
Daisy, my love


Sofi | Books | TSC | Herondale supremacy| Tessa, Cordelia and Drusilla my queens| Taylor Swift | fantasy | anime | dark romance| HERONGRAYSTAIRS WESSA KITTY SIZZY HERONSTAIRS HERONDAISY HERONCHILD MORGENTHORN MY SHIPS | she/her | bi | Argentinean | Spanish - English | askbox open, pls feel free to ask me anything♥️

✨Wessa family through out the years✨

Part 1

- Will and Tessa

- Tessa announced to Will that she's pregnant

- Will and Tessa celebrating New Year's day and waiting for Jamie's arrival

- James Herondale receiving the protection spells and being introduced to his uncle Jem for the first time

- Will, James and Tessa, my babies

- Tessa, Lucie and Will being the cutest🥺

- Jamie Bach and Will Herondale with uncle Gideon and little Tom in Christmas Eve

- Tessa reading to Lucie

Tomorrow I will post part 2💕


Jace Herondale

Janus Morgenstern

“That’s what happens when you fall. Everything that was bright about you becomes dark. As brilliant as you once were, that’s how evil you become. It’s a long way to fall.” —Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire.

The fact that it’s Jace quote

I think a lot about how Jace was the main hero in the first saga of the TSC and the way he is going to be the main villain (Janus) in the final installment.

The golden boy who's heart became dark

And how Stranger Things gave us material for Janus. Now I'll just patiently wait till someone here makes a cool edit about this or something. I would had done it myself but I suck at it so this it's the best I could do. But twitter it's full already of so many amazing edits that I wish I could share in here


sometimes i remind myself that like 2 months ago we only knew the series would be called the wicked powers and now we finally know the titles and i realise this is actually happening and i just get so


When I talked about TWP it seems like I only comment on Ty and Kit, this happens because they are my Roman Empire for me.

but it's not the whole truth, I'm very curious about Dru's story and her current personality, she's going to be one of the protagonists, I'll probably have more feelings like "Cassandra was thinking about putting her having anxiety and anxiety attacks" besides In addition, she will be the first Blackthorn who has a second group of important people other than family.

All of Blackthorn have a great relationship with their family and this is part of their arc, Julian with his brothers, Mark with his family and Ty with Livvy, then we will have Dru who loves her family but will probably alone or with Thais to Faerie just to rescue her friend, Jaime.

Dru is probably the protagonist of TWP who makes me most curious to know what the story and relationship with everything will be like, she will probably be like Cordelia who has no direct relationship with Belial but without her I couldn't have ended it the prince. (perhaps with this she kept the excalibur).

Kit and Ty are leaving me wanting to know how they will continue his story and put an end to everything left open in TDA, Kit's inheritance and Livvy stuck in Ty will be what connects them to Fairies , Troops or princes, so I'm curious.

and of the 3 protagonists, Dru had the most closed story, like if TWP didn't exist, there wouldn't be any questions or solutions to unresolved problems.


I colorized TSC spines

Don't look at TDA's one though, it's this bad because I COULDN'T FIND A FULL PIC OKAY??😭😞 There were separate spines which I tried to put together....and apparently it didn't go well, the quality is shit and my day is ruined


I love this, so cool


hiya cassie!! 🤎 forgive me for the mini spam but since you can be so busy i figured why not ask as much as i can; does kit go by gray or carstairs despite only knowing jessa for quite a short period of time and despite being raised by his biological father for 14yrs regardless of his flaws? it always made perfect sense why jace took up multiple names bc he was adopted to the lightwoods younger than kit was adopted by jessa, but kit was already 14 with his own father flaws and all; i suppose i just find it intriguing and wanted to understand why he may take up names of people he’s only recently met despite their vastly growing love for eachother as a new little (beautiful) family


Kit goes by Kit Herondale. :)


Hey Cassie, how are you? Hope you're doing well! I wanted to ask if we'll get to see more of James and Cordelia on their trip?? I absolutely love them, can't wait for seasons of Shadowhunters content to arrive🫶🏻


Well, if you backed the Kickstarter (sounds like you did), you will definitely be seeing James and Cordelia in Better in Black!


Thanks for answering🥺🫶🏻 I would be waiting patiently for their content


idk but i kinda love how shadowhunters families' traits stay the same through generations even tho it's unrealistic like all the herondales only loving once and falling hard and the blackthorns being fiercely protective of their siblings and doing necromancy. the fairchilds being so creative. i just think it's cute


Poor Tessa, this woman is going to have war flashbacks for the whole TWP

Kit is literally some kind of reincarnation to her past

He performed necromancy like her daughter

He can shoot the gun like her son

He is named Christopher like her deceased nephew

He left the country because he thought his love is unrequited like her daughter in law

He is probably bisexual like parabatai of her son

He is ... well... Herondale man

His future boyfriend looks just like her son in law

And he is scared of love just like was brother of her daughter in law

Did I forget something?


no one talks about Jesse and James in chain of thorns...they were literally my favorite "new" friendship!

I LOVED their talk on the roof! sure, James still wasn't able to tell Cordelia, but Jesse showed him that once he feels ready, it will be ok. because Jesse went through something similar and James doesn't treat him like just a victim. AND JAMES TOOK HIM SHOPPING!

and I saw people hate Jesse for being cruel to Grace after he finds out what she did. but like, it makes perfect sense. Jesse, of all people, knows what it's like to have your mind and body violated like that. Of course, he'd be angry at Grace for doing that to someone. And it's not like he was happy about being angry with her.


i don't exactly see james and matthew as opposites, but instead i love how they complement each other and think that's underrated. james is introverted and matthew is very extroverted. james is midnight and matthew is sunlight. james is elegant darkness and matthew is golden effervescence. james is the ideal gentleman and matthew is the coy bohemian. james has the Mask while matthew has the Smile. james is latin and ancient epics while matthew is french and comedic plays. james is london and matthew is paris.


Will we ever find out how the lives of the tlh gang continued after the epilogue ? Obviously there’s the novella collection you announced but i was thinking for example about how many kids the different couples had :)


Wanting to answer that kind of question was what led me to write the Family Tree in Clockwork Princess, a mess that has taken me years to clean up! I think that while I don't currently have plans to write, say, a series about the kids of the characters in TLH, I might someday want to, and I don't want to cut off that option, so I'm going to limit what I say about what happens to these characters after the end of Chain of Thorns.

I have definitely thought about doing an updated version of The Flower Book that updates all the info about the TLH characters, corrects some mistakes and adds some new characters (Oscar!) If that's something people would want.



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