

@meditate-find-your-soul / meditate-find-your-soul.tumblr.com

Be positive :) My name is Silk. Yes I'm a fabric. I'm from New Zealand. I am a flower-child, living free. I love nature and the forest, but the city interest's me also. You are now entering a stress free zone, take your peace & breathe. Namaste. ॐ

Drew my own version of Mother Nature. She bears the energy of the planet and its life within her womb.


Witches have been around for centuries. They have been called different names, but the one thing they all have in common is their connection to earth and nature. 

A lot of witches were healers and respected, revered. People would come to witches for charms, and spells to help them in their daily lives, to bring a good harvest, protection against enemies. They accomplished these spells and potions by using herbs the earth provided. Most witches would have had a good knowledge of herbs to create these remedies and spells. 

The connection we create with our earth is vital, because earth grows everything we need and use in our daily lives as witches. 

I recommend getting a plant or seeds to grow. Work your fingers into the soil, pour your energy and soul into helping and nurturing your plant grow. I guarantee you will feel better. Not only is it therapeutic but it will strengthen that connection with mother earth.

The Gaia Theory

“The theory, put forward by James Lovelock, that living matter on the earth collectively defines and regulates the material conditions necessary for the continuance of life. The planet, or rather the biosphere, is thus likened to a vast self-regulating organism.”

This theory is often attached to pagans because it basically says that everything we connect to on this earth should help maintain the life on this planet. And I agree that if we take care of our earth and recycle, reuse, give back, respect our earth that we in turn will receive something back. 

Earth is not just the planet we live on. We should have a loving relationship with Earth. Its not just something to be used for this life. If you believe in reincarnation like I do, you will be here again. Leave this place better than you started, you’ll thank yourself in your next life! 


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