Alix Anonymous


Fangirl, FanFic Writer, L a v a M o n s t e r. Co-Captain Of The Kitty Cat Protection Squad, Worshipper of the Cat Earth Society, Duck Goddess I guess… 🤷‍♀️
Header Image By: @cosmos-kitty !!!

Happy birthday to my best friend in the world!

Happy birthday to my favorite human!

Happy birthday to the person that ive seen work so hard to get to where they are now

Happy birthday to the person who willingly shares their accomplishments with me first, even if im half a world away and and a 6 hour time difference

Happy birthday to the one that showed me emotional connections are so weird and rare and fantastic

Happy birthday to my Lava Monster of three years

Happy birthday to all the stars in the sky, my Starshine to my moonlight

Happy birthday to the one the universe sent to me

Happy Birthday @alixanonymous!

Teehee I did this yesterday!! I hope y’all are enjoying my posts on them, they’re so fun to draw and so hecking soft??
I can’t get over them AT ALL ;v;

Anyone have any random recommendations? And by random, I mean anything is on the table. I’m sick and bored and suffering from insomnia sooo…


Hey so, just updated H.A.D.C.A.A. On AO3. <3

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