

@bendandcurl / bendandcurl.tumblr.com

I read, write, draw, and obsess about Soul Eater. Also post a lot of babie animals at #puppers tag. She/her. G(a)ysexual. Come say hi!

The main reasons why leaving my job before finding a new one was needed

  • There was never enough work for me to do, so I had 3 solid hours (If I was lucky) of work in my job description, before moving on to work OUTSIDE my description or leaving early.
  • My boss was actively trying to teach me how to perform two other former employees jobs before I left
  • I won’t actively receive physical injuries and cuts anymore. One time I dropped a large acrylic sign face on my toe and hobbled around the office for 3 days while my co-workers made foot jokes. Eventually the nail fell off. ANOTHER TIME I was cutting a poster with my boss and sliced a nail in half, and two fingers. Honestly I could win an award for “most band-aids used” I’m sort of a klutz
  • My “health insurance” was a fistful of ibuprofen I took from the bathroom
  • My nails can finally grow back from being nubs because I won’t be working with heavy chemicals during vinyl application anymore
  • My only goal in fitness was to one day beat my boss in arm wrestling to gain some respect in the office, like a crude dominance display. That day never came, BUT I CAN BEAT MY DAD WITH MY NON DOMINANT HAND I COULD’VE DONE IT

But most importantly:

  • I was the ONLY female employee surrounded by grizzled baby boomers who are:

Insanely Sexist, insanely homophobic, all white, the only ones that didn’t vote for Trump didn’t vote at all, talked about animal abuse as a JOKE, talked about sexist things they’ve done to women AS A JOKE, done sexist things TO ME AND THEN LAUGHED IT OFF AS A JOKE I WAS SO READY TO GO MAN READY TO CLOCK SOMEONE IN THE FACE

Anyway, it is a huge relief to have that behind me.

Wish this former Designer/vinyl fabricator luck in my next job!



you got this girl


my mom taught me the therapeutic power of cleaning. open all the windows. throw out the old. wipe down the entire house. burn some incense. roast some coffee. then rest. that way the tears from last night don’t feel as heavy. 

She just wanted you to clean the house

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