
language is my aesthetic


Pilar • 17 • INFJ • Aquarius
Native: English / Advanced: Spanish / Beginner: German and Hungarian
Future languages: ASL, Irish, Swahili, Hebrew, Korean, Hawaiian n
I track the tag csillagkep-stadt

Hiatus PSA

I'm going to be taking an extended break from tumblr, because I have a lot going on for the next few months and I think it's better if I don't let myself get distracted. Between finishing junior year, trying to be productive over the summer and doing college applications next fall, I have a busy period ahead of me. I might check in every once in a while, but I won't be as active as I was before. I fully intend to return, though-- hopefully by next winter at the latest. And I haven't forgotten those Hungarian Disney translations I promised everyone!


Hail and well met, travelers

To all the people who followed me while I was offline this past week: welcome! I hope you’re all well, and I want to let you know that you can ask me anything, or send me questions and opinions and (*gasp) even helpful criticisms or whatever else. I’m very friendly and I hope we can get to know each other! Have a wonderful day 💙


seriously, fuck the false dichotomy between Science and The Arts. as if capital-S Science isn’t an art that requires creativity, perseverance, patience, and skilled observation. as if The Arts don’t require rigor, discipline, practice, and attention to detail. as if both aren’t cultural structures that stand on foundations of sexist, racist, capitalist hierarchy. as if they both can’t be used for purposes of enrichment and revolution. i am so fucking over this idea of presenting science and art as opposites, when they have so much more in common than people think.


UM!!!!!!! UM!!!! this is a beautiful post!!!! and I feel it with every part of my soul!


Ruhák / Clothes

ruhák - clothes mosni - to wash viselni - to wear felvenni - to put on választani - to choose vásárolni - to buy kicserélni - to change fizetni - to pay eladó(nő) - shop assistant (nő=woman) kasszás - cashier bal - left jobb - right

- baggy szűk - tight méret - size kicsi - small közepes - medium nagy - large szín - colour fazon - style (as in the shape of a dress) stílus - style (as in gothic, elegant, etc)

fabric - szövet vászon - linen len - lein, sheer selyem - silk csipke - lace pamut - cotton műszál - synthetic fibers kötött pulóver - knitted jumper bőr - leather

ruha - dress póló - t-shirt ing - shirt blúz - blouse top - top ujjatlan, atléta - sleeveless hosszú ujjú - longsleeve pulóver - pull-over, sweater kardigán - cardigan garbó - turtleneck kabát - coat dzseki - jacket vízhatlan kabát - impermeable coat öltöny - suit

nadrág - pants farmer - jeans rövidnadrág - shorts szoknya - skirt ceruzaszoknya - pencil skirt maxiszoknya - maxi skirt cicanadrág - leggings (directly translated to catpants) háromnegyedes nadrág - culottes halásznadrág - overalls melegítő nadrág - sweatpants

fehérnemű - underwear bugyi - panties tanga - thong boxer - boxers melltartó - bra harisnya - stockings neccharisnya - fishnet stockings zokni - sock

cipő - shoes magassarkú - high-heels edzőcipő - trainers szandál - sandals vietnámi papucs - flip-flop papucs - slippers topánka - ballerina shoes lapos talpú - flat shoes bakancs, csizma - boots gumicsizma - rubber boots


The Signs as French Words


- heat, flames




- spark, light


- kindness, compassion


- greatness, nobility


wisdom, foresight


- faith, belief


- magnetism, attraction


- freedom


- fog, darkness


- coolness, reserve


- dream, imagination


Deutsian learns verb-preposition combinations: Day 2

So Deutsian is trying to be a little masochist to challenge himself and learn lots of verb-preposition combinations (350… or so… ) in … 10 days… yes he is mad. So anyway, we’re going to see after 10 days whether he successfully recalls all 350 and hopefully he can because he is very fed up of prepositions.

Alongside my learning I will be posting the list of ones I’ve worked on per day. So for today, we have to following:

Über (takes accusative):

to decide on X = über X entscheiden to outrun/transcend X = über X hinausgehen to be annoyed at/with X = sich über X ärgern to catch up on X = sich über X informieren to get upset over X = sich über X aufrege to moan about X = über X jammern to cover/report about X = über X berichten to moan about X = über X klagen to complain about X = sich über X beschweren to laugh at/about X = über X lachen to debate about X = über X debattieren to reflext on X = über X nachdenken to discuss about X = über X diskutieren to talk about X = über X reden to bristle/be up in arms at X = sich über (or gegen) X empören to give a lecture on X = über X referieren to be agitated at X = sich über X erregen to joke about X = über X scherzen to be pleased about X = sich über X freuen to govern/rule over X = über X herrschen to bitch/rail about X = über X schimpfen to write about X = über X schreiben to scoff/jeer at X = über X spotten to talk about X = über X sprechen to marvel at/be astonished by X = über X staunen to be misled/mistaken about X = sich über X täuschen to talk about X = sich über X unterhalten to adjudicate on X = über X urteilen to have (at one’s disposal) = über X verfügen to negotiate/deliberate about X = über X verhandeln to declare/impose/administer sth on X = etw. über X verhängen to cry about X = über X weinen to know about X = über X wissen to be amazed at X = sich über X wundern

Bei (takes dative):

to call X = bei X anrufen to thank X = sich bei X bedanken to complain to X = sich bei X beklagen to abide with/keep at X = bei X bleiben to apologise to X = sich bei X entschuldigen to help with X = bei X helfen to consult/check with X = bei X nachlesen to leave [the topic of] X = bei X belassen

Total = 42

All examples have been taken from 2 C1/C2 grammar books I have access too, and I have checked them with either dict.leo.org, dict.cc, linguee or Duden.

Enjoy my journey to masochism :-)

person who has only ever heard German in WWII movies: the German language...
me: hoe don't do it
person who has only ever heard German in WWII movies: is so harsh and angry!
me: oh my god

“I have come to understand that although place-words are being lost, they are also being created. Nature is dynamic, and so is language. Loanwords from Chinese, Urdu, Korean, Portuguese and Yiddish are right now being used to describe the landscapes of Britain and Ireland; portmanteaus and neologisms are constantly in manufacture. As I travelled I met new words as well as salvaging old ones: a painter in the Hebrides who used landskein to refer to the braid of blue horizon lines in hill country on a hazy day; a five-year-old girl who concoted honeyfur to describe the soft seeds of grasses held in the fingers. When Clare and Hopkins could not find words for natural phenomena, they just made them up: sutering for the cranky action of a rising heron (Clare), wolfsnow for a dangerous sea-blizzard, and slogger for the sucking sound made by waves against a ship’s side (both Hopkins). John Constable invented the verb to sky, meaning ‘to lie on one’s back and study the clouds’. We have forgotten 10,000 words for our landscapes, but we will make 10,000 more, given time.”

Robert Macfarlane, from Landmarks (Penguin, 2016)


German Words & Phrases for Essays


  • Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass / Man nimmt an, dass - it is assumed that
  • glücklicherweise, zum Glück - fortunately
  • leider, unglücklicherweise, bedauerlicherweise - unfortunately
  • falls - if
  • im Falle(,) dass - in case
  • in diesem Fall - in this case
  • wenn man bedenkt, dass - bearing in mind that
  • was … betrifft - as far as … is concerned
  • mit anderen Worten - in other words
  • das heißt - that is to say
  • sofern - provided that
  • angesichts [+Genitive] - in view of
  • insbesondere - notably

Time & Sequence

  • zuerst - first of all
  • erstens - firstly
  • zweitens - secondly
  • nachdem - after
  • daraufhin - subsequently, consequently
  • sobald - as soon as
  • solange - as long as
  • heutzutage - nowadays, these days
  • nun - now
  • bevor - before
  • später - later, afterwards
  • anschließend - subsequently, following this …
  • plötzlich / auf einmal - suddenly
  • endlich - eventually
  • früher oder später - sooner or later


  • sowie - as well as
  • Ein weiterer Aspekt ist - Another aspect is
  • Ich möchte noch hinzufügen, dass - I would like to add that …
  • hinzu kommt / hinzu kommen - furthermore, in addition
  • nebenbei - besides
  • nicht nur … sondern auch - not only … but also
  • ergänzend - in addition
  • außerdem / darüberhinaus - furthermore, moreover 
  • ganz zu schweigen von - not to mention
  • abgesehen davon - having said that


  • Dies lässt sich mit … vergleichen - This is comparable to …
  • ebenso wichtig - equally important
  • ähnlich - similarly
  • auf dieselbe Weise - in the same way
  • dagegen - by contrast


  • Ich möchte erwähnen, dass - I would like to mention
  • Ich denke, dass - I think that
  • Ich glaube, dass -  I believe that
  • mir scheint, dass - it seems to me that
  • meiner Meinung nach - in my opinion
  • meines Erachtens - in my opinion
  • Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass - I am convinced that
  • was mich betrifft / angeht - as far as I am concerned
  • Ich möchte auf … aufmerksam machen - I would like to draw attention to


  • Einerseits … , andererseits - on the one hand … on the other hand
  • Ich bin teilweise anderer Meinung - I partly disagree
  • Es wäre falsch zu behaupten, dass - it would be wrong to claim …
  • während - while
  • aber - but
  • trotzdem - in spite of this
  • obwohl - although
  • jedoch - however
  • trotz - despite
  • dennoch - nevertheless


  • Zum Beispiel - for example
  • Es ist eine Tatsache, dass - it is a matter of fact that
  • Dies lässt sich am Beispiel … belegen - this can be demonstrated by 
  • Es ist offensichtlich, dass - it is obvious that
  • Es liegt auf der Hand, dass - It is obvious that
  • In solchen Fällen - in such cases
  • besonders, vor allem - especially, particularly
  • tatsächlich - in fact


  • Dies lässt sich durch … begründen - this can be explained by
  • Der Grund dafür ist, dass - the reason for this is that 
  • Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass - This is due to the fact that 
  • da - as, since, because
  • denn - because
  • weil - because


  • deshalb - because of that
  • daraus folgt, dass - consequently, as a result
  • Das hatte zur Folge, dass - As a result
  • Das bedeutet, dass - this means that
  • damit - so that, in order that


  • Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass - to summarize …
  • Es ist wichtig zu erwähnen, dass - it is important to mention that
  • Ich möchte noch einmal wiederholen, dass - I would like to repeat once again that …
  • Ich möchte betonen, dass - I would like to emphasise that …
  • im Allgemeinen - in general 
  • Ich komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass … - I come to the conclusion that …
  • abschließend - in conclusion
  • schließlich - finally
  • Wie bereits erwähnt - as mentioned above
  • alles in allem - all things considered
When you don't know anything about linguistics: Why are old languages like Latin so much more complex than modern languages like English? Are languages getting simpler over time? Isn't this a problem?
When you know a little about linguistics: All languages are equally complex. While a language may lack complexity in some respects, such as absence of grammatical case, it compensates for this in other areas, such as stricter word order.
When you know a lot about linguistics: The notion that all languages are equally complex, and that apparent lack of complexity in one area of grammar results in a "trade-off" of complexity in another, represents a late-twentieth-century consensus which is increasingly considered outdated and inaccurate. Many scholars have presented counterexamples to the "trade-off" theory, and some scholars have proposed metrics by which the relative complexity of languages can be compared. While some scholars stand by the theory that all languages are equally complex, and debate concerning the validity of various measures of complexity is ongoing, it does indeed seem that some languages can be simpler or more complex than others, whether in whole or with respect to one aspect of grammar. What does remain clear is the foundational principle that **all languages are equally capable of expressing the full range of human thought and experience**, regardless of grammatical complexity relative to any other language.
Go to university, but go for the right reasons. Education isn’t a gun held to your head: it’s a weapon in your hands. Go not because you’re afraid of not getting a job but go because you love to learn, because you’re excited by ideas, because you believe that education is important for its own sake, and when you get there, pay attention, read everything you can get your hands on, cram yourself with words and figures and ideas, because that’s the one thing they can never take away from you.

Laurie Penney, The Independent, August 2012 (via theglasschild)

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