

@cryptid-of-lesbos / cryptid-of-lesbos.tumblr.com

I dabble in fandom, art, writing, science, and fucking up.

From the BAFTAs Staged-like skit with David and Michael :D <3 (here)


He could have gone to an internationally known whovian catch phrase like allons-y, but instead he used Neil's "wait and see" that is only really known online and anyone casually watching Good Omens wouldn't really pick up on it. I hope Neil is proud


Unbelievably proud.


is there a field of study about like, the effect od time periods on music? like no yeah not the tempo necessarily, that's kind of like how we separate time periods into their own kind of genre. like 90s rock or classical compisers.

but like, a comparison between the 70s musical choices for Willy Wonka vs. modern 2023 Wonka. the lyrical choices, the timing on the songs, the themes, repetition, and situations they choose to go into song (in the case of a musical where plot affects all of these)

how about popular instruments in certain countries and time periods? any focus on certain romanticism, somber or slow music, drinking songs, chants for revolt, hidden meanings for certain political periods? that kind of stuff


the fact the new series of hypothetical isn’t allowed to talk about the pandemic just in case people forget it happened is genuinely the funniest thing i’ve ever heard

Watch me scheduling this to be re-reblogged in two years for obvious reasons that I might forget in that time.


Reminds me of how YouTube used to demonetize videos that referenced covid and one channel started calling it the “Backstreet Boys reunion tour” instead.


I’m now imagining a video referring to “The death toll from the Backstreet Boys reunion tour is now in six digit figures” and I’m not sure even the gallows-iest of my gallows humour is ready for that.

“When will the devastation of the Backstreet Boys reunion tour end?” 😔

“I think we just need to get used to living with the Backstreet Boys reunion tour.”

“The Backstreet Boys reunion tour has revealed the structural faultlines of our society.”

“Only herd immunity can protect us from the Backstreet Boys reunion tour.”


The face of a woman who has her best friend back, her memories back, an open UNIT job with 5 weeks holiday on a £120K salary, a husband, a daughter, a TARDIS… DONNA NOBLE YOU WON


i love that we're using any pronouns for the Fourteenth Doctor. she's our silly girl, he's our beautiful boy, they're our beloved alien


Things I noticed or simply liked while watching "The Star Beast" again:

  • Donna was inventing names for the mother of the random transphobic kid in her school days. "'Cause I remember she had lots of names at school. And I should know. I invented 'em."
  • This bit: "It is not my fault I lost my job" Sylvia looks at her. "Alright, it is my fault. But still." Coffee cup anyone?
  • Wilf having stopped talking about anything alien related in case it triggered Donna's memories.
  • "Who are you? What's your name?" "I'm just passing by."
  • "Gave away that lottery money." "Why?" "Because. (...) Just felt like the kind of thing he would do."
  • The Meep talking smugly in his throne. The Doctor: "I name this ship the Delusions of Grandeur."
  • The Doctor turning his head towards Donna and starting to think aloud and explain what's happening like old times.
  • Sylvia and Rose are holding each other in the elevator. And holding hands while they walk to the TARDIS at the end.
  • It's been said but, Donna calling The Doctor by his name unconsciously.
  • The Doctor cracking his fingers before starting to run around pressing buttons. And later on Donna doing the same before helping him.
  • The Doctor goes towards the glass raising his hands when the regeneration energy starts as if they wants to hold Donna while this is happening.
  • The Doctor knowing Donna's primary concern as she was dying was Rose and reassuring her that she was safe.
  • Sylvia's highest compliment is saying that Wilf would be proud.
  • Shaun and Rose look like they want to go into the TARDIS to help Donna. Meanwhile Sylvia is just tired and done. "I said so!"

Weak ass NuWho bitches in the comments being all “wah wah the last season was disappointing! It’s going the same way!”

Come on people! Do you have any idea of the absolute bullshit the show put out in the 70s and 80s?

Doctor Who is the longest running science fiction television series OF ALL TIME! It doesn’t have a weak episode or a weak season, it has weak DECADES. So sit your asses down, put up, and power through until a regime change brings some creative ideas that are more in tune with your personal tastes like the rest of us do.

Honestly! Fucking amateurs!


I’ve only watched like a handful of Matt Smith episodes but I love this viewpoint lol

You haven’t lived till you’ve seen vintage Who. Cybermen who are literally just dudes wrapped in tinfoil, wobbly cardboard sets, every alien planet being the exact same quarry, the convoluted Galifreyan political subplots, the weirdly sexist attempts at feminism, the time the doctor died by falling from a very low height.

Really, it was so great. So terribly, terribly great.



This is why I can’t ever really be upset about Doctor Who, even when I don’t like an episode or feel a series is weak. It’s so vast, so weird, with so many stories that a few bad ones really doesn’t make much difference to me. It varies wildly in quality within the FIRST story!

It can’t go off the rails because it was never on the rails in the first place. It’s laying down the track in front of it as it goes like that scene in Wallace and Gromit. 



How many Nimons have you seen today?

The Doctor used to wear celery as a lapel pin.

Their main recurring villain’s hands are a plunger and the inside bit of a paint roller, for fuck’s sake.

y’all have seen that post where someone points out that just about any episode that Daleks appear in- the guys with the plunger and the whisk- the appearance of the Dalek is always treated as some reveal plot twist

even though the name of the episode always contains the word Dalek in it

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