


they/them, easily overwhelmed

I just want to formally acknowledge to the person driving in front of me with bumper stickers reading "I'd Rather Be Slowly Consumed By Moss," "Slime Mold Is My Co-Pilot," and "Honk If You'd Rather Be Watching The Cinematic Masterpiece 'The Mummy' Starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz" that I know you have an account here and I approve of you


i understand the appeal of publishing "fic with the serial numbers filed off" as original work but i also feel like. what makes something a good fic is at odds with what makes something a good original story.

a good fic is in conversation with a source text, it may give a character an interesting role, it may reinterpret or subvert the rules established in the canon universe, whatever. but like. its transformative by nature. whereas original stories - good ones, anyway - have their own internal, non-referrential sense of logic and rules. it can be in conversation with the genre writ large but it has to have internal substance that can stand alone. which fic inherently cant do.

I wish I was who you think I am. But look at me. I can't be her.
No, you have to be. No, Neo, that's not true. It can't be true.

The Matrix (1999) | The Matrix Resurrections (2021)


Transphobes often say gender is like a coin, either heads or tails. They're more right than they realize.

Gender is a coin. Everybody is given one at birth, and they're given it either heads or tails. You can flip it over. You can flip it back. You can keep flipping it all you want. You can balance it on its side. You can throw it away. You can get a new one. You can take it to the zoo or museum to one of thise penny press machines. You can melt it and reform it. You can keep it melted. You could even take someone else's. You can glue fun things to it. You can paint it. You can take the paint off. You can trade them for cool shit.

Transphobes often say gender is a coin. They say this not realizing how easily coins can be changed.


This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.

You are a degenerate faggot in the eyes of bigots whether you’re wearing a nice button down and slacks with combed hair or leather daddy kink gear. So stand with the freaks who will stand with you until the end—long after the bigots have abandoned you despite your claims to be “one of the good ones.”

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