
it is my sad duty to inform you all that from now on i will be communicating solely in the manner of rupi kaur and others like her which is to say i will use punctuation sparingly if at all (brackets are an exception) and type in all lowercase and hit enter a lot.

-i hope you can forgive me

it's a joke if you find it funny and if you don't then it isn't (just like most things i guess)

and besides who is to say that you don't know me in real life?

the online world is as real as anything else and connection is connection and love is love regardless of distance

-internet stranger


I seem to remember a web weave of quotes about characters having been dead since the beginning, and I feel like it might have included prim and Katniss from thg? does anyone else remember this or know where I could find it? I might be mixing two posts in my mind honestly but I thought I'd ask! 💕

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