


Mac or Penguin - minor - reader and writer - my main, writing blog is thepenguinclub - it's nice to meet you and I hope you have a good rest of your day :)

do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets

her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.

remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.

thank you, Marsha. we remember you.












Dog toy plushies have fundamentally different souls than that of regular plushies. Unlike regular plushies, which are content with just existing (and just go to regular heaven when they get destroyed and don’t mind being resurrected), dog toys seek Valhalla. This is why you don’t need to feel bad when your dog/cat/especially strong bird rips it to shreds, because this was the warriors death they were seeking all their life



As some of you may recall, last summer there was an Umbrella Academy mass rewatch in which a bunch of us watched one episode a day and made posts about it.

This post is my formal proposition that another such mass rewatch should occur. If we start on July 9th, we can watch Season 4 together when it comes out on August 8th.

The tag for the first mass rewatch was “#tuamre”, or for each episode, eg “#tuamre s1e1”. This is the tag that we will use again.

Last year, it was organised by @c0ffeeb1ack, so all credit goes to them for the idea!

Tagging for reach: @someominousecho @charcoalowl @autie-hobbit @nosolaceofastraightanswer @apocalypse-gang @nirby-wirby @thehargreevesfamily @fiveisnumber1 (no pressure to rb if you don’t want to, I am just trying to get people to participate)


my fav part of the new tua 4 trailer is that they made diego just like your average fl dad. so proud of him 10/10


unsung benefit i think a lot of ppl are sleeping on with using the public library is that i think its a great replacement for the dopamine hit some ppl get from online shopping. it kind of fills that niche of reserving something that you then get to anticipate the arrival of and enjoy when it arrives, but without like, the waste and the money.

bonus it ALSO fills that dopamine hit of in-person shopping. “oh I didn’t go in looking for this but hmm, I’m tempted… I can’t resist… oh ho ho I have made some irresponsible decisions at the library today [carrying my stack of ten random books]” and then it doesn’t even matter if you don’t like them because a) free b) you’re gonna give them back anyway

Librarian here! Please please please please PLEASE do this! We don’t have any way to know if you read them, and we don’t care! We’re happy to see those books go out because that helps our stats. And that affects how much money we can get.

So grab that silly paperback romance, and maybe this new YA fantasy, oh and check for the new movies too! And don’t forget to check Libby and hoopla for music and ebooks and e-audio.

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