnic arose from the corner of the room as another sneeze managed to escape you. The omnic gestured something but you could only lower your head in emberasment. Suddenly, you felt something warm wrap around your upper body. You looked up to see that the omnic had gotten you a thin, worn out blanket. But wow were you grateful. The past few weeks have been absolutley freezing, and it seemed like everyday has gotten colder and colder. “Do you have a name?” You asked the omnic. It rushed to get another paper. The second it got back and was about to hand it to you- the door loudly pushed open. The omnic scattered to get it’s composure, crumpling the paper and stuffing it in it’s pockets not to get caught trying to communicate with you. And there he was. Ramattra was accompanied by two guards walking in directly behind him.

 “What is it doing here?” He spoke

. It’s been weeks since last time you were so frightened. None of the omnics have made your blood run cold as much as he can. The shorter omnic scattered to appear in front of him, and started frantically signing to it’s higher up.

 "It’s malfunctioning?“ 

Ramattra asked. He listened to every word the omnic had to sign- nodding and made sure to acknowledge everything it signed. 

"I see.” Ramattra nodded.

 He placed a hand on the shorter omnic, 

“Thank you my friend. I’ll do something about it.”

 He encouraged it. The smaller omnic seemed relieved, looking over at you and nodding- it seems the omnic saved your life. Ramattra was about to turn and leave, but not before instructing something to it’s fellow comrades. He left, while the three remained in the lab with you. The friendly omnic patted you on the shoulders and gave you a thumbs up- at least you understood that. It appears you’ll be safe for now.

ty again for reading this far!! <3



Thank you all so much for the positive feedback on the last one!! I'm so grateful and please don't be shy, feel free to dm/request anything I'm glad to comply<3

The sudden bright lights blinded you for a moment- you didn't even know what time of day it was, but it felt unusual since the omnics that came to feed you everyday usually arrived in pairs, but there it was- a single, averaged sized omnic whose features you couldn't quite make out from the angle of the light hitting it's back. It approached you closer, closing the door behind it this time.

You attempted to cover your body as a reflex from the previous beatings of other omnics - but nothing. You weren't hit, you weren't splashed with cold water and the omnic didn't even seem to speak. It crouched down to meet your eye level. It tilted it's head to scan your features. It looked like most omnics, with silver platings and gold accents. It extended it's hand as a friendly gesture. You were... Confused to say the least. Was the omnic mute? Or did it sneak in to see you? Your confusion washed away as the omnic pulled out of its pocket something that looked like.. a chocolate bar? Goodness. It's been way too long since you've tasted actual human food. It felt like your entire world lit up in a second- as you were about to speak the omnic gestured it's hand to it's mouth for you to stay silent. You looked at the chocolate bar, and back at it. And all it did was nod in return. It quietly opened the candy and handed it to you, you were beyond excited. It's been so, so long since you've been shown any acts of kindness. The only similar thing was if your food was handed and not thrown at you.

You almost felt tears running down your face as a sudden thud was heard from outside of the room. The omnic quickly gathered it belongings and ushered you to stay quiet. You smiled back at the omnic, you didn't even have time to thank it as it was stopped at the door by a group of purple tinted omnics. You couldn't see nor hear much, but it appears the omnic got away with it's crime as the group of four entered your dimly lit room. You quickly swallowed what was left of it and tried to scan their faces for any emotion- but to no avail. It was probably the only thing that unnerved you about omnics. The fact they could be doing the most heinous, or even the most sweet things yet their faces would be stern cold. Of course there were a few acceptions, like the few omnics you saw back at base who has fully articulated facial movements and some even having a screen for a face.

But these kind were.. frightening to say the least. They weren't as scary as Ramattra of course - he was something like you've never seen before. It's rare they build omnics in that size. They all have a general purpose, or well their original purpose to say the least. But now that omnics who used to be waiters and bus drivers now own firearms at all times and are taught to fight the same way omnics that were originally programmed to.

Two of the omnics went somewhere behind you as the two in front were pulling out some devices from their bags. Oh no. You closed your eyes and prepared for the worst. What in the world could they be doing now? Tasers? Knives? What else could they want from you unless it's some sort of sadistic pleasure? You were embraced for the worst. But instead of shocks or cuts to your body, all you felt were the wires that were around your hands fell off and loosened. Only to be replaced what seemed like bracelets of some sort. Your legs were untied as a metallic collar was gently placed around your neck, snapping together at the back. A sigh finally escaped your lips- you hadn't realized you've been holding your breath the entire process.

"Stand up." You heard one of the voices call. You opened your eyes to see all four of them surrounding you. Your hands finally fell to your sides. You felt your muscles finally loosen after so many days of being held up by faulty wires. You placed them firmly behind your back as you attempted to get on your legs. The first step felt like absolute freedom. It felt like there was no circulation whatsoever and the sudden movement caused you to fall back to the ground, only catching yourself with your barely stable arms. Someone's first instinct would be to help you up, or even at least help prevent your fall. But that wasn't in this case. The omnic stared directly into your weakened body. A kick to the side was enough to get you to flinch and get up. "We don't have all day." The one that kicked you spoke. Your legs were still shaky, your thoughts still hazy but you still managed to hold up after so long. "Our leader decided to make use of you. You'll be cleanings up the remains on this base." You looked up at him, he seemed stern and wasn't willing to negotiate or elaborate on his decision. "....me?" You managed to blurt out. Ouch did it hurt. You hadn't realized you haven't spoken a word since after your first week of crying, your throat was dry and still had remains of the sweet candy the omnic managed to sneak in for you.

"Your kind is filthy enough to keep around. Might as well to make use of you." It continued on his previous sentence. It turned and started walking to the exit- you weren't sure wether to follow him or not as you felt a sharp pain in your back. The omnic behind you peered the barrel of a gun to your waist and started pushing you in front of it. After weeks of not walking you struggled to keep up with the omnics steady and consistent footsteps. One was behind you with it's gun, whilst the other two were at your sides making sure you don't run off. You eternally thought if you were even worth the extra measures so you don't run off.

It's strange they haven't noticed the lack of nutritions and your previous work history, you weren't quite too prepared to escape a highly secured terrorist base. The hallway around your room was metallic- fitting to today's modern age. It looked like most of the bases you've been to before. All just different shades of metal in attempt of looking suitable for it's inhabitants. You took your time looking around, trying to remember the hallways patterns in case you ever thought of an escape plan. It was all dull, but compared to the storage room they locked you in - you learned to appreciate everything you can see at the moment. The omnic in front of you halted. It took you a split second from stopping yourself into running into it's metallic back, you were sure it would've pissed him off even more. It typed in a passcode as you were led into a large canteen area. Half of it looked like a cafeteria whilst the other half looked like a normal common room. There were a few tables as chairs were scattered around, vending machines vandalized to oblivion, magazines and paper bags were all scattered over the dirt covered floor. It looked if the place was vandalized by.. you lost your train of thought as a bucket and mop were thrown on the floor. You looked to the omnic that threw it and it showed no emotion to you. "Well? Get to work." He demanded. "..what happened here?" You asked as you picked up the mop that was thrown onto the floor. "It appears your kind has a habit of being filthy and also dumb. Who are you to ask questions?" It lowered his gaze down to you. You could do nothing but look away. The four omnics turned to leave but not untill one turned to look back. "Oh. And don't even try to escape. The second you leave the premise the collar will simply well..." He chuckled.

"Try and find out."

The four of them laughed as they exited the area, making sure to double lock the metal doors.

Thank you again for reading this far I appreciate you all so much! Feel free to leave any suggestions/requests I'd be happy to anwser 😊



(first time writing on Tumblr. Be gentle please 🙏)

| Reader's gender is non specific, reader is abducted by Null Sector and manages to catch the eye of one specific omnic |

What felt like years went by as you were restrained with your hands behind your back held down by some sort of wire. It appears some omnics lacked the understanding of the human anatomy, as your eyes were blindfolded shut way too tightly as you felt like as if your face could bleed out any minute. The cold surface beneath you started to sting your muscles as you could hear nothing but the occasional clunk of metal or robotic humming. It was agony. You heard as many robotic footsteps passed by your door each minute, but none to check in on you. Your neck was strained from letting your head hang low in dissapointment in how you got yourself in this situation. Being a new recruit for Overwatch seemed like a miracle to you- you were just a lowly assistant working under Dr.Siebren de Kuiper. You barely left the lab, helping the fellow members of the astrophysics department. You never would've thought that you would be gagged and tied in the clutches of the most notorious omnic terrorist organization. Why you though? You were nothing but a lowly assistant, after the raid on the base you thought you were safe as they didn't capture anyone of importance - instead they took you. Were you mistaken for someone else? You had no clue. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of metal gears moving as you assumed the door to your room was opened. Multiple pairs of robotic footsteps approached you, few lowly ones but the one that were directly in front of you felt like thunder approaching you. After sitting in the same position for hours , you could barely gather the strength to raise your head in a weak attempt to acknowledge the new presence in the room.

"Which one is this supposed to be?" It felt like the entire room shook from the sound of such a powerful, robotic voice. You heard every single turn of their robotic body parts, you could only assume the tension was thick in the room- and that this was some sort of omnic in high command. You could hear what sounded like a shrug from two different parts of the room. "What do you mean you don't know?!" Your felt your entire body tense up at the sudden raise in the smooth robotic voice. All of a sudden you felt a pull at the blindfold covering your eyes, the sharp claws of the omnic managed to rip the fabric, not even attempting to be gentle with it. The room was dark, with only the light from outside of the room managing to escape from the door. As your eyes adjusted to your surroundings, you raised your view to be met with something that would make your blood run cold. It was him. The one you were taught to fear and despise your entire adult life. Ramattra. The leader of the terrorist group that slaughtered countless of humans, the one that destroyed your base. Your eyes went wide as you froze. You didn't dare to breathe. He was tall. Freakishly tall. Purple and silver plates covering his entire body, hints of black pierced his outer omnic body. You only dared to raise your view to look him in the face. The silver plate covering his face, the terrifying voice and appearance were nothing compared to those deep red eyes of his. You felt your heart skip a beat in pure terror. "I told you to bring someone of importance! What am I to do with.. this?!" He pointed at your figure tied up to some sort of pole behind you. "Bringing any sort of filth into here is despicable enough, and to think some low scum lab assistant is good enough to get them to surrender?" If you weren't in the hands of an actual monster you would've taken a minute to admire the sudden composure in his British accent. But as he turned to face one of the two Omnics accompanying him, you just realized how much of a scary situation you were in. You were in the grasps of the most human hating organization on the planet. They wouldn't waste a breath on someone like you. They'd kill you on the spot If they had no use of you, which appears to be in this case. A million thoughts rushed through your mind, there was no way you would escape here to live another day. The wires around your hands and legs started to affect your circulation in your hands and feet, it stung like hell and there was nothing you could do about it. "What are we to do with it?" One of the Omnics spoke. Ramattra released what sounded like a sigh. "It will do for now. Feed it every once in awhile. We'll find it a use." The large omnic tilted his head to look at you, "get any information you can out of it, anything could be useful." The omnic turned and left, giving you one last glance before exiting the room completely.

Days and weeks passed. You were left there untouched, a few Omnics stopped by just to point and laugh at your miserable state. You barely had the energy to fight back in those moments. You were left tied, only being fed some strange mixture of chemicals they called food. Your stomach felt constantly sick, their lukewarm water they forced you to drink, the cold food served in a way you'd serve a dog. The degrading comments, the kicks to the skull were more than enough to drive anyone mad. Your cries for help fell on deaf ears, as if nobody in overwatch noticed that you were missing. The blindfold hadn't been placed back on since the omnic tore it off you. The voices behind the doors grew louder each day, it seems there were more raids and conflicts going on causing the entirety of the organization to go into a constant state of panic. It seemed like all hope was lost. Everyone had forgotten about you. Untill one night the door to your room opened.

(Sorry if it's bad so far but had this idea since Ramattra was announced, wanted to write on Tumblr for awhile and this is what it came to. Feel free to criticize/post suggestions I'd highly appreciate it :>)

" Serving: Side Order "

Sometimes, it is up to the imagination to dictate what is reality; if you believe in a dream hard enough, wishing upon the stars to bring you said wish, the universe will always find a way to make that happen. Yet, the collective mass of one wish can outway the other wish, causing the other to be lost into time. “ CHAOS REIGNS! ” was chanted across Inkopolis Square as the results of the final splatfest- Chaos vs. Order- was announced for every Inkling and Octoling to hear. A collective mass cheered, a wish having been granted to those who had won… and a wish having been forgotten to those who had lost; Two wishes that had burned as brightly as the stars, one fell to Earth, and the other slowly died out… sitting in wait and longingly. A star that soon sparked away with a wish; a wish for order. A wish that was not the same at the start. A wish that was collected and cultivated, burning brighter than its sister star of chaos, causing events that could not be reversed… events which caused the destruction of reality, fiction, and time.


Serving Side order is a fanfiction created by Tee (xoxowritingclub), influenced by Nintendo’s upcoming DLC for Splatoon 3: Side Order. A lot of things for this fanfiction are speculations for the story of Side Order, combining many theories (like ChaoticArcade’s on youtube) with my own. All characters and original story line of Splatoon, minus Agent 7 (the reader), are owned by Nintendo. Aspects of the storyline of Side Order are credited to their original owners.


Chapter 1 more coming soon...

© ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ ˣᵒˣᵒʷʳⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍᶜˡᵘᵇ ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵖˡᵃᵍᵃʳⁱᶻᵉ , ʳᵉᵖᵒˢᵗ , ᵒʳ ᵘˢᵉ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵒʷⁿ . ˡⁱᵏᵉˢ, ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ, ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵃᵛᵉˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ~

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