

@pensa-colas / pensa-colas.tumblr.com

happily married | @ruleroftheninerealms

Big Emergency!! Please help!!

My family truck has been repossessed and we have 3 days to get to get 500$ together to get it back! It’s our only vehicle rn now and both my parents have jobs they need to get too. This is a emergency for us and we need any help we can get, even a dollar will help! If you can’t donate, please spread this around! My family’s lives actually depend on it! 


you should never date someone for the sake of dating someone. you should be good friends, if not best friends with your partner. if you cant go to your partner for personal advice, if youre afraid to call your partner out on something, if you cant laugh and have fun with your partner, or if your conversations are only ever performative affection, you don’t have a good relationship



Goal: Raise 20-30$ for food for this week of finals in college

Commission Theme: Salon de Lingerie


It will be a lingerie themed commission for any interested, there are variety of outfits for any. The price is 10$ for a full body colored sketch.

Payment via paypal

Any questions just send a IM/Whisper/Ask 

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This will only be done for this stream, so for the meantime i’ma just be sketching as usual.


if you’re offline or away and i message you something (like a link to a meme or a picture or w/e) honestly just assume that i’m just leaving it there for when you get back and not expecting you to answer straight away. i don’t need you to respond with “hey, sorry, i wasn’t at the computer!” or anything. i was leaving u a gift for later.


Here’s a cool trick to see if a man actually respects you: try disagreeing with him

You wanna know what’s cool about cutting men’s hair? Not many of them are brave enough to disrespect me.


I remember first learning that you can cry from any emotion, that emotions are chemical levels in your brain and your body is constantly trying to maintain equilibrium. so if one emotion sky rockets, that chemical becomes flagged and signals the tear duct to open as an exit to release that emotion packaged neatly within a tear. Everything made sense after learning that. That sudden stability of your emotions after crying. How crying is often accompanied by the inability to feel any other emotion in that precise moment. And it is especially beautiful knowing that it is even possible to experience so much beauty or love or happiness that your body literally can’t hold on to all of it. So what I’ve learned is that crying signifies that you are feeling as much as humanely possible and that is living to the fullest extent. So keep feeling and cry often and as much as needed



Also let yourself cry. It really is a biochemical release valve to dump out all the chemicals that make you feel stuff.

I honestly think one reason men in western culture have so many problems is that we don’t let them cry, and literally their brains get stuffed with all this crap that doesn’t have a release valve. Men, please cry. You’ll feel better. It’s ok. You are not lesser for taking care of your health.

This is why tears from different emotions look different under an electron microscope. They’re literally made up of different things. 

Happy tears are structurally different than sad tears than angry tears than overwhelmed tears etc.

I looked it up, cuz that tidbit was dope to me and..

Never would have known


voice ask meme!

i really wanted to make one ok

send me a number and i’ll make an audio post with the prompt!

  1. I’ll say my own URL, and where it came from
  2. I’ll talk about my favorite foods
  3. I’ll talk about my favorite outfit
  4. I’ll talk about my siblings
  5. I’ll talk about what I did today
  6. I’ll talk about something I’m obsessed with/currently interested in
  7. I’ll sing verses from a song
  8. I’ll read a page from a book
  9. I’ll say a sentence in an accent that isn’t mine
  10. I’ll describe where I’m sitting at the moment
  11. I’ll talk about my pets/what pets I want
  12. I’ll talk about my sexuality
  13. I’ll talk about my favorite character
  14. I’ll talk about something embarrassing that happened to me
  15. I’ll talk about a dream I had
  16. I’ll tell a story
  17. I’ll talk about something I miss
  18. I’ll talk about something I’ve never done
  19. I’ll talk about something I’m proud of
  20. I’ll talk about the music I’m listening to at the moment
  21. I’ll talk about something that bothers me
  22. I’ll talk about something that makes me happy
  23. I’ll talk in a voice I don’t usually use
  24. I’ll talk about something! (my choice)
  25. I’ll talk about something! (your choice)

 ask away! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Council of gays. Assemble

Good afternoon, and thank you all for being here. During these proceedings we will determine how to properly deal with men who wear shorts in temperature lower than 32 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0 degrees Celsius

ride by on rollerskates and spray paint their exposed legs a stunning mauve hue

motion passed council adjourned

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