

@adoratato / adoratato.tumblr.com

fae/faer|Scottish Jew|art is tagged #ally does art and personal tag is #faerietalks|icon by me

Was reading an article about airplane mode and

Love how this guy's argument against allowing cell phone usage on airplanes is that someone is going to have their mouth slapped right off for being annoying. Because he's right.


Anyone who's ever taken public transit with people who will not use earphones while watching / listening to stuff on their phones (god please use earphones what the hell is wrong with you) knows where this dude's coming from.


[image: two paragraphs from the linked article, transcribed below:]

But the rule banning cell use on planes persisted. In 2013, the FCC got a new chairman, Tom Wheeler, who wanted to shake things up by enabling phone calls and data usage on flights. It started a huge controversy, but not for technological concerns.
"Allowing cellphones on planes sounds like the premise of a new reality show: 'Cage Fighting at Thirty Thousand Feet'," said Oregon Representative Greg Walden to the Washington Post at the time.
Anonymous asked:

You realize that there was no exodus right? I say this as a Jew, there’s just no historical or archaeological evidence for it whatsoever, and my family interprets its role in Pesach as metaphorical. If you want I can link you some sources that go into the history that’s probably behind it, but the short version is that the Levites specifically were probably a small group of emigrants from Egypt during the Bronze Age collapse who fled to Judah, and their stories about that were incorporated into local religious practice over time

can you fuck off, a lmao, from a human being with jewish studies credentials. (judah? bitch do you mean JUDEA? lmao. we are not "emigrants from egypt." get the fuck out of here. jews are not egyptians. claiming this is antisemitic and historically, as well as scientifically and archaeologically inaccurate)

you can say jews were egyptians but cant acknowledge palestinian history, where most were actual immigrants from egypt who moved to the mandate to work.

and b. hebrews were enslaved in egypt and in rome. there is archaeological evidence proving this.

ever heard of the merneptah stele? "Israel is laid waste—its seed is no more." hmmmmm wonder what THAT means.

this is an institute run by secular archaeologists in israel. they discuss the evidence of the exodus.

also lmao tell this to my history professor mother, who discusses the cataclysmic events and evidence of all (including in surrounding cultures and egypt itself) that influenced the plague stories. every culture has mythological versions of real events.

hebrews worked in MINES in egypt and there is archaeological proof of this. there is archaeological proof of us building the Colosseum in roman slavery as well.

i really need you to fuck off.

another interesting article on this:

also would you go to muslims and tell them their holidays are based on bullshit with no archaeological evidence? no? then don't fucking message other jews like this.

and your knowledge of jewish history from this message alone is lacking, so i'm not surprised.

merneptah stele:

go fuck yourself with your "as a jew" bullshit.


in addition, asshole, the exodus is not the only evidence jews have of an existence in israel and judea.

your "gotcha" shit means nothing since we have proof of thousands of years there, including dynasties of kings. wtf is your problem.


Look the Bible (Tanach) contains head counts of fighting age men of various tribes by family. Who would make up details like that?


what people don't realize is that if christianity and islam had not appropriated our texts and stolen them (because we would not convert to their religions)...the tanakh would only be known to us. it is about us, it is focused on us, it is OURS.

it would be like any other indigenous group's oral traditions of origin. the tanakh's laws are based on the logic that comes from being a desert dwelling people. the tanakh has stories that, if you don't believe them to be from hashem, are mythologized versions of real life events. it is a record of the lifecycle and history of our people with poems and songs, etc. it is how we explained the world around us and came to understand phenomena.

we listed out our tribes, the members of the tribes, we wrote down stories of our leaders. we can prove through other primary sources, as well as archaeology, that david, solomon, saul, etc were real.

all groups have this type of oral and/or written history. ours was just stolen by oppressors and bastardized. due to the desire to dominate us, honestly.

most pagan groups and other indigenous faiths folded into those two big religions somehow, due to oppression and violence. we are one of the few indigenous religions that didn't, and that is why we were targeted. (that is why we continue to BE targeted, like with this bs that we were egyptians). and as a result, that is why people feel entitled to correct our texts or prove them false.

i'm so tired lmao

Adding that our leaders are very real people. They make mistakes, are punished and repent. It’s clearly not a fairytale

One of the things I love about the tanach is that the people in it are anywhere between abusers to true tzadikim that were still fucked up in some way or form.

If you really wanna go all extreme -

Elijah himself was a true antisocial. Moshe needs a therapist desperately and Abraham is a fanatic at times. The avraham family needed a family therapist before Avraham was born. Hashem truly did not help matters XDXD

Yeah, since the very beginning, the people in the tanach were anything but perfect. So dysfunctional and yet truly human

exactly, all of this.

one of the reasons our books are unique.

i do need to say that pointing out that there are mythologized elements in the tanakh (from both a secular and anthropological level. i'm a religious jew and someone with anthropology and jewish studies credentials) is not saying anything is a fairy tale. fairy tales are european in origin. fairy tales developed with certain messages and much of the time, they were antisemitic. i know you were using the term casually btw, but i wanted to point this out.

(i should add that some non-european cultures have tales that are similar to fairy tales...but they're not the same thing. they fall under folklore. fairy tales also have different cycles, etc. it's a whole thing)

myths and FOLKLORE are different from fairy tales and universal. myths and folklore also have heroes with fatal flaws. look at gilgamesh. look at odysseus from the odyssey. neither of these stories are fairy tales and both explain certain events that actually happened. both have heroes with flawed personalities who must learn the error of their ways and, in their own cultures, repent. gilgamesh also doesn't have a happy ending.

also, take the exodus story. at the estimated time period of the exodus, there were cataclysmic events that caused mass movement of insects and animals and changes in water, tide, etc. the bloody water could have been connected to minerals in the sediment.

ancient cultures, including us, created myths to explain things that we would consider logic today because of science. that is one of the purposes of a myth.

or say kashrut laws. eating pigs in the desert was not a great thing, since ancient pigs ate the dead. eating dairy and meat together when we had no way to refrigerate the meat and that was one of the top causes of death before fridges were invented, was not a good idea. we had a combination of logical laws like these and moral laws, like how to treat slaves and women and spouses, and animals. (another reason our books are unique). also how to treat the land.

the tanakh is not JUST mythologized versions of certain events though, as we all know. it's biographies and autobiographies of leaders, it's poetry and songs, and of course, it's a compendium of laws.

it's a very unique set of books, because other indigenous cultures that have anything similar usually have it in an oral tradition. usually, not always.

we could say the tanakh is basically a scrapbook history and ethnography of the jewish people, compiled by our own hands, in our own words. it's a beautiful thing for religious reasons and those reasons too.

“I say this as a Jew”

Yeah. Sounds like a JVP dog whistle to me

"as a jew" makes me want to slap people for this exact reason. if you're using your jewishness to attack jews, basically weaponizing it, then you have no right to bring it up.


The Exodus is a Cultural Memory of Jewish experiences in the Late Bronze Age, in the same way that the Trojan War is a Cultural Memory of events from the same Late Bronze Age period. The years leading up to and during the Late Bronze Age Collapse were a time of massive societal upheaval throughout the known world, and they were recorded by various peoples, including by our Jewish ancestors.

Just because the Exodus didn't happen exactly as it was written in our Torah doesn't mean it didn't happen, because Cultural Memories are never recorded literally. They are mythologized because that is how stories are best preserved and transmitted throughout the millennia.

Was there a "Helen of Sparta" who became a "Helen of Troy"? No, probably not. But were there trade disputes between cities in the Hittite Empire (of which Troy was a member) and the Ancient Mycenaean Greeks? Yes, there were. And also King Priam and Alexander (aka Paris) were real people in the historical record. Did the Trojan Horse actually topple the walls of Troy? No, probably not. But were there massive earthquakes that toppled city walls in Troy? And was the god Poseidon associated with Horses and Earthquakes and the Sea (aka some of the Sea Peoples who attacked the Hittite Empire were Mycenaeans)? Yes.

It's the same with the Exodus. Our Jewish history is encoded within the Exodus using mythologized storytelling, because that is how Cultural Memories are passed down from generation to generation. That is why we still remember the Exodus today.

Literally no one questions the legends of Indiginous Tribes on the American West Coast talking about Thunderbirds and whales fighting as we KNOW this was an ancient explanation of earthquakes and tsunamis from the cascadia fault line. No one says that their stories are not true because they are an Indiginous legend which describes a real event.

Why do people feel the need to use the fact that legends do not map directly onto reality to declare that in the very specific case of Jews, that means everything is made up, a lie, falsified to trick people? It's very convenient that once again, people hold Jews to a very different standard 😒


drowning in cablepool today so (ultimate cablepool bop)


In case anyone thinks this type of sanism doesn't happen on Tumblr


It's so hard when you're in a state where you're actually "schizo rambling" in public because everyone takes it as a joke. You can post "I'm having an psychotic episode from no meds" and people will reblog it as a joke... cuz this schizo stuff leaked off of 4chan and now we have to suffer for it... even videos of people having psychotic breaks go viral because people just think the state of being in psychosis is funny... please we are real people

And if you make jokes pretending to be schizophrenic or psychotic please consider what happens to us when you muddy the water about our experiences


It’s really bizarre watching western leftists bend over backwards to support the Islamic regime. The regime that killed Mahsa Amini. The regime that repressed the protestors by killing and torturing men, women, and children. The regime that remains one of the top enforcers of the death penalty—for things like apostasy or being gay. The regime that tortures, rapes, and kills political prisoners. That has very limited freedom of speech and imprisons journalists.

If you’re able to praise the Iranian regime as “the resistance” then you’ve completely shown that you don’t actually care for any of the people in the Middle East. You only care about your edgy western leftist street cred.

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