
EastEnd Gangster🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️


Mostly Tom Hardy, Childish but fun writing( rarely) If ya wanna chat Im open to do so! but if you want some shitty smut ask me I'm open to anything! Trans ftm

Yeah well you didn't need to put trans men down to get your point across.

You could have just said the second part without implying we're accepted with no effort every time. Stop fucking throwing us under the bus.

Almost every single anti transmasc caricature that's meant to imply that this is a "privileged cis woman faker" features a fat person.

What the fuck is that person talking about?

I’m not sure I’ve connected any dots here but I find it real weird how transandrophobes either describe transmascs as skinny pretty boys or ugly gross fat guys depending on what’s convenient for their narrative.

Yeah, we apparently shape-shift into wither hyper privileged white boys when we're oppressors, and fat ugly theyfabs when we're stupid females.

Oh yeah, and don't forget the "ugly" they always call our features ugly. Like huh really wish I wasn't degraded in that way.

Like ugly in what way? How would you describe ugly? Is it 'anything other than the Eurocentric/white beauty standard".

Also notice how they sexualize our bodies? Always drawing the "cis woman faker " (not a fucking thing) as someone with revealing clothing, and a huge chest like embracing your femininity or sexuality as a transmasc is a bad thing to do.

What they want transmascs to be is this ↓

God forbid they look like this

(Picture of me fyi)

Or this

Or this

Or this

Or this

Remember when mullets were like, a staple in queer fashion but then transmascs jumped on the mullet train (bc get this, mullets can be excellent for androgyny and closeted trans men) and suddenly mullets were ugly and there were all these memes about "saving transmascs from mullets" or whatever? I specifically remember this happening about a year ago when tiktok especially had a lot of transmascs showing off their mullets and stuff.

I specifically remember in a groupchat i ran with some friends, there were 3 trans dudes (including myself), 3 nonbinary folks, one of whom identified as a lesbian. one of the trans dudes started talking about wanting to cut his hair into a mullet. most of us were super supportive! like hell yeah! get that mullet!! do what makes YOU feel best!! I even admitted to wanting a mullet. then the lesbian started going in hard on how ugly mullets are and how the dude shouldn't do that. anyway, long-story short the trans dude got a mullet, and the lesbian once again made their opinions loudly known about how ugly mullets are. again, their wording left no room for interpretation, it wasn't a "I don't personally like mullets for myself", it was a full "mullets are ugly/hideous" and when the dude would post selfies there was always a comment like "You're handsome but I still think mullets are ugly!"

the next month I got a mullet-like haircut. it was a bit too long to be an actual MULLET but it was close enough to qualify and I largely stopped posting selfies. but then the lesbian started sharing memes privately to me SPECIFICALLY about lesbians saving their transmasc friends from the barber and shit like that. I didn't wanna be aggressive so I kinda went "haha that's funny, but on the flipside this seems to follow a trend where anything transmascs do to feel good about themselves gets deemed ugly and/or cringe even if we're following trends that already existed in the community" and they did not take that well.

like this is ONE example I fully lived thru since starting my transition that was in an ENTIRELY QUEER space.

AND FINALLY, trans men are not ACCEPTED more than trans women, even in queer spaces not specifically geared toward gender inclusivity. transmascs are talked down to A LOT, are treated like babies, and there are a troubling amount of cis gay ppl who truly believe that transmascs are just lesbians with internalized homophobia.


To go back to the sexualization real quick, I'm surprised no one commented on the fact that "slut" is written on the bodies of one of those "cis women fakers" they really can't stop seeing transmascs as sexual objects. Or I guess as broken sexual objects that need to be punished for not being pretty enough.

I'm guessing that's referencing the transmed belief that "A true trans man would NEVER have vaginal sex because he would be TOO dysphoric!"

So it follows that any trans man who doesn't get bottom surgery and still has sex must be a faker.

I remember Kalvin going after one specific trans sex worker and calling him a faker because he had (kinky) vaginal sex.

No but Kalvin literally went after a transmasc sex worker because he said that trans men should be allowed to have breasts and that doesn’t make them any less of a man, but ofc Kalvin saw that as a “trender” thing bc god forbid a transmasc person doesn’t have top dysphoria, also I wonder how he feels about transmasc sex worker who fully pass, like Ari Koyote or Viktor Belmont, would he misgender them bc they both chose to keep their vulvas? I don’t think so

Yeah exactly. I have this one specific image etched into my brain of him doing a bondage scene, because Kalvin straight up showed a clip of one of his videos as a "reaction".

And his whole reasoning was "Why would a trans man want to use his bottom genitalia during sex?? He must be faking it."

And this is all Kalvin did. He projected onto other trans men and set his own dysphoria as tbe standard for everyone else.

Not to mention, the guy he went after was a SEX WORKER. A TRANS sex worker. Which is one of the professions trans people (especially immigrant trans women, at least here in Italy) are in out of necessity, and one of the most dangerous ones. Do we really need to make their job harder?


Tom Hardy edition: Husband, one night stand, best friend.


One Night Stand: James Delaney (imagine how freaky).

Best Friend: Tommy Conlon (I know, he's beautiful, but he'd be so loyal and sweet).



I wasn't tagged but fuck rules.

Husband: Ron Kray. Imagine the sex! I have a feeling he would be a big grump all day then either a cuddle bug or sexless murderious man at night. Hes so muscly he would be such a good pillow!

One night stand: Reg Kray. I can't help myself, He'd be so sweet and vicious and would probably contain the little things Ronnie lacked. A night full of kisses and groans. Reg is perfect.

Besties?: Jack Donalley ( I know I spelled his last name wrong lmao) YeS he killed people. yES he did bad things but, Hes just so cute we could have so much fun together and I think I could really soften him up!

ALSO, What movie is the last gif from? Is it the one where hes in a german camp and escapes?



My kiddo and i need your help now more than ever before.

2 years ago, my child was assaulted by their paternal father during his visitation time with them. I will not go into detail about what happened because it is incredibly disturbing and gruesome, but they ended up in the hospital. I tried to press charges, but the charges were dropped because they could not find the weapon that was used.

After it happened, i took the paternal father back to court and I was able to win sole legal and sole physical custody of my kiddo.

The paternal father is once again, trying to take custody of them. They do not want to see their father, they want absolutely nothing to do with him. They are 11 years old now and I feel that they are old enough to make that choice and that it should be respected.

I need help raising $$ for a lawyer and court fees so that i can fight this and protect them. I do not want them to be further traumatized by being forced to see their paternal father against their will. Please, please help me protect them. Help my kiddo stay safe.

v*nm0: sorrym0mmy

c*sh*pp: sorrym0mmy

paypal . me / kodamabutts




I see yall ignoring this LOL… I don’t care what your blog theme is; if you don’t reblog this i’m judging you. Spread this like wildfire. Reblogs > Likes. If I don’t reblog this assume I’m dead. Louder for the people in th


louder for the people in th

Lol thanks for the tag @kento-p !

@theoshelbyjones @frostyluxe @alfiesolomons-treacle @khanbika


me as im writing something: wow this is actually coming out pretty good

me after reading it over:

Lmao opisite(how do I spell😂) for me


Just a bunch of nice, normal conservative Christians who want to make sure that minors’ penises are adequately visible.

i saw the word “binding” and felt compelled to look up the entire document.

theyre also advocating for childrens breasts to visible, as well as providing transphobic misinformation on the effects of binding as well as tucking, using this language to deflect what theyre doing.

do not leave any trans child out of the conversation, they are all being targetted.

And these people accuse trans folks of being the groomers and pedos.

No bc if I HAVE to show my tits I wanna be aloud to show my shoulders


Tom Hardy as Bane 

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) dir. Christopher Nolan

Gotdamn Bane. GOTDAMN.


steroids? he is just fat. thats not hard to acheive, for god sakes

FAT? that’s fat?

What the hell is wrong with people?

@hecatemoon87 @saintshelby @kento-p @darklydeliciousdesires did you know our boy was fat?

Had some meat on him but that isn’t fat. Maybe I’m crazy.

calling him “fat” is completely fucking unnecessary. did he have to put on extra weight for the movie? yes. from what i know, it was short-notice. he didn’t have time to bulk up the way he wanted to. he wasn’t fat. he played the role to fucking perfection, and the character is …. well, fucking huge. it’s bane. calling him fat is some personal grudge type shit.💀

The fuck? He put weeks of work into his role to get the body of bane and that person with an odd ( possibly concerning ) bio to call him fat. Sorry if that was tooooo mean I’m rightfully rilled up about this.

nah idc if it comes off as mean you’re so right. this person has no right to talk about him like that.

edit: i think i went at it a bit too strong in the beginning

I agree @kento-p , Your good with the meaness as well, Also I said weeks. I meant months, so muxh time for this person to say something so unnecessary. Fat is not an insult but in the context it was used in it is, If you thought he was fat why would you take the time to reblog it and insult his character/role/person. Its plain mean.


Tom Hardy as Bane 

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) dir. Christopher Nolan

Gotdamn Bane. GOTDAMN.


steroids? he is just fat. thats not hard to acheive, for god sakes

FAT? that’s fat?

What the hell is wrong with people?

@hecatemoon87 @saintshelby @kento-p @darklydeliciousdesires did you know our boy was fat?

Had some meat on him but that isn’t fat. Maybe I’m crazy.

calling him “fat” is completely fucking unnecessary. did he have to put on extra weight for the movie? yes. from what i know, it was short-notice. he didn’t have time to bulk up the way he wanted to. he wasn’t fat. he played the role to fucking perfection, and the character is …. well, fucking huge. it’s bane. calling him fat is some personal grudge type shit.💀

The fuck? He put weeks of work into his role to get the body of bane and that person with an odd ( possibly concerning ) bio to call him fat. Sorry if that was tooooo mean I'm rightfully rilled up about this.


i want the small but significant things. the goodbye and hello kisses, knowing how they like their tea/ coffee, taking care of them when they’re sick, „i got that thing you mentioned“, falling asleep in each other’s arms and them being the first thing you see when you wake up, lazily making out, being a shoulder to cry on, cooking together and for each other, making memories together … sharing our lives until we can’t tell where one ends and the other begins

🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰☺ us always.( nevermind the ocean gap luv us always)


Reblog if you’ve made amazing friends online and are grateful for their existence

@ellsss ❤️.


awwww thanksssss!!! ilyyyy

@ellsss YOU!!!!!

I don’t know some of you guys very close but you’re cool and nice and amazing!

@khanbika @alfiesolomons-treacle @frostyluxe @alikaheroes @theoshelbyjones You guys are really great I luv ya lot alot! Thank you for mentioning me btw your cool!

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