

@busyfangirling12 / busyfangirling12.tumblr.com

Rye (she/her)
full-time unhinged witch, part-time writer

joel in sos was so goofy. Like man has one coping mechanism and if he cannot build his stupid little houses then he cannot be a pacifist. Example:

Joel tried to get crown. Someone wants him to dump TNT Minecraft on the five or six people below them. Joel does not and goes to build his cottagecore base.

Joel is pillager and because of his tasks and the bridge he cannot build his houses. Immediately makes a plan to blow up the entire server while on death row and does it while someone screams a pop culture reference from ten years ago.

Also my like guy can only kill a bunch of people when someone is screaming a pop culture reference. (Grian's 'OBLITERATE' Lizzie's 'pull the lever kronk')


I can't stand it when a show, movie, etc, goes without new content for a while, and the fics start becoming less and less frequent. What do you mean the latest post is from a month ago? Hello?! I'm losing my mind here! I need to read my silly stories where I'm happily married, dating, or best friends with my favorite characters before bed!!! don’t deprive me of my happiness aaaaaaaa!!


I'm starting to get smile lines.

How lovely to have smiled so often that happiness permanently etches itself into your face

How metal to have lived a life where your face now pre-warns people not to fuck with you

How resilient to have cared so strongly that empathy is now visibly displayed on your face


Don't you sometimes get an absolutely extrodinary, mind blowing, such an awesome idea for a story, but you just don't have enough skill level to pull it off?

Write it anyway.

Write it anyway, write it anyway, write it anyway.

There are so, so, so many reasons:

  • You gain that skill level only through practice. So practice.
  • No matter what you’re writing, no matter how badly you think you’ve written it, there is ALWAYS some audience that will love it and cherish it.
  • You can use what you write the first time around as a first draft and just rewrite it again later when you feel like tackling the story again!
  • Rewriting the same story over and over is a valid writing process. It’s literally just creating new drafts. Each iteration will be better than the last, because each is building on your growing skill and experience.
  • If you love the story, it will always be worth telling simply for your own enjoyment. If no one else ever sees it, that’s okay! Your art should be for you first, anyway.

Write it anyway.

“One of the things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water. Similarly, the impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.”

― Annie Dillard, The Writing Life


Among professional writers there's a category called trunk stories. A trunk story is one that you feel inspired to write but you know isn't ready for prime time. Before the computer age, when it was all hardcopy, the writer put trunk stories away, in a drawer or box early in their career, then in an actual trunk or a filing cabinet as the number of trunk stories grew. When writers find themselves stuck for ideas, they often read some of the trunk stories, hoping to be inspired to rewrite one into something they'd actually be willing to let their fandom see. Some stories stay in the trunk for decades before finally seeing the light of day. Some are still there when the writer dies. The Silmarilion was basically pieced together from trunk stories after JRRT's death. If you have an inspiring idea but don't think you can do it justice now, write as much as you have and put it in the trunk.


you really do learn so much by doing an amateur job of a compelling idea. it's better than writing something you don't care about, or sitting around with no ideas at all


Can we take a second just to admire cc!Joel Smallishbeans. Like my guy is currently on two smp's, he keeps up with Hermitcraft, he is somewhat present on SOS. Also his base is incredibly detailed, its large, and he has gotten really good at armor stands out of nowhere. He updates an average of once a week, he took a vacation to Japan and still managed to keep up with Hermitcraft.

He can follow the bit and has an uncanny ability to stop himself from being the butt of the joke. Like for example the neck kisses thing was at first a kind of 'ha ha that's really weird Joel' then he leaned into it so hard that now Etho is the one obsessed with Joel's neck kisses and both of them are obsessed with each other and its not just Joel.

And the whole ieseki harem bit too?? Like he has half of the server around his finger cause of a bit.

Also he is actually kind of good at tricking people? Like bro convinced three (I think) people that Etho built the statues not him.

Hes funny as hell and also he is like really bold? Like my guy posted himself singing a Minecraft parody to 'Money Money Money' he makes Hollywood level intros in Minecraft. His intros are the best by the way always have been. They're more elaborate now and they are really funny but there was a charm to when his intros were him standing in front of a horse hilling machine with no acknowledgment of it.

Joel appreciation post completed


Collecting hermit names from the YouTube autogenerated subtitles:

Xisuma: Azula

Iskall: is Cal, is Kal, iscal

Grian: Green, gradient, Korean

Keralis: Kirara, Corrales, Kus

Mumbo: mob oh, my Bo

Bdubs: be Tubbs, beat ups, bebs, DS, speb,

Doc: docum 77

Ren: rain dog

Gem: Jim, jam

Impulse: imp pulse

Skizzleman: Skittle man, schizophrenia

Etho: Ether

Tango: mango


habe you ever created a character specifically to go through the horrors and then realized that you don't want him to go through the horrors anymore

i changed my mind i want him safe at home before 6 sober and content ready for dinner


tbh i think the funniest phenomena that's been happening in the last couple years is "youtuber, having gone too deep into the research hole, has been made an investigative journalist against their will"

Shout out to the guy who wanted to do some fun & silly little reviews but uncovered an illegal gambling operation

(Review 2)


this guy started out poking fun at australian politicians and ended up investigating the firebombing of his own home, during which he uncovered connections between the same politician he was making fun of + major organized crime

"So I did what any normal person would do, okay? I bought a hat and some makeup and disguised myself so that I could go undercover and do some digging on what I thought could be an illegal gambling operation that was fronting as a kebab restaurant."


Any modern reboot of Scooby Doo should make Shaggy a restaurant review youtuber


Mental illness representation on Hermitcraft

  1. Joel - mania
  2. Keralis - left handed
  3. Etho - his setup
  4. Mumbo Jumbo - has physicaly tied himself to his desk with safety wires in order to unlearn thumb-shifting. Seriously what's up with that
  5. Grian - government worker

one thing about Joel Smallishbeans is that he's always giggling. I think most people overlook this in the fandom because most of the time his delivery is just so deadpan and sarcastic, but its when he's doing a bit with another person you can always hear him loudly giggling in between sentences trying not to break character. He is ESPECIALLY prone to doing this with Etho. Its so damn cute it makes me insane and I think more people deserve to notice this!!


Etho immediately choosing Decked Out 2 (+Tango's reaction) xBCrafted's Season 10 Episode 17 Hermit Q&A

xB: So, question number three. What has been your favourite project, build, and/or event since joining HermitCraft? Etho: That I did? Or that other people did? xB: Uh, just, whatever. Whatever you...y'know, your favourite. Just, whatever. Etho: Oh, that's gotta be Decked Out 2, then. xB: Okay. (laughs) Etho: (laughs) Easy answer! xB: I mean, you only played it a little, though... Etho: Ahh, it was a few months. A few months of my life, there. Got a little bit involved. xB: (laughs) A couple minutes, here and there, you know. Etho: Yeah. xB: I know how you are. No. (laughs) ---- xB: I feel like your answer is gonna be the same as Etho's. Tango: Oh, did he say Decked Out? xB: Yes he did. (laughs) Tango: Ohhhh, my hero! Yeah, Decked Out is definitely my answer. Slam dunk. xB: I was like, 'Yeah, what do you mean? You only played, like, a little bit...' (both laugh) Tango: Well, that -- Honestly, the fact that he said that, means -- means everything to me. That's great, that he values it that high. That's great. That's great. xB: Oh, yeah, yeah. He was like, he was like, 'That's easy. Decked Out 2.' I was like, 'Okay!' (laughs) Tango: (laughs) Fantastic. Good! Good!

To be honest, I think the worst part about writing a novel (for me) is that I absolutely have to half-ass it if I want to make any progress at all.

Because the way my process works, there is no point in spending hours editing a scene if, by the time I get to the end of the draft, I realize it is not actually needed for the plot. And I can spend weeks just making the first line pop but how much can I really say with it if I do not know the themes of my own story yet, or know what I need to foreshadow?

Why put it all that work at the beginning and scrap most of it when it would be more efficient to word-vomit something atrocious now and slowly chip away at it like a sculptor revealing a veinous hand in the marble, putting in the effort once I know where effort is actually needed?

At the same time, as a chronic perfectionist, half-assing something is terrifying because I start to fear it might actually be my best work, or that I am "losing it" and out of practice.

Eventually that half-assing will turn into a full-ass, because with each draft I will add back a little more of what I let go of last draft; but GOD is it hard to read something of yours that is riddled with mistakes you can see from a mile away, and that you know how to fix... and just move on without touching them.

You really do just have to trust that your future self has the same standards as you and will put in the effort you are putting off when the time is right; and if the problem is beyond her skill to fix she will research the shit out of it, ask for help, and try until it works. She won't settle for anything less than perfect (or at least, I cannot think of anything that would make this better so it might as well be done), but she can't get there until you do.

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