
yeah yeah yeah


NCT| WAYV | BBC Sherlock | Greg & little stinker | Tiny Meat Gang | Scrubs| B99 | The Good Place |

It’s Day One, so I’m wearing my “Breonna Taylor” mask.

Breonna must be central to our work in Congress.


This is very important, please do not ignore this.

Watch the video till the very end please (the end is when the explosion goes off.)

I live in Lebanon and the fiercest explosion went off in the midst of Beirut today, killing off an ungodly amount of human beings (more and more people are dying as I write this) and injuring up to 5000 people whose cases are immensely critical. Today,, at approximately 6 pm, hospitals were completely torn to shreds, people have been buried underneath fallen buildings, fires have been ignited almost everywhere, blood staining the streets in an excruciating manner, in addition to people that flew and fell to the sea due to the impact of the explosion. And it is certainly worth mentioning the millions upon millions' worth of damages what with buildings and cars and stores. Plenty of people are missing, it's an overall mess that is quite frankly very traumatizing.

What Lebanese people have been undergoing in recent times:

Lebanon has been going through a major economical decline that grows worse and worse by the day. The prices have heightened and the salaries remain the same, scarcely anyone has the capacity of affording basic needs anymore. There has been an unfolding revolution the past year, and the lebanese society has been protesting against the humiliation thrust upon our lives due to our miserable excuse for a government, and though the streets bled with thrashing, screaming citizens fighting for their utmost basic human rights, that caused mere to no change in the way things go around here, in fact, it only made it worse. We're being provided with, metaphorically, a droplet's worth of water and nearly no electricity, a pregnant woman has even passed away recently due to a heat stroke (as there were no means of cooling off)

What caused the setting off of this explosion?

The ignorance, heartlessness, and overall brutality of the government and the people in control.

A critical amount of chemicals (2700 tons of ammonium and other nitrates) were left inside a ship along the port of Beirut, and though the people in charge of this transaction were warned that heat and perspiration have the capability of destroying the whole of Lebanon in ode to a massive explosion, they refused to do anything about it and left the chemicals in there for years on end.

Up until, surprise surprise, the explosion went off and devestated Lebanon almost entirely.

I don't have much followers, and I know that this post isn't going to magically heal what is unfolding in this, priorly gorgeous, magnificent country, but I truly hope with all my heart that you find it within yours to spread awareness on this topic so that it would be more widespread,, so that Lebanon gets the aiding it deserves and the people from outer places slap the 'big bosses' awake, or at least pressure them into resigning, whatever it takes to make this place sufferable, tolerable, somewhere you can picture yourself residing in.

Lebanon is a place of infinite traditions, diversity, creativity, joy, and love. Most of the people here are open-hearted and wholesome. We all deserve far better.

My heart aches for the people that have passed away today, and I shall pray for the ones stuck in hellish suffering.

This is important.


i just wanna have soft glowy skin, long eyelashes, pink lips, rosy cheeks, lots of cash and no responsibilities


*has a crush* This is infatuation. It isnt real

*sees hot person in hallway* Love at first sight is true the lord has blessed me today the stars have aligned My soulmate is here

shit nct says: johnny ver. ♡ happy birthday to nct’s warm-hearted giant, johnny seo! thank you for being a comfortable presence in nct and for always making everyone laugh! we’re wishing you another year filled with love, happiness, music and coffee - we love you! ♡
♡ #HAPPYJOHNNYDAY ♡ thank you for another year of being you and sharing so much of your life with us! let’s hope for even more eventful year full of opportunities and good people. have a great johnny day!
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