
But I have tried everything that does

@lettersiarrange / lettersiarrange.tumblr.com

28. politics, fashion, fandom. Wrote my undergrad dissertation on memes. 25 countries and pausing during the pandemic.

hey fellow Europeans (EU), just a friendly and mildly concerned reminder that in less than a month, the European elections are taking place. it's an election with a historically low turnout, but one that is just as important as any other, if not more. the composition of the EU parliament determines the political direction of the EU, and has an impact on all 27 countries through directives and regulations that get voted.

we cannot let far right extremist parties get an even bigger stronghold there than they already do. sadly, there are very significant threats of exactly that happening from many countries.

so please, if you are an EU citizen living in the EU and are of voting age, check the modalities to vote in your country of residence, and make sure to make your voice heard.


Arw you really the author John Green? The same person who wrote The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska?


Yes, but I published one of those books 19 (?!?!?!) years ago and the other 12 (!?!?!?!?) years ago. What have I been up to since then?

  • My brother Hank and I started Good.store, which delivers high-quality socks, coffee, and soap to your home and donates 100% of its profit to charity. Through good store, we've raised over $7,500,000 to support efforts to radically reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone, where as recently as 2019, one in seventeen women could expect to die in pregnancy or childbirth.

(In fact, technically I am here on tumblr as an unpaid intern for the awesome coffee club, which you should really sign up for if you like ethically sourced coffee that tastes delicious and doesn't enrich billionaires.)

  • I wrote the novel Turtles All the Way Down and then had a little existential crisis and wrote a nonfiction book called The Anthropocene Reviewed, the latter of which is my first book for adults and my first attempt to write as myself.
  • I helped produce made a movie adaptation (streaming now on Max!) of Turtles all the Way Down.
  • I helped raise my kids and supported my spouse as she wrote her book You Are An Artist and created a PBS show about art called The Art Assignment.
  • I ran the educational media company Complexly and the merch company dftba.com while my brother had cancer.
  • I bought around 2% of a fourth-tier English football team called AFC Wimbledon. Wimbledon are different from most football clubs because they are owned by their fans, each of whom gets one vote in the club's leadership regardless of how much money they put into the club.
  • I became obsessed with tuberculosis, the world's deadliest infectious disease (it will kill over a million people this year despite being curable), and how TB both exemplifies and reinforces human-built structures of injustice, which is the subject of a book I'm writing that will come out next year.

Police supporters regularly admit that the police are the bad guys. They just don't care.

[Image ID: A series of tweets verified user from Gaby Dunn (rainbow flag emoji, star of david emoji) (@/ gabyDunn) reading: You know what's interesting about the people upset that a 9 year old was at a peaceful protest with her mom? That think the mom was aking for a cop to mace her kid? "Why did you bring here there? You knew it was dangerous." Take that one step further. What was the danger?

It was the cop.

You are admitting that you can not bring a child close to a law enforcement officer because you should know that it's dangerous. She was maced. By a cop. So if we all Know this is not safe for children (start all caps) why are we assuming they protect us (end caps)

"Don't bring your child to a demonstration even though that's our right as Americans!" "Why?" "It could be dangerous" "Who might hurt her?" "The police!" Fascinating. Maybe we are protesting because the police... hurt people and that might be a good reason to demonstrate? /End ID]


thinking more about authorial insecurity in fiction... it truly is frustrating to me when an author is clearly ashamed of their own premises, or is preemptively responding to imagined criticism. this is where you get a lot of unfunny humor about how stupid genre conventions are and how Unrealistic fantastical/speculative elements are. like ultimately the reason that authors undercut and overexplain their own works is because they're insecure about audience reaction and want to get ahead of the haters by proclaiming that they're Not Cringe. this will not work because I, the ultimate hater, will eventually find them and make one million posts about how much I despise irony poisoning


This is a friendly reminder that none disabled people often do benefit from the same accommodations disabled people benefit from.

This applies to covid mitigation as well. Universal public masking not only dramatically reduces the number of covid cases, it was enough to drive strains of Flu and RSV into extinction over two years in 2020 and 2021. There are thousands of studies linking air quality and ventilation to general health, another covid prevention measure that makes everyone's life better. Remote work and education helped millions access their jobs and school from wherever they were and helped push the expansion of broadband internet access for all.

These and a dozen other pandemic mitigation responses have been dropped since Biden took office, creating millions upon millions of new covid cases, people missing work, and at least 1 in 5 covid infections causing long covid, permanently disabling people and removing them from the workforce.

Millions upon millions are being infected by Covid, and it's effects on the imnune system are wide-ranging and can linger for years, explaining the sudden prevelance of influenza and RSV as well as the return of measles, tuberculosis, and other diseases declared extinct in many countries across the world.

Our governments refuse to stand by the curb cut effect when it comes to covid, choosing to force us into the office at the behest of corporate overlords who worry that sick leave and remote work will devalue the massive buildings they make us commute to to work. Resist covid eugenics and build a better world. Mask up. Filter your air. Serial test when you've been exposed and stay away from others. Monitor CO2 and other pollutants in indoor spaces. Stop the spread.

Silence = Death


in b4 95% of all websites in june 2024 announce that "for security" they will only work with browsers that use manifest v3


The more people who use Firefox the better! It's got versions for the desktop, android, and iphone, all free. In addition to ublock origin there are thousands of addons. You could also consider using one of Mozilla's paid products, such as their VPN, or donating to the Mozilla Foundation, in order to ensure they're able to keep going.


Not to be Old on main but I remember this exact thing happening in the late 90s and early 00s. I remember it very well. Microsoft pushed out all the browser competition with Internet Explorer, at which point both browser and web innovation stagnated for years because why fix something that's broken if everyone is using the broken thing anyway because there are hardly any other options. If you want to know how bad it was, Internet Explorer did not have browser tabs and it certainly did not have any sort of adblock. And everyone just lived with it.

I am watching the exact same thing happen with Chrome in real time today and that's why I always reblog these posts and sometimes am extra annoying and add on to them. I don't want to see it happen again because it sucked. Please use Firefox. Use it on mobile too (it has browser extensions!!! Including ad blockers!!!) And reminder that Edge/Brave/Vivaldi are all built on Chromium and you should not be using those either. Those browsers will show up as Chrome on tracking analytics and it does not help the overall project, which is showing web developers that Chrome is not the only browser people are using.

Your passwords and other useful things transfer to Firefox, btw. Go make the switch. You have nothing to lose.


Most websites that tell you they need Chrome to work are lying, even if they block you from accessing them if you're not using Chrome. They just do not want to support the dev work to optimize for anything else, or may have a special deal with Google.

Fortunately, there are Firefox extensions that just basically tell websites "yeah, I'm definitely Chrome. don't worry about it"

Please note I have not used either of these, because adblockers and script blockers are good enough at disabling those annoying messages.


when are we gonna stop calling all of this a "precursor to fascism" this IS fascism. There IS genocide happening. Dissent IS being violently squashed. We DO live in a police state, where ethnic and gender minorities are brutalized and killed. It can always get worse but calling the stage we're at now anything but what it is, is just dangerous. It's why we have so many people still playing along with the two party system. Fascism isn't a boogeyman that's lurking around the corner, it's what we've been living under all along. Adolf Hitler's biggest inspiration, by his own admission, was the colonization of the americas and the genocide of the indigenous people of turtle island.

Just because American fascism isn't quite effecting privileged liberals as much as it's effecting minorities doesn't mean it isn't fascism. Quantifying fascism only by the way it effects the privileged is missing the point entirely. Fascism is designed FOR the privileged and it's kind of insane that this point flies over everyone's head. There are thousands of people in concentration camps at the southern border of the United States. There are still black and brown people being beaten and shot to death by police here in america. I will repeat myself, the united states is the nation that inspired adolf hitler, not the other way around.

grabbing you screaming at you: READ SETTLERS!!!!!!

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