
@sir---d / sir---d.tumblr.com

35 year old dominant male looking for a female submissive. In the mean time just enjoying the view on tumblr and playing with a few folks here and there.

                                                  Career Change

It had first begun a few years ago. Lauren had dated a man who, while a gentleman at first, had told and shown her first hand that he was into BDSM. While she didn’t know what BDSM was at the time she did know she enjoyed it. Time had passed and he’d moved on leaving her unfulfilled. She’d taken a job as an intern at a law firm and things got better for a while. In time she was making very good money and had moved up the ladder to partner…. but she was still missing something… At 24, Lauren’s desires and urges had now grown exponentially. She’d spend her days in the courtroom as a professional woman but her nights were spent naked, fucking herself with anything she could find while watching porn that would disgust most other women…. rape fantasies swirled through her head…Masters and slaves… violent use of women… humiliation and degradation…. She needed to feel the way they felt. She craved it… At 25 she’d found His name through one of the more unsavory clients she chose to represent. He’d been known as a slaver of women but no one could ever make any of the charges or accusations against Him stick. Instead of being repulsed by His very existence, Lauren however found herself gravitating into His orbit, even to the point of reaching out to Him. Unsure if He’d even be interested in or trust her enough to reply to her given her profession, she decided to write Him anyway one night after work and tell Him of her fantasies as her sticky fingers slid in and out of her aching cunt. “What the hell was she doing? Fantasies are fantasies but here she was writing a presumed sex trafficker, detailing her need to be enslaved…” Adding a personal touch to her letter to Him she finished by wiping her soaked fingers against it as she folded it and inserted it into the envelope and added her address….

Pt 2.

It had been nearly a week since she’d dropped her cum soaked letter off to a known associate of His but she’d heard nothing. Surprisingly let down by this instead of feeling relieved like any other woman, Lauren stepped outside the door to her home and opened the car door to get inside. There, despite her car being locked from the outside, sat an envelope with her name on it on her front seat. Her mind raced as she hurriedly got inside and sat down, the nervous brunette tore open the envelope, removing a letter and a cell phone and began to read….

“You’re either very brave, very daring or very stupid for including your address in your letter, cunt. Perhaps a mixture of all three. I’d debated long and hard on replying to you due to your profession but, in seeing you, I just had to risk it.”

Lauren felt her lace panties already moisten at His words but excitedly kept reading until the end…

“Over the next few days, you’ll be tested. If you pass these tests you’ll prove your loyalty and dedication and maybe get the opportunity to meet Me in person. Your first test is to go back into the house, remove your panties and slide the medium plug you keep in your nightstand into your tight little ass. Use the phone, already programmed with My number to send proof that you’ve done as I command.”

Her mind and senses overwhelmed by the knowledge that He’d been inside her home long enough to, at the very least know where she kept her toys, Lauren quickly got out of her car and rushed inside despite her feelings of shock and fear. Running late now for work, she quickly removed her panties, retrieved her medium anal plug and, after lubing it and her tight little asshole, slid it in until it popped in place. Hesitating for a few seconds, knowing this was the point of no return…the cut off between the life she’d lived and the life she’d fantasized about all to often, the horny young woman now made her decision, snapping the picture of her wet little cunt and plugged ass before sending it to the Stranger she’d never met….

Pt 3

Within minutes, lauren felt His phone vibrate in her hand. Looking down, she saw the name Damon and read the words “good girl, cunt. Now get to work. you have an appointment at the courthouse and you’re already late.”

He’d known so much already about her routine, her habits and her job that she was both frightened and extremely turned on…. so much so that by the time she’d pulled into the courthouse parking lot, the back of her black skirt was already soaked where her naked cunt had pressed against it.

Hurriedly, lauren ran into the courtroom, barely making it in time, angering the judge. her day from there went smoothly and quickly however, the need for abandoning her submissive side for her lawyer one being necessary for things to progress without making her look like a horny, ditzy bimbo in front of her peers. Unable to put everything, such as the plug in her ass, out of her mind completely, the young brunette took time often during the day to either adjust in her seat or back her ass against a desk subtle enough to push it back into place.

Now finished with her day she glanced down at Damon’s phone on the way to her car. Like so many times that day however, she saw nothing. Had He not been keeping tabs on her today? Was He playing with her with no intentions of moving further? Now, as she clicked the fob on her keychain  to unlock her door, she smiled widely once again. There, like this morning, lay a note with her name on it. Like a horny school girl, the anxious young brunette once more tore open the envelope as the sun began to set and read her next instruction aloud…

“Once again, very good cunt for obeying My instructions. As promised, another test now awaits you….although this one is a lot riskier for you to follow… With some help from My friends, I’ve temporarily disabled the cameras in the parking garage pointed in your car’s direction as well as the one at the front gate..but only for the next 5 minutes…. plenty of time if you hurry to get out of the car, strip off all of your clothing including your heels, leave them on the ground and quickly clear the front gate to avoid being photographed naked. My friends will be watching and photographing you as you obey My instructions to prove your dedication. If you listen to your mind you’ll surely fail this part but if you obey your cunt, I’ll contact you again soon for your next test….”


Eyes wide with fear and apprehension, lauren now felt her pulse quicken and breathing become shallow. Looking down at the clock on her dash she’d already wasted a minute! she needed this more than anything however…so much so that despite everything her mind was telling her, she quickly stepped outside into the night air and began to strip, tearing open her blouse first, so fast that buttons shot in each direction. Citing luck that she’d worn a front clasp bra this morning, she quickly now shed it as well while kicking off her heels. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see both Men now, cameras in hand taking pictures as proof as she finally slid her black skirt down over her ass and onto the cement leaving herself naked and exposed. No time to waste, she continued now, starting her Lexus and sped toward the front gate before the last minute had expired and the camera came back on, essentially ending her career….

Pt 4

Heart pounding, the naked young attorney had cleared the gate with seconds to spare as she now entered the highway, slouching in her seat to avoid being seen. Thankfully by now the sun was almost down which provided some consolation for feeling like little more than a piece of meat on display at the butcher shop. Despite her fear and embarrassment however lauren felt her little cunt begin to drip once more onto her tan leather seat, this time without her skirt to absorb the wetness. her nipples hardened to the point she felt she could cut glass and her asshole tightened around the plug that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her with every bump in the road. Mere days ago she would never have acted on her fantasies, much less follow the instructions of a Man she’d never met….

her thoughts cut short by the vibration of the phone on her passenger seat, lauren once more picked up the phone to read “Good cunt.”

Those words…even seeing them made her cunt gush until she could feel the seat under her ass become warm and sticky. Briefly losing control as she nearly came, the horny brunette swerved, barely avoiding a parked car. she could only imagine how that would turn out in the city in her current state.

“Very nice body cunt. I’ll hold onto these pics but the Guys and Me are very impressed.”

Feeling herself flush with embarrassment and actual pride at his rude comments instead of the revulsion a normal person would feel, the aching young brunette managed to shakily type “Thank you Sir.”

“I assume you’re soaked by now cunt.”

“Yes Sir”

Pt 5

“you haven’t cum yet?”

“You never said I could Sir.”

“Lets fix that then, cunt. Drive a few more blocks, make a right and drive down to the river front. More instructions will await you there.”

Briefly, the naked young attorney felt her skin crawl as she realized where she now was headed.

Once a beautiful area for couples to drive to and even spend the day, the area over the last 5 years had deteriorated to the point that it was now inhabited mostly by the homeless and strung out junkies the city had forgotten about. Now minutes away, lauren cringed once more at the thought of her surroundings. Boarded up buildings now became more and more common and the amount of scary, filthy looking people and public drug use had increased significantly in the last block alone.


The hum of His cell snapping her back to the realization that she was still naked, soaked and horny, the exposed young brunette now pressed on her break with her manicured toes to sit in the middle of the street.

“Do you truly want this for yourself, cunt”

“Yes Sir.”

“Would you do anything I told you?”

“Yes Sir.”


Without hesitating, the nervous woman quickly replied once more…

“Anything, Sir”

“Good cunt.” Let’s get you an audience first shall we…. Hold the horn down until I tell you to stop.”

The feelings of shock, mortification and humiliation consuming her, the horny young slut did as He commanded and pressed down on the horn, getting the attention of everyone in the area.

Helpless to do nothing but watch as Men and women now surrounded her shiny white Lexus, lauren heard the cat calls and whistles now begin..

“Now then lauren, reach for the glove compartment and pull out the gift I got for you earlier.”

Doing as she was told once more, she did as He commanded, gasping at the size of the large dildo she retrieved.

“Now be a good girl and give these nice people a show. Recline your seat and slide it back, put your legs up on the dash on each side of the steering wheel and start fucking yourself.”

Thinking OH MY GOD to herself but never foolish enough to ruin the chance she might have at a future without His guidance, lauren once more did as He commanded.

“I’ve had My Men install an interior cam above your head in the rear view mirror girl so do not try to welch on our deal.”

Glancing up as she positioned her naked body to His specifications, lauren now glanced up to see the blinking green light on her mirror that hadn’t been there until today.

“Now start fucking yourself cunt. Massage that little clit as you do….and give us all a big smile.

her desire to be a good little cunt trumping all else, the horny young slut once more began to do as she was told, smiling to the crowd as she slid the thick rubber dildo into her pussy, her juices making the process effortless. The thrill of getting off for Him temporarily drowning out the cat calls and whistles from the crowd, the horny young slut continued, rubbing her clit as she used her other hand to continue fucking her self, imagining it was His cock plunging in and out of her aching cunt instead…

Dazed and horny beyond anything she’d ever experienced, the exposed young slut now watched as the crowd of spectators began to get more involved in her performance… One by one she began seeing Men’s cocks around her….pressing against her windows, being pulled on as she performed…even being sucked by the few females in the crowd getting off to her as well.

The sights around her only increasing her own perverse arousal and desire to please, lauren continued fucking herself…more frantically now until she felt her orgasm seize her crying out as her body spasmed and shook. As if triggering a chain reaction, lauren glanced around her to see many of the Men now cum as well, shooting their white loads against her windows and doors before applauding and cat calling her once more to show their appreciation….

Pt 6

her tits still heaving from the hardest cum she’d had in ages, lauren now glanced at herself in the mirror and found herself also able to take in the scene around her fully for the first time. she was still positioned as He’d commanded, legs spread and fully on display for the filthy crowd of homeless and drugged up men and women that still surrounded her car. her naked body was now a sweaty mess. her hair was messed up from thrashing her head from side to side as she fucked herself to orgasm only minutes before. Juices from her aching cunt had oozed out of her soaked little twat, run into the crack of her ass around her plug and were now dripping onto the seat under her. As she gazed out her cum splattered car windows at the half naked Men and women that still surrounded her, lauren now found herself awaiting her next command.

“Such a dirty little whore you are, cunt.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“I’m sure the judge from this morning would not look as favorably on the “straight laced” attorney from His courtroom if He’d known she’d be fucking her little cunt in front of that crowd, all the while hoping to be taken and enslaved like a worthless piece of fuck meat.”

“No Sir”

“What are you?”

“i’m a worthless piece of fuck meat Sir.”

“What are you?”

“i’m an inferior little cunt Sir.”

“What are you?”

“i’m Yours Sir.”

“Good cunt. How much money do you have with you?”

Surprised at His question but once more obeying without hesitation, the naked young brunette now quickly opened her purse and peered inside.

“$320 Sir”

“Very well. Roll down your window enough to thank your audience loudly for their kindness and pay them for their time…. after all I’m sure they’d all enjoy a nice hot meal. Don’t you agree, cunt?”

“Yes Sir.”

Feeling her nipples harden and her tender little cunt begin to ache and flood once more in disgust and humiliation, the degraded little slut once more performed her task to the letter. Lowering her cum covered drivers window down she thanked them loudly, hearing herself shout, “Thank you all for cheering and watching me fuck myself…. this is all the cash i have….take it all.”

For really the first time in her life she was starting to realize her true place in the world…. she was not a lawyer…a professional…even a person…. In making her hand over all the cash she had to the mass of disgusting degenerates that had just cum all over her entire car, He’d positioned her squarely under them all. she was not a whore, a prostitute…even a cunt…. in paying them all just for the privilege of cumming for them,  she was now nothing more than a piece of meat to be used, shown off and abused as He saw fit…..

Pt 7

For minutes, Damon now watched His naked new toy sit motionless in her car through the cam in her mirror. In the 10 hours He’d been directing her actions that day, He’d noticed her significant decline. This morning she was a professional attorney with clients, a job and responsibilities. Now sitting there naked, legs still spread with a soaking wet cunt and a plug in her ass, she’d been lowered further than even she thought possible. No thoughts crossed her mind… only anticipation of her next task.

“you look very pretty like that cunt…. Sweaty, naked, makeup smudged, hair a mess……much better than with your hair styled and your clothes cleanly pressed and presentable.”

Blushing, the dazed young woman quickly replied “Thank you Sir.”

“The only thing that would make your look complete is a load of cum on that face…don’t you think?”

her heart racing at the opportunity to finally see Him, the horny young brunette quickly replied “Yes Sir.”

“Sadly it won’t be Me yet cunt but I have just the idea….but you’ll need more money. There is an ATM on the next corner. Find it and withdraw another $250.

“Both of them by now fully aware that she’d now be dipping into the money she needed for rent in a few days, the desperate little cunt followed His instructions once more to the letter, painfully aware that she’d now be caught on the ATM’s camera as well. her shame increasing even more as she lowered her window all the way for the first time since her performance, the horny young brunette watched in disgust as the cum that hadn’t yet dried on her window now began to smear upwards until it oozed over the top of the glass and collected into a small pool on the ledge of her tan leather door .

“Never let cum go to waste cunt. Use your tongue and show Me what a good little fucktoy you are….right here….right now.

“Oh my God” she thought. It was humiliating enough that she now sat there naked and on display in front of a camera that most certainly was recording but He’d also just ordered her to lick up the entire contents of so many dirty cocks in the pool of cum that had now begun oozing down over the interior of her door as well

her hopes of becoming His little slave once more trumping her own life as she knew it, lauren now once more obeyed, quickly beginning to clean the Men’s cum from the leather door in front of the prying eye of the camera above. There was so much…. and the humiliation of licking it up like a naked animal for a potential audience the next day made her feel weaker and more disgusting than she’d ever felt in her life…. but His instructions were never to be disobeyed….and so she continued until she was finished.

Pt 8

Descending lower and lower for Him…His direction….His kind words….His use…His complete domination, lauren now finished the meal of cum her audience had provided her with and once more took her place in her seat as His phone vibrated once more.

“Good cunt. Now look into the ATM camera, smile and thank them for watching you eat.”

Each direction, no matter how degrading, now seemed to make her hornier and needier than the last. Aching for His use and abuse, the naked young brunette now once more did as she was told, shifting in her seat to take her position on her hands and knees,her swollen little cunt dripping onto a leather seat already slimy from her orgasm earlier.

“Thank you for watching me eat.”

“Good cunt,” His phone vibrated. “Are you embarrassed cunt?”

Resuming her seated position the young woman quickly replied.

“Yes Sir.”

Already knowing the answer to the question He was about to ask, Damon now smiled to Himself as He asked His prey anyway…

“Is this your normal bank cunt?”

“No Sir…this is too bad of a neighborhood. The crime rate is too high and the people are almost as disgusting as the ones in the alley. Besides, I’d be worried about being recognized now.”

“Are you trying to say you’re too good for these people, cunt?”

“N…no Sir.”  

she was lying and they both knew it. her time spent with the rich and elite had given her a false sense of privilege and entitlement….One He fully intended to strip from her.”

“Good cunt because from now on this WILL be your new bank. you want to be My dirty little piece of fuck meat don’t you?”

Panicked but still yearning, she replied quickly.

“Yes Sir.”

“Good cunt….then I’m sure a little cunt like you would enjoy being noticed…recognized from a video it appears you volunteered for. From now on each week, or more if I see fit, you’ll come down here and make your deposit in person. If you’re recognized I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it…. Now wave to the camera and let’s get you to your next destination.”

“Yes Sir.”

Pt 9.

Looking and acting like a horny little slut craving attention, the naked young brunette smiled once more and waved to the camera before turning the key and driving off toward her next destination….

“Your car is a mess cunt but you can only have one of two options.

“1. you can beg Me to allow you to get your car washed before you head home


2. you can beg Me to allow you to be fucked in all three of your tight little holes for the first time in…..How long has it been cunt?”

“A year Sir.”

“How horny you must be cunt…”

“Yes Sir.”

Almost certain the use and probable abuse come from Damon Himself after only one day of tests, lauren still found herself torn between her options. More humiliation tomorrow from driving to work with cum dried all over her car or the first time being fucked by an actual warm throbbing cock in so long….. Which was more important?

In the end, the decision was an easy one…

Pt 10

#2 Sir. Please Sir….I desperately need cock!”

“I don’t give a shit what you need cunt…your needs are not important…only Mine. Understood?”

“Yes Sir. Your needs come before mine.”

“Good cunt. Now beg for cock….ANY cock.”

her mind swimming as her nipples hardened and her cunt spasmed again, nearly cumming from His words, lauren now found herself begging for the unknown….

“Please Sir…. please help me….I’d be grateful for any cock you provide. my fuck holes are yours Sir. Use them how you wish”

Smiling at the text she’d just sent Him nearly without hesitation, Damon now typed His next instructions to her…

“In two miles you’ll turn left onto Wilson St. On the corner you’ll see an old apartment building with a red door. Once you’re there, you’ll get out, lock the keys inside, walk around to the passenger side and wait.”

“His words….the humiliation she’d already suffered at His hands without even being there….and now this…..His complete disregard for her opinions and thoughts…… More and more she was being treated as an object. she’d spent the entire afternoon and evening naked as His prisoner…His plaything. His horny little bitch. her dignity was slipping away faster now. she could feel it. This morning she was a female lawyer, although a horny one….with a nice car and high class friends. After less than a day under His care however, her self respect had now plummeted to an all time low and she’d begun to feel like He’d wanted her to…like nothing but a worthless little cunt…beneath even the crowd that cheered her earlier. she was nothing…but it felt right to her…normal somehow…so normal that, even as she pulled up in front of the run down building, she didn’t hesitate. His rules were Law. Taking a deep breath, the nervous and exposed young woman now continued following His commands, knowing all too well that once she locked her keys inside her Lexus that she’d be helpless to stop what came next. Shutting the door to seal her fate, lauren continued on her path, walking around the car on the dirty street to stand barefoot and naked in the grass next to the passenger side door…..

Pt 11

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes now seemed like an eternity in her current state. she’d been on display tonight before but never outside the safety of her car….never like this. Scared as she was however the young brunette once more felt her nipples harden and her juices begin to flood from the tight little fuck hole between her legs.

“No no NO! What was He turning her into?”

In this neighborhood she could and possibly would be raped repeatedly tonight and yet all she could think about was cock… Cock in her cunt. Cock in her ass. Cock in her mouth…being fucked…used and abused…

The degrading thoughts running through her horny little brain nearly making her cum again without being touched, the exposed young lawyer now was shocked back to reality as the front door to the apartment building opened…

her knees going weak to the point she almost fell, the exposed young woman now gasped at the sight walking toward her.  Shirtless, his chiseled body glistening in the street lights, the biggest black Man she’d ever seen now spoke as He eyed her body.

“Welll look what we got here…..Car trouble,bitch? you’re a little under dressed to be out here in the street this late….you could get hurt.?

“Was He the one?”

lauren had no clue. No doubt Damon had planned this knowing she’d lock His phone in the car with her keys.

“Please….my car….”

“Shut up bitch! Get your naked white ass inside! Looks like your loss is our gain.”

“……OUR gain???? OH MY GOD!?

For the first time today lauren now trembled with fear of the unknown. Fantasies were one thing but was she really about to be raped?

Powerless to resist the large Man behind her she now did as she was told, opening the large red door and stepping inside.

Briefly looking at her surroundings, the scared little brunette saw only a winding starcase leading upward and another leading down, lit only by a flickering red lit chandelier.


“Get your little ass down there cunt. We’re gonna show you what happens to a prissy little white bitch in a black neighborhood.”

Tears beginning to flow down her cheeks, the afraid young lawyer could hear cat calls and cheers once more as loud footprints…and many of them followed down the stairs to the filthy open basement below.

“What had she gotten herself into?”

Pt 12

her naked young body responding violently to the sight at the bottom of the stairs, lauren now fully realized the extent of the no-win situation Damon had put her in.  Poorly lit, no doubt to hide the identities of the Men following her down the stairs, the room contained only a large table and restraints that hung from the ceiling. The entire room smelled like cum and sweat which both nauseated her and made her cunt even wetter. Pictures of other naked women, much like the ones taken of her as she’d stripped in the parking garage, hung on the walls around her, making her painfully aware that she was not the first female Damon had corrupted and she wouldn’t be the last…

Not only was she no longer in control of her actions or her fate, the naked young attorney was about to be truly treated as the piece of fuckmeat Damon was molding her into…

“Pull that plug out bitch and get on the table!”

she hesitated just long enough to feel the first slap to her face from one of the black Men that now surrounded her.

“Now bitch!”

“Y…yes Sir.”

Quickly removing the plug that had been in her asshole now for hours, lauren now let it fall to the floor, climbing up onto the table to lay on her back without a sound. The ringing in her ear from the slap now now disappeared enough to hear their laughter.

“Look at that ass.”

“We’re gonna fuck the shit outta this bitch.”

“She ain’t gonna be able to walk for a week.”

“Look at that little cunt….she’s soaked even now….what a fucking little whore.”

With each harsh word, lauren was losing more and more of herself…more of what made her a human being….to the point she now lay there willing, waiting and motionless.

“We gonna need the restraints cunt?

“No Sir.”

“Good. They take all the fun outta using a bitch…. Now grab those skinny white legs, pull them up and keep them spread. You’re about to get the fucking of a lifetime.”

Doing as she was told, the naked brunette brought her knees to her tits to shamelessly put her soaked little cunt and ass on display.

“Atta girl cunt. Do as you’re told and you just might make it outta this!”

her eyes widening more than ever, lauren now watched helplessly as her captors began to undress, their long black cocks all pointing in her direction as they prepared to use her like the worthless little cunt she was.

her mind swimming in a confused state of panic, lust and fear, she now began to wonder about Damon’s plans for her… Was He just going to let all these Men fuck her….and for how long? Did He even care? Did it even matter? After all, for the first time in her life this truly felt like her place…naked, on her back, legs spread and her wet holes open for use. The thoughts swirling around in her mind sounding as if coming from a dirty little whore and not a skilled lawyer,  the horny young slut now felt yet another piece of her humanity slipping away.

“Look at the bitch…. You guys ever seen a dumb cunt just lay there like that knowin’ she’s about to get her ass raped?”

“Naw but lets show her those little pink holes ain’t gonna be big enough for what’s comin’,”

For the first time in her life the naked young slut now felt completely defeated. There was no where to go…and it was her doing that made it happen.

Pt 13

Waking from her daze in shock as the first huge cock of many to come now slammed into her exposed little cunt without warning, the exposed naked female gasped in agony and lust. Never before fucked by a black Man she’d often fantasied but never imagined this.

“Like that, cunt?”  Get used to it….you won’t be leaving til We’re done!”

“Y….y…..yes Sir.”

“Fuck! This bitch is soaked! Try her ass.”

her petite body manhandled as she was now thrown over on her side, the gasping young cunt now screamed as the second cock slowly slid into her stretched asshole.

her mind completely shutting down, the horny young slut now  continued to accept her place, moaning louder and louder as the two cocks impaling her continued their assault on her holes.

“Look at the dumb cunt just lay there….she ain’t even fighting back! This one’s a keeper….but a little too loud. Someone fix that!”

her eye lids fluttering but still coherent enough to know what they meant, the dazed young brunette now opened her mouth willingly, allowing a third cock to slide between her lips and down her throat to claim her last fuck hole.

her dirty naked body now completely filled with cocks from every direction, lauren now struggled to breathe, gagging on the huge cock beginning to fuck her throat as the taunts, cat calls and degradation coming from her captors continued.

Now, however more and more of them began to sink in as the cocks continued their abuse on her fuck holes and mind. her eyes rolled back in ecstasy. her mouth drooled around the thick cock pummeling her mouth. her asshole stretched even more against the thick cock fucking her ass and her aching pink cunt was so wet now that it slurped against the cock slamming in and out of it.

This was where she belonged…she was born to be a cunt….born to be fuck meat. Why had she even gone to school? Why had she wasted her time trying to be an equal to Men she clearly was inferior to? What a stupid decision. but then again women weren’t known for being overly bright…so much easier to follow than to think….to be molded into what Men wanted….Cock was all she craved and, now that all of her fuck holes were filled, stretched and abused, she only wanted more.

The feel of the cock that had expertly fucking her cunt now being removed, the aching little cunt now whined against the cock in her mouth. The dirty overwhelming need to be filled with their cocks had now grown to a new level and lauren now found herself instinctively trying to lift her ass off the ground for more..

“Look at that stupid fuck pig! she wants more….she’s like an animal…Lets start treating it like one!”

her jumbled thoughts trying to focus as another hard black cock took the place of the one before it, lauren now softly repeated words she’d been called as the new cock in her cunt picked up its pace.



“st….stupid fu…fu…fuck..p…pig.”

The sensation as the first warm jet of cum sprayed against her belly driving her even further down the path to degradation, the naked young fuckpig now moaned against the cock in her mouth as the long line of drool and precum oozed down her chin and onto the dirty floor.

Pt 14

It had been hours…how many she didn’t know.

Three at a time, they’d fucked each of her holes as as even more degrading pictures of her were taken. .

They’d fucked her mouth so hard her jaw cramped.

her ass and lips dripped cum from the many times she’d done her job.

The only hole left was her cunt…. stretched, sore and swollen….but not filled with cum.  

The same couldn’t be true of her body.

Not all of her captors had cum inside her.

Many laughed and called her names as they’d just shot their loads on top of her.

her face was covered in it. her hair was matted and plastered with it and her body looked as if it had been entirely glazed.

Nothing mattered to her right now except the realization that they’d been taken care of. she’d served her true purpose. Men had gotten off inside her and all over her….. her true place in life…. a place she had never quite realized until today.

Now laying there before them, their cocks deflated, she watched helplessly as they gave her one last parting gift….the first warm streams of piss hitting her face followed by more on her body….

“Better rinse that off fuckpig…can’t have you going home all covered in cum…

And so she once more did as she was told. rubbing the loads of cum off as best she could under the golden showers of Men above her.  A week ago, the young woman would never imagined herself being used like this… fucked, mocked, called disgusting names….let alone being forced to wear the cum of so many Men and then used as a toilet for their piss.

As her brief shower ended the defeated young attorney once more found herself thanking Them for the most disgusting thing she’d ever had happen to her…and meaning it.

“You’re welcome fuckpig. Now get out. Sun’s coming up soon and you have somewhere to be.

Pt 15

her eyes widening in shock and  panic, the well used little slut instantly was brought back to the real world as she’d known it.

“Oh my god! Have i really been here all night? What time is it? Am i already late for work?

lauren felt like a whore. Sweaty and covered in piss and cum, she could smell it on herself strongly…the exact odor she smelled when she’d entered the basement hours before. Hurrying up the stairs, she rushed toward the door, thick cum oozing out of her asshole as she reached the big red door. Opening it, the light hurt her eyes. It was definitely past time for work.

her anxiety peaking as she raced naked down the sidewalk to reach her car, knowing she’d locked the keys inside so many hours earlier, lauren hesitantly tried the handle. Now unlocked once more, she thankfully credited Damon and smiled briefly before getting inside. His cell sitting on the passenger side beside her, the screen now read 1 new message.

Now for the first time she heard His voice….

“Good morning fuckpig. No doubt you’ve realize that, while you’ve had your little holes stuffed and filled with cum, the sun has come up and you’re late for work. Lucky for you, I’ve had one of My girls call you in sick today. your boss questioned your voice at first but amy was able to convince Him she was you. Therefore, your time under My control continues. While you were getting your little holes fucked and enjoying your time with your new friends last night, My own friends visited your apartment and began making some changes to your life. For one, your wardrobe has now been thinned down significantly. Anything considered too professional or not revealing enough has been shredded and disposed of. I’ve taken the liberty of buying you new clothes consistent with My tastes…at your expense of course, which has unfortunately maxed out all of your credit cards to make you even more dependent on Me. Don’t worry though, you still have the $250 you removed last night…for now. The down side for you is that later today you’ll be driving back down here  to use it to open a new account at the bank you performed in front of last night. I wonder if anyone will recognize you…

Let that all sink in for a few minutes before starting the car….then drive your disgusting little ass home and wait for further instructions in the driveway. I have big plans for you today cunt….hope you’re ready. you’ve come so far already…open the center console and see.

The sound of His voice was making her sick bodily urges override her brain again…. Mortified by the words He’d spoken to her and the situation she was in but so incredibly horny, her cunt once more soaked itself and drooled onto the crusted leather seat beneath it as she opened the console. Filled with pictures of her, taken throughout the day up until this morning, they showed the gradual downfall of a professional woman into the inferior fuckpig she was now…. Pictures of her leaving her house yesterday morning, the upskirt picture of her cunt, the parking garage she stripped at, stills of her fucking herself in the car as the crowd looked on, the show she put on in front of the ATM, and finally the most revealing ones of all… snapshots of her laying on her back in the dark nasty basement, her holes filled with cock…cum dripping off of and out of her… and finally, ones of her kneeling under Them as They’d pissed all over her….

Feeling the need to type “Thank You Sir” at her own humiliating expense even though the message had been sent hours before, the young brunette now looked at herself in the mirror. Damon was right. she’d come so far.

Pt 16

she’d run out so fast that Their piss still dripped from her naked body. The cum she hadn’t gotten out of her hair was drying and hardening it in place. her make up from the morning before was mostly gone now except for her around her eyes where it streaked down her cheeks, and she could still smell their sweat, piss and cum on her.

The combined taste of Their cum in her mouth making her thirsty, the defiled young brunette now started her car and headed for home. Thankfully it was now after rush hour but lauren still slouched in her seat as she rounded corners and stopped at red lights along the way. Even now the, still subdued, voice in her head telling her not to slouch….to show off her body, Their cum and piss proudly, was growing louder….so much so that by the entrance to her driveway, she was now sitting normally in her seat. she felt like such a whore…. but this was the way a cunt was supposed to behave right?

Once more His phone vibrated.

“Good cunt. Now let’s get you inside….but no more rushing…. you have a nice set of tits, a firm little ass and a killer smile… let’s put you on display some more. your driveway isn’t overly long but I want you to back up and park by the mailbox. Set the phone’s alarm for 2 minutes and get out of the car. Shove that dildo all the way up inside your cunt and start walking toward your front door. If you enter your house before the two minutes expires, you fail. If you try to cover your body in any way, you fail. If your dildo slides out of your cunt as you walk, you fail…. and failure means our deal is off and if our deal is I may be so pissed that I’d ruin you and send your pics to law firms all over town just for fun. Now do as I tell you cunt. Don’t forget your keys, your purse and My phone…. Now let’s start the show.

her eyes widened in shock at what He’d written, the naked young woman once more did as He commanded. Would He really do that? With her money now gone, she’d be broke and homeless in a matter of a few days. Putting her cum covered Lexus in reverse, lauren backed her car to the end of the driveway, set her phone’s alarm and now, unthinkable a few short days ago, got out holding her purse with her keys and His phone inside, and her dildo. she felt so dirty…on display like an animal at a petting zoo…

Humiliated, the naked brunette continued her degrading display, setting her purse on the pavement to reach down, spread apart the lips of her aching cunt once more and slide the thick dildo all the way up inside her with a moan of pleasure. Even as shocked as she still was, her cunt was already so wet from Damon’s words that the thick rubber cock began to slide out already without taking a step…. she’d have to hold it there the whole way up the driveway….and from behind so as not to anger Damon by covering her cunt with her hand.

Slowly the embarrassed young lawyer now picked up her purse, reached around under her naked ass to press the dildo into her cunt as her walk of shame began…

Pt 17

As she slowly and deliberately walked toward her door, lauren now tried to imagine what she’d look like to the people in her life…her neighbors, her friends, the policemen and women she worked with, her clients and her boss….

a naked, piss and cum covered woman walking up the driveway toward her house in broad daylight holding a thick dildo inside her soaked cunt as cum continued to leak out of her ass from a gangbang she’d initiated…..God, they’d filled her ass with so much cum….

Halfway there…..

One car…getting closer… slowing down…OH MY GOD…. Two boys! Whistles from both…then propositions!

Another car…getting closer….speeding up…a woman yelling obscenities at her like a piece of garbage….then “SLUT!”

One part of her desperately hoping to keep herself hidden from her neighbors…. and the other side hoping to get caught in all of her nasty, naked glory, lauren now reached the door, frantic for the keys as the alarm loudly beeped, signaling the end of her latest test.

Opening the door and stepping inside just in time to avoid a third car coming up the block, the nasty little cunt quickly closed it behind her and dropped her hands to her sides, breathing a sigh of relief as her purse and keys fell to the floor followed by the large rubber dildo that now slid out of her soaking wet fuck hole with a loud slurp.

Pt 18.

The buzz of the phone in her hand waking her from her daze, lauren now answered it eagerly, already missing the voice of her Manipulator.

“Very good, fuckpig. you continue to perform your tasks adequately. First let’s get your nasty ass cleaned up. As much as I prefer you looking like a used piece of trash, I’ll need you looking your best later. Go and take a shower and get all that piss and cum off you. At this point I can see every move you make in your house cunt so don’t waste time. Once you’re out of the shower apply your make up and then wait for further instructions.”

“Yes Sir.”


“Yes fuckpig?”

“It’s been hours since I went to the bathroom….May i?”

“Shit or piss?“

“What Sir?”

“Shit or piss? From now on pig you’ll always need to not only beg to shit or piss but you’ll always need to let Me know which one or both. Now beg.

Nervously sighing, the broken young woman now took the next step in her development…..

“Please Sir, may this worthless fuckpig shit and piss?’

Somewhere, Damon smiled. His new fuckpig was progressing well.

“Yes pig but from now on I think I’ll make you use the yard behind your house. The privilege of using a toilet is meant for those much more superior to your worthless ass…. and don’t worry pig. I have cameras out there as well. Now hurry…you have an appointment back across town in two hours. Don’t make Me wait.

Horrified but ever obedient, the naked young fuckpig once more did as it was told, stepping out on its back porch to look at the well manicured yard it had once paid a company to keep up. its knees week, it now found itself wishing it had paid for a privacy fence as well. Both of its neighbors had unrestricted views of its yard and it had even caught Mr Franklin, the perverted single Man next door ogling it as it layed out to tan on more than one occasion…. The Robinsons however were a newly married couple with no kids but it assumed they both would be mortified to see their, once very professional neighbor squatting to piss and shit in her own yard….. Still Damon’s directions were to be obeyed always and so, once more the defeated pig did as it was told….squatting like an animal in it’s own yard, first voiding it’s bladder and then it’s bowels, leaving a pile before standing up without anything to wipe itself and running back inside to the shower.

Damon had broken its will so many times already with ease to the point he could have told it to drive to work as disgusting looking as it was, walk into the courtroom and beg to suck the judge’s cock in front of the crowd and it would…

It was humiliated, degraded and broken….and yet, as it turned on the water to the shower, it’s nipples and cunt responded like the horny and pathetic animal it was.

Pt 19.

Desperate and horny the soiled, piss and cum covered cunt washed itself off quickly, rubbing it’s needy little fuck hole as its skin came clean once more. The clean water helping it come back to its senses although only enough to come down from the high of serving Damon’s wishes, lauren now began once more to think clearly…more like a woman and less like the needy little cunt she was turning into. Assuming Damon would want her looking her best, lauren finished by shaving her legs and also removing what little pubic hair that had grown in above her fuck hole. The touch of her hand rubbing the shaving cream against her cunt making her want to play with herself all over again, she fought against the urges growing stronger….

Stepping out of the shower, lauren now dried her hair and applied her make up, once more appearing like she did every morning for work.

The phone buzzed.

“Very nice cunt. you look human again although I have to say I prefer your face and body covered in cum much more.”

“Thank You Sir.”

“Now get to your room and put on the clothes layed out for you.”

Nervously, lauren now did as she was told, stepping into her room with a shock.

The most obvious change was the lack of curtains on her only bedroom window facing the busy road in front of her house. Damon had made sure she’d always now be on display, even in her own home. Standing there dazed, the shocked brunette continued to scan her new surroundings. Her sensible clothes were now gone. her longer dresses, her shorter heels and even her sneakers had all be removed. The drawers that once contained her bras, panties and jeans were now empty as well. Shifting her gaze to the bed, the naked young woman now let the idea of wearing the outfit He’d chosen for her in public sink in…

Pt 20

White and gauze like, the dress He’d chose for her left nearly nothing to the imagination. As she pulled it on and looked at her body in the mirror, lauren could plainly see everything she had to offer a Man… the tight wet slit between her legs, the crack of her ass and especially her nipples as they now spiked out against the thin material. In addition, the dress  was so short that it barely covered her nipples and her cunt and ass at the same time which would put even more of her naked body on display for all to see. Looking down, the blushing little brunette now slipped on the 4″ white platform high heels He’d left for her to round out her outfit for the day ahead.

Pt 21

she looked like a whore.  her dress left nothing to the imagination. As she awkwardly turned around in the white platform heels He’d chosen for her, she could see absolutely everything she had to offer any Man… her cunt, already soaked with humiliation… the crack of her naked ass….and the rock hard nipples that spiked out against the nearly sheer white material. In addition to already feeling like a piece of fuck meat on display, lauren now felt her dress move with each step, either riding up her thighs to expose her little ass and cunt or down with each jiggle of her braless, medium sized tits to expose her pink nipples to anyone who’d notice. There was no winning scenario where she’d be able to keep all of her body covered at any one time… and that made her cunt ache all the more.

her phone buzzed. It was Damon

“Very nice cunt.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“But there is one piece missing to your wardrobe cunt. It’s in your top right dresser drawer.”

Nervously lauren once more followed His instructions, opening the drawer and retrieving a thin, black leather collar, innocent looking enough save for the lettering across the front spelling FUCK ME.

“Sir, you want me to wear this out in addition to looking like this?”

“Why wouldn’t I cunt? We both know what the thoughts of wearing it is already doing to you don’t we?”

“Y…yes Sir.”

“What’s it doing to you cunt?”

“I…it’s making my cunt ache Sir”

“Good. Now put it on….and cunt…”

“Yes Sir?”

“Never question Me again or I’ll ruin your little ass. Got it?”

“Yes Sir.”

Buckling the thin collar behind her neck, lauren awaited her next task.

Pt. 22

“Let’s get you to your destination fuckpig.”

Defeated, the half naked young brunette could only reply “Yes Sir.”

“You won’t be needing your car so I’ve sent one of My Men to pick you up. He should be there soon but He’ll be expecting payment for His services before you leave so be ready by the door.”

“Yes Sir.”

Quickly the flustered brunette now hurried awkwardly to the front door on her heels, raised the bottom of her skirt to her waist and pulled the top down to expose her tits. A few days ago she’d never imagined herself like this…following His orders so blindly, humiliating herself in front of strangers, being a willing fuck doll for a group of Men with no regard for her safety, or even now, standing in front of her own front door half naked, nervous but willing to offer her holes as payment for a ride to an unknown destination. Nervously she now finished her pose, closing her eyes and opening her mouth for possible inspection.

She now heard the car pull up. The car door shut. Footsteps to the door. she wasn’t sure if He’d ring the doorbell…. and He didn’t. A breeze blew in as the door opened, caressing her exposed tits and cunt.

“Very nice, bitch. I think I’ll take your mouth. Now drop to your knees, crawl over here and take out My cock. We only have a few minutes so you’d better be a good cock sucker or we’ll be late for your appointment.”

Quickly doing as she was told, lauren immediately dropped to her knees, crawled over and tore open the Stranger’s jeans to gently pull out His long hard cock. Once inside her mouth however, her Driver quickly reminded her that a cunt should never be in control of her surroundings. Grabbing a fist full of her hair He now began to fuck her mouth… and after the humiliating gang bang the night before, lauren had begun to admit that she preferred it that way.

Gagging on His cock as He raped her mouth, the horny young brunette tried desperately to keep up, massaging His cock with her tongue as the saliva oozed out of the corners of her mouth, down her chin and onto her naked tits.

“That’s it cunt…..almost there…”

Further and further He pushed her head down until the last thrust. she could smell His cologne mixed with His sweat. she could feel His cock down her throat. He was getting close. her nose touched the trimmed patch of pubic hair at the base of His cock…. As she was about to gag on Hiim for the last time, she now watched and felt Him pull out of her mouth, giving her only a fleeting taste before watching as His cock emptied load after load of warm sticky cum down over her exposed tits.

“Boss says that should help hold your dress in place, cunt. Now get up and let’s go”

Pt 23

Ever obedient, the young brunette stood once more. There was so much cum and, as she adjusted her tiny dress, it now stuck to her tanned young body, making the thin white material already barely covering the entire front of her body even more see through. Embarrassed as hell but unable to stop her body from reacting to the feel of His cum, lauren now followed her Escort obediently to the car, her cunt dripping from the humiliation. As she climbed into the back seat of the car, the horny young slut now realized for the first time, despite the sticky cum beneath it, that the tiny dress would never be able to keep her cunt covered if she was asked to sit. Already it had risen up on her hips and ass almost to her waist. her hands fidgeted anxiously at her sides as she sat exposed, horny and degraded, trying to focus on her surroundings instead of the aching wet cunt throbbing between her legs.

“It’s ok cunt…. you can play with yourself….even cum if you want….Boss didn’t say you couldn’t and I definitely don’t mind.”

“Thank You Sir.”

Pulling her cum soaked dress down to expose her tits once more, lauren pulled and pinched each nipple as her other hand slid to her needy cunt. One, two then three fingers slid into her aching fuck hole as she moaned for her one Man audience, completely taking her attention off the direction He now took her. Within seconds, the aching little slut was bucking against her hand like an animal, cumming over and over again before drifting off into subspace…

Pt 24

“Wake up cunt. you’re here.”

Rubbing her eyes, the exposed young brunette sat up, her cunt still warm and slimy from cumming earlier….

“Wh…Where are w…..OH MY GOD!”

It was the same bank she’d shown off in front of ATM cam the night before!

“Boss said He told you you’d be coming back here. Today is the day. Now get out. Don’t want to keep the bank manager waiting.”

“But how will I get home Sir if you leave?”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that cunt… Now let’s go…Mr. Pratt will be waiting.”

“Yes Sir.”

Looking at her face in the rear view mirror and then down at her body, lauren began to panic. From the neck up despite some dried cum on her chin that she was able to brush off, she looked professional. From her neck down however she looked like a whore. There was no way to cover her tits, ass and cunt at the same time and the cum from her driver had not even begun to dry, not only keeping the entire front see through but letting anyone around her know from the smell what plastered the material to her body.

“Now cunt!”

“Y…yes Sir.”

Hurriedly the embarrassed young woman exited the car quickly attempting to adjust the material as best she could over her nipples, ass and cunt as she stood ready to be put on display.like the piece of fuckmeat she was.

Despite the bad neighborhood, her feelings of inadequacy only intensified as she watched the car that brought her quickly disappear. Trying to cover the front of her dress the best she could, lauren now entered the bank, uncertain of her future.

Pt 25

As she imagined, her appearance and smell made an immediate impression on ever Male teller and customer. Applause and cat calls filled the bank as she shamefully walked to the front desk.

“Excuse me Sir, I’m looking for…”

“Nice dress, cunt.”

her eyes widened in shock, the half naked brunette, indignantly responded with anger in her eyes.

“Ex…excuse me Sir?”

“I said NICE DRESS, CUNT!” Someone should teach you the proper way to speak to a Man. You’d think a slut wearing a cum stained see through dress with a “Fuck Me” collar would know how to act when she’s complimented instead of being a bitch.”

His words sending chills down her spine and snapping her back to the harsh reality that He was right, lauren immediately regretted her words.

“i’m so sorry Sir. Thank you for your kind words. my name is lauren. i…I’m a lowly cunt here to see Mr. Pratt. Is He in?”

“Better, cunt. Third floor. Room 208. Take the elevator in the back hallway. ms Bly will accompany you up. Before you go though why don’t you pull that dress down and show the room those tits for being so rude.”

“Hey guys, lauren here has something to show us!”

Her embarrassment at an all time high, the humiliated young woman now found herself doing as she was commanded…by even this rude Man she’d never met, smiling as she pulled down the top of her cum soaked dress to the delight of every Man in the room.

she was fuckmeat….and she knew it

Pt 26

she was even more compliant now than before. she was now taking orders from almost any man and that scared and frustrated her…but she couldn’t stop.

she’d just waited for nearly a minute in a crowded bank full of men with the top of her cum soaked dress down showing her tits until the applause and cat calls subsided. she’d found herself frozen in place, afraid of disappointing them if she covered them too soon. her mindset had changed. It was no longer about her needs at all. The needs of Men came first…not just one Man but ANY Man….and it was strangely liberating to admit it to herself as she covered her tits once more with the warm sticky material of her dress.

Turning to head down the hallway, she lowered her head as she once more passed the Man at the desk.

“Thanks for the show, cunt but your tits are way to small. Maybe someday you’ll find a Man who will buy you some bigger ones that aren’t as pathetic looking.”

His words cut her to the bone but He was right. He was a Man after all. her tits were too small… For a second she found herself fantasizing about how much louder the cheers could have been if her tits were bigger…not just bigger…disproportionate to her small frame so that everyone knew what a dirty little cunt she was….

“Thank you Sir. i’m sorry they’re so small Sir.”

“That’s OK fuckpig. From what I hear you’re a work in progress. Now get your stupid ass in the elevator. you should never keep a Man waiting.”

“Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.”

Until now, she’d never been so humiliated in a public place. Every Man in the bank saw her as nothing more than a piece of meat…and it was becoming normal for her as well. Humiliation was becoming self awareness and with each humiliating act either in public or private, self awareness was becoming acceptance. Being a fuckpig for Men was strangely easier than competing with them in a job clearly meant for Them. her brain now began to question everything she’d ever wanted for herself…every detail of her life she could have done differently if she’d only known what she was sooner. her life had been wasted trying to compete. Damon was teaching her otherwise.

her nervousness subsiding even though her dress still barely covered her body, she still smelled like cum, was still wearing her “Fuck Me” collar and felt ridiculous on her heels, the young fuckpig pressed the button for the elevator and waited for the door to open.

Pt 27.

she was a fuckpig. More and more Men were calling her that lately…. and every Man she’d met the last few days at least was right. she shouldn’t fight it. she shouldn’t deny what she was. As her little cunt began to flood once more, the horny little brunette began to feel her juices begin to ooze out her her fuck hole. Why did Damon even allow her to dress today? It would be so much easier to make her come in naked so she could show off her entire body to the Men in the lobby instead of just her tiny tits. It would make it so much easier if one or even all of them wanted to fuck her…. God the elevator was taking a long time…. she slid her dress up to her waist, exposing herself for anyone in the hallway as her hand slid down her body to play with her leaking little fuck hole. she didn’t deserve to wear clothes at all. she should just strip here and get it over with.

The elevator opened.

Entranced, the young brunette stood there, unprepared for the sight in front of her.

Pt 28.

The part of her brain that would find her current circumstances degrading or at the least incredibly embarrassing over the last few days now ever decreasing, the half naked young fuckpig now looked upon ms bly for the first time. Naked, collared, leashed and on all fours, the brunette gagged lovingly on the cock fucking her mouth. her tits, larger than hers, swayed back and forth as He fucked her like a marionette on a string.

Looking almost past her at first, the Man, quickly growing frustrated with her lack of movement, now ushered her inside in the way that made the most sense.

“Move cunt! I haven’t got all day and I’m about done with this little whore.”

“Yes Sir. Sorry Sir.”

“Take that ridiculous dress off cunt. Do you really think a fuckpig like you deserves to be dressed in a Man’s presence much less be allowed to stand?

“N..no Sir, i…”

Cut short by a hard slap across her face from her Superior, the young fuckpig now stood dazed and wide eyed as she hurriedly obeyed. Pealing the dress over her head, the young set of holes smelled what all the other Men smelled when she walked past….a stupid little cum soaked fuckpig meantt to be used in any way a Man would want.

“Now on your knees cunt. Lick My balls while the cunt finishes her task. Harder bly! Don’t make Me tell either of you again.

her cunt was throbbing. her tits heaved. her nipples hardened. her knees buckled on their own as the horny little cunt dropped to the floor and crawled to Him. It didn’t really matter to her who He was but He was her Superior and His cock and cleanly shaven balls were amazing.

Hungrily both fuckpigs now worked eagerly as the Man above them now attached the other end of the leash to lauren’s collar, joining the two.

“Lets go sluts. you’re on a clock now. I’m going up one more floor and you’d both better be finished by then.

Pt 29

A day ago she would have denied that any of this would feel as natural as it did at this moment. she was naked and on all fours, collared and leashed to another naked female in a public elevator. she smelled like cum and it felt good…even better, she was being allowed the privilege of licking a Man’s balls. As she tongued the smooth skin she could feel His pleasure building.

“Now My asshole, fuckpig.”

Eyes widnened in shock but obeying nonetheless, lauren now wormed her way further between His legs to do as she was told. It both disgusted and aroused her as she rimmed Him.

“Good cunt….suck harder bly!”

“Ughhh.. Ughhhh… Ahhhhhhhh!”

His body spasmed as He came, shooting His cum down ms. bly’s throat before pushing both women away almost in disgust.

“Don’t wipe that cum off cunt….leave it there this time. Let it dry to show everyone what a good little cunt you are.”

Composing herself as best she could being naked, lauren watched silently as the other naked brunette now nodded and thanked her Superior.

“Do I need to remind you of your place cunts?” Stay on the floor and wait for the Boss at the top…..and you…. the new fuckpig?”

“Yes Sir?”

“you won’t be needing your dress. Leave it when you exit the elevator. The janitorial staff will dispose of it.”

“Yes Sir. Thank You Sir.”

Pt 30

her mindset was changing. Even earlier that day she’d be wondering how she’d get home without her clothes. Things were somehow simpler now. she took solace in the fact that a Man….ANY Man should be obeyed despite how she felt. It was no longer her place to think on her own. Men were to be obeyed. Disobeying them was always met with discomfort and she much rather wanted to please than be punished.

ms. bly clearly had been here a while. As they both waited on all fours, the other brunette kept her head down, eyes glued to the floor. As the elevator climbed, lauren gazed at the young female more closely. her tits had clearly been augmented. Large rings hung from each of her nipples and the number 44 had been branded into the soft flesh of her right ass cheek.

“44?” she whispered.

As if unsure if she should speak at all, the other cunt now whispered back.

“It’s my new name. you’ll get a number as well.”

“How many of us are there?”

“Nearly 100 now. This is where our Owners bring us each day to work.”


“we’re stripped, leashed, kept on all fours and please the Men in any way they desire.”

“Where are we being taken 44?”

“Mr. Pratt’s office for your subjugation and integration. i mustn’t say anymore. Be quiet or you’ll be punished…. and never look Mr. Pratt in the eye. It’s expressly forbidden.

Pt 31

lauren pondered the words 44 just spoke.

“Subjugation and integration.”

she was educated enough to know perfectly well what those words meant but wondered how they’d be used to describe what came next.

Naked and on all fours, her collar chained to another naked female in an elevator heading to see the bank Owner.

It was clear this was no ordinary bank. The Men in the lobby were clearly Owners of the females kept in other areas of the bank. Their views, like the Man at the desk downstairs, were surprisingly now welcomed by lauren. Thinking back to the way He treated her like a piece of meat….berated her and made her feel inferior now made her fuck hole leak down her thighs as she kept her position. Obeying her Superiors was easier than anything she’d ever done. she found herself hoping Mr Pratt would allow her to suck His cock as well. It didn’t matter to her if He’d be attractive or ugly. It was her duty to serve and pleasure as it was 44′s. At this point, her life as a female attorney seemed a lifetime away. The professional attire, the briefcase full of papers to memorize, the protocol in the courtroom, the exhausting attempts to be Man’s equal….. it was so much easier being a naked, horny, cock craving fuckpig instead…


The sound of the elevator reaching its destination jarring the horny little cunt back to reality, lauren now watched helplessly as the elevator doors to a whole new world opened before her.

His firm hand grasping the leash connecting them both, an unknown new Man now led them out of the elevator and down the hall to the office at the end. Trying desperately to at least keep her heels on, lauren fumbled as she crawled until the Man leading them tugged their leash.

“Kick your shoes off cunt. you’re already naked. What good are shoes to you now?”

Obeying almost gladly, lauren did as she was told, leaving her heels behind as the Man continued past other offices full of sights she’d never seen before.

#34 all alone serving as a coffee table complete with pitcher and grapes….

A group of Men taking turns fucking #10′s holes on an office chair ….

#30 chained to a wall, gagged and bound…..

A Man fucking #51 against His desk….

and finally, #6, no doubt a member of the janitorial staff, naked and gathering trash from the offices in shackles….

her soaked little cunt ached as she watched the other females being used by the Men around her. That’s why they were there after all. her cunt juices lubricating her inner thighs, although no one looked up from their own piece of fuckmeat or even seemed to notice the two naked females being pulled down the hall on all fours, the horny young brunette was certain everyone she crawled passed could smell her fuck holes and it gave her a sense of pride.

Opening the last door at the end of the hall now, the mysterious Man now pulled both naked females inside.

Pt 32

“Ahh ms bly and the new fuckpig…lauren is it? Or do you even respond to that at this point cunt?“

“Just fuckpig please Sir.”

“Very good.”

her eyes still cast downward, she hadn’t even seen her the newest Superior standing before her.

“Very nice body fuckpig.”

“Thank You Sir. my tits are too small though. I’m sorry Sir.”

“Nothing implants can’t fix fuckpig. Now then….do you know why you’re here?”

“No Sir.”

“you’re here because Damon says so.”

“fuckpig smiled softly.”

“Although you’re well on your way toward being what He wants, there is still the issue of your individuality and your status as a person that needs to change.”


“Lauren Pierce is a person…..and although she doesn’t deserve it, a well documented trial lawyer. Lauren Pierce has ties to the community, a well paying job, neighbors, friends and a life. Lauren Pierce also has possessions. All of these will cease today.”

Eyes wide, the naked young brunette swallowed hard. Thinking back to a few days ago when this was all just an un-realized fantasy in contradiction to how she sat now, completely naked, exposed and completely at the mercy of so many Men, she felt truly uneasy.

“I’m afraid there is no turning back at this point fuckpig. If you refuse to do what is necessary, Damon will expose you as the cunt you are. Pictures will be sent to your boss detailing your actions over the last few days. These same pics in addition to the ones at the ATM will no doubt earn you a criminal record for public indecency. you’ll lose your job, your home and any way of supporting yourself, let alone the ability to make payments on that fancy car of yours.  your life as you know it will be ruined. From this day forth you’re either a disgraced former lawyer or a slave. you have 60 seconds to decide.”

Pt 33

she’d been completely dominated by every Man she’d been in the company of over the last two days.  At first it was humiliating yet exhilarating. she thought she knew what she wanted and set things in motion to accomplish that goal. Yet each Man after the next had changed her… lowering her perspective…her place in the world. They’d made her see what she truly was. They’d made her understand that she was nothing but three holes and a set of tits. Now, as she sat, naked collared and leashed on her heels, the realization that her life as she knew it was truly over almost seemed welcomed. Until now, she’d only been doing what she was told. but she was still Lauren Pierce. she no longer wanted to be.

“Please Sir, make me a slave. What do I need to do?“

“Very good, fuckmeat. First I’ve taken the liberty of documenting your life, making a list of all of the friends and acquaintances you’ve made since you were a little girl… quite exhausting I’ll admit but I’m being paid very well for My services and this is far from the first or the last time I’ll be doing it. The closest ones on the list you’ll now begin calling, telling them you’re taking time off and need a fresh start and time to decide what you want from life. you’ll tell them you won’t be available for contact but let them know you’ll be fine. your parents will be next which will be the hardest. you may tell them whatever they need to hear but you’ll never see them again I’m afraid. After that, you’ll call your boss and tender your resignation effective immediately. Once you’ve severed all ties to your friends and loved ones you’ll begin signing the stack of papers on the desk in front of you. Deeds, ownership papers, life insurance policies…. everything will be signed over to Damon. you don’t think, as His property, He’d allow you to own anything yourself do you? Once we’re done here, Lauren Pierce will no longer exist. Everything that makes you you will be erased, you’ll be branded like all the other fuckpigs here and become the property of My Employer to do with as He wishes. Normally I’d ask if you understood what I’d just layed out but your understanding or even your opinion hardly matters in this case. Get started immediately fuckpig. My Employer has booked a flight out of the country tonight at 11 pm and He’s expecting you to be loaded with the rest of the cargo before He arrives.”

pt 34

This was happening! Never in her wildest imagination did she imagine this day. she was sitting naked, still collared to the female she’d shared a cock with in the elevator only minutes before. her dress was gone. her heels were gone. The only thing she wore was her “fuck me” collar and even that she hardly felt on her body. Looking up at the list of names in front of her on the desk, she again tried to imagine her new life as a slave. her stomach tightened as the fear of the unknown added to the finality of what she was about to do crept into the back of her mind. How many women had Damon enslaved like this? The only way to know for sure would be her actual branding once her calls and signatures were complete, effectively stripping her of her rights, possessions and her very humanity itself.

“Now, fuckpig!”

“Yes Sir.”

The first call was harder than she imagined….the first step was always the hardest…. but name by name came and went and by the end of the list of friends and acquaintances, she found it was almost relieving to sever ties.

Next came her parents’ number however and she gulped loudly as they answered…

As Mr Pratt turned His back on the two naked females, 44 briefly looked up into her eyes and reached for her hand, offering what silent encouragement she could before lowering her gaze to the floor once more.

To her parents, the call went like any other they’d had. Her father asked about her work, her mom asked again if she’d found a man to which she replied “yes” to this time. To them, things were perfectly normal. she told them she’d be going on an extended vacation to relieve stress from work and they understood. Why wouldn’t they? They both were proud of their little girl and knew she was smart enough not to get mixed up with anything she couldn’t get herself out of. she said she loved them and not to worry. They agreed and the phone call ended. she’d wanted to tell them more but they would never have understood her situation much less grasp how a daughter they’d brought up so well would have such a twisted need to be a slave.

Her job was next.

Finding it much easier to dial her job than her parents, the naked brunette listened for the receptionist to pick up and then her boss. By now the finality of what she was doing was catching up to her. she’d already cut ties with almost everyone she’d ever meet and she was about to lose another piece of herself…perhaps the largest piece.  she’d devoted her college degree and the years since then to being the best lawyer she could be and now, after a two minute conversation, it too was gone.

Pt 35

“Now then fuckpig, let’s get down to the issue of your possessions and your freedom. On the desk in front of you is everything that makes Lauren Pierce a person. Drivers licence, insurance papers, documents of ownership, even magazine subscriptions…. I’ve taken the time and liberty of collecting them all…every trace of who you are is here. Those items such as your subscriptions, registration and drivers license will naturally eventually expire. The ownership papers however will need to be signed by you. stripping you of all possessions starting now.”

As she looked at the papers in front of her, lauren almost complimented her latest Captor. The defeated former lawyer’s life was indeed all there….everything that made her unique….everything that, in a few moments would all be stripped from her leaving her as nameless, destitute and subjugated as the naked and conquered brunette on all fours beside her.

“Let’s go fuckpig!” I still need to get you branded and prepared for transport. If you make us late, He may just leave you at the terminal as you are and, at this point I think you’d take anything compared to that.”

“Yes Sir.”

First it was her house and everything in it, then her car, then her life insurance policy, naming Damon the beneficiary….until at last she owned nothing besides the “Fuck Me” collar around her neck….and at this point she highly doubted even that was the case.

“Good fuckpig. I have very adept hacker friends in all branches of the government that will erase all trace of your identity after the papers are processed. By tomorrow morning, lauren pierce will no longer exist.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Now for the last item of business… Come along little fuckmeat….it’s time for your name.”

Leading her toward the fireplace at the far end of the room, Mr Pratt tugged hard on the leash connecting both naked females. At first, she resisted but then chose to crawl toward it without further coercion. she could see the branding iron in the fire. she knew what was to come. However as the red hot iron burned into the flesh of her right ass cheek, the naked brunette screamed loudly realizing how ill prepared she was for the pain.

“It’s ok to scream fuckpig. Even if anyone still here could hear you at this hour, they already all know the drill. Welcome to the family 98.”

Pt 36

“you are no longer human, fuckpig. you are property….a thing….an it….an object to be used like a table or chair…which also means speaking is not only unnecessary, it’s forbidden unless a Man sees fit to tell you to speak. The only true use for your mouth now is as a hole for a Man to fuck. you are fuck holes and tits. Nothing more. Nothing less. your holes are adequate but your tits will be enlarged to be more visually pleasing, not only to your Owner but to Men in general. your new life will be devoted to serving Men in whatever capacity They desire. your holes will be used often. If a Man wishes to treat you roughly, you’ll eagerly comply. If He chooses to fuck you in whatever hole or holes He wishes, you’ll eagerly comply. If He chooses to cum on you or in you, you’ll eagerly comply. Half the fuckpigs here are already pregnant, carrying the seed of their Owners or whatever Man wished to fuck them at the time. you’ll be no different if a Man wishes to breed you, and with a body like that, I’m sure it won’t take long. Nod if you understand fuckpig.

98 nodded. its ass felt like it was on fire. Remembering the severe pain of its own branding, 44 blew gently on 98′s ass in the hope of relieving some of the pain. It was truly the end of its life as it knew it. 98 was its new name. it was property. it was nothing more than 3 holes and a set of tits….Man’s true best friend.

Pt 37

“Now then 98…. lets get you downstairs, made up and into your cage for the trip to the airport.”

For a moment, 98 looked briefly up at the Superior Male above her inquisitively.

“No, 44 will not be coming with you fuckpig. My employer finds that having companionship as a slave makes a fuckpig less dependent on the Man it serves. you will never see 44 again. Your new Owner is all that matters.”

Reaching down to unhook the two brunettes from each other, He now tugged on her leash to begin her trip downstairs and out of the building.


44 nodded obediently.

“See 98? Even without its leash, 44 obeys without question. Broken and completely subservient.

Once more 98 viewed the other fuckpigs in the rooms off the hallway.some still being fucked, others wearing the cum of the Men above them…. It was not their place to decide their fate. It was their place to obey and be of service.

Once more she was pulled into the elevator. Once more the door opened to reveal mostly the same Men in the lobby, this time however naked from the waist down, their hard cocks standing at attention as they surrounded her.

“Oh you thought I meant we’d make you look presentable before we put you in your cage?”

“No no fuckpig” Cum is the only make up you’ll be getting from now on.”

“Now sit.”

98 sat up on its heels.


Letting go of the leash, Mr Pratt now stepped away from the circle of Men that surrounded the naked fuckpig.

“Now boys….give 98 the proper send off it deserves.”

Opening its mouth as if in preparation to suck, 98 now felt a slap across its face.

“No sucking fuckpig. This cum is strictly for decoration.”

Obeying, 98 closed its mouth as it watched the circle of Men around it begin to stroke their hard cocks.

it was an attractive piece of fuck meat. That was one thing it knew all too well from the many Men who’d once tried to ask it out….. which was why it didn’t take long for it to feel the first warm splashes of cum against it’s skin and hair. One by one each Man unloaded its warm load of cum on it….on its face, down over its small tits, in its hair until it could barely see. It should have broken her even more but as They laughed at the mess They’d made all over her, the naked fuckpig smiled with pride.

It honestly didn’t matter where they took her from there. it couldn’t make out much as it was pulled down the hallway, put into a cage and taken to the loading dock where the large truck waited. It didn’t matter to it where it was going. There was nowhere else to go. 98 was all that was left of the woman that had started all of this in motion.

As the rear door of the truck descended and the engine roared, the naked, cum coated fuckpig began the final route to the airport.

Pt 38

Unaware of how long the ride lasted, the naked brunette focused on the cum on its body in the dark along the way. The more cum it had gotten lately in it’s cunt, ass, mouth or even on its skin, the more it craved. This time there was soo much… its eyes were matted with it and its skin felt slimy to the touch as it began to dry. it was sure it looked horrible and unattractive but the Men at the bank had such a good time coating it that it knew that what it thought didn’t matter.

The van stopped.

it heard the driver walking around to unlock the back doors.

The doors opened to reveal the private jet in the hangar.

He smiled down at it as if it was a puppy, pulled its cage out and pulled it on wheels toward the loading door.

The cool night air against its cum covered face and tits and its wet cunt made it shiver.

“Don’t worry fuckpig….you’ll get to finally meet Mr Cross soon. He has a vested interest in you.”

its eyes lit up like diamonds. Damon at last. What would He do with it? Where was He taking it?

its thoughts cut off by voices outside, the naked young fuckpig held its breath as it now watched Damon Cross walk up the ramp and toward it for the first time.

Pt 39.

He was so handsome. Hispanic. Dressed in a custom tailored suit that showed His wealth and status. Gold rings on each hand…. He was close to what it had always imagined He’d be.

“you’ve come so far fuckpig.”

it almost came like an animal at His words alone. its cunt now began to leak and its nipples hardened.

“Here’s whats going to happen fuckpig…. I’m leaving the country and taking you with Me. Usually I don’t get caught up personally in the lives of the females I take. It’s less messy and I have plausible deniability in case anyone becomes wise. In any other case you’d have been sold to any number of wealthy, high powered Men across the globe by now. Instead, you I’m making My own personal slave. you’ll be sedated for the trip. Once we’re to your new home, you’ll have surgery, not only to inflate those pathetic little tits of yours to more preferred proportions, but to change your face as well. Lauren Pierce no longer exists…we can’t take the chance of someone spotting a girl who looks like her now can we?”

Enthralled, it shook its head in agreement.

“your body is toned enough that I’m sure you’ll make an excellent stripper at one of My clubs.. Stripping, fucking, sucking cock….being whatever the Men there wish you to be. you’ll be paid well and, in turn I’ll be paid well. The more money you make for Me, the more I’ll use you personally. Disappoint Me and you’ll not only lose that privilege, you may yet end up being sold to another so I can start over with another lost and confused young female. Nod if you understand fuckpig.

it understood.

“Good. Once we arrive you’ll get to show Me personally why I chose you in the first place. but for now, get comfortable. Before you know it you’ll be home.”

its eyes lighting up once more, it leaned against the side of the cage as the needle penetrated her arm.

As everything faded to black, she knew her new life was going to be perfect……



Hilda Terrell

El Paso Texas

Stalker Bait

Exposing myself to stalkers on Masters orders. Are you watching? Waiting on my posts? I sit by the computer waiting for reblogs or messages…my heart pounding. Waiting for the message asking for my details..my stocking sizes..etc. Knowing one day I’ll be taken by surprise. April is coming soon. When Master will remove His protection and I will be fair game. He makes me post my own pics..knowing by doing so im basically saying “ Im yours to take” Message me on KiK (hildaslut3) for my stocking sizes..color..etc.



I'd love to have this waiting for me each night when I come home from work. A perfect little fuck toy just waiting to do my bidding. Ready to be used and abused any way I see fit.


Edging Challenge...

It seems to be a theme here on Tumblr to allow any followers to play along with us poor horny denied girls, so I thought I would give it a try… If it works out, fun, if not, well, thats ok too. This will be a fun little test run I hope! 

I will be on my own again next weekend, with some decent freedom to play, so I put it to you, dear Tumblr friends… how many times should I edge over the weekend? It is going to be the possible end of a month of anal only play… so I am hoping to play a lot…

On Friday I will check how many notes this post has, and that will be my edge count goal for the weekend…. seems fun enough, right? :) 


Let's see how many times she can edge in a weekend.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

Denied to almost next year now to work on easter. Denial, suction 30, spank 100 on your pussy with a belt, icy hot, edge 20.

There’s really no need to keep adding denial! I promise I’m already a drippy slut! Please give me other tasks so I can cum someday!

Denial, fat piggy, plug 30, edge 20, taste it.

@slaveana are you making any progress on your task list? When are you heading out of the country?


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

Denied to almost next year now to work on easter. Denial, suction 30, spank 100 on your pussy with a belt, icy hot, edge 20.

There’s really no need to keep adding denial! I promise I’m already a drippy slut! Please give me other tasks so I can cum someday!

Did I hear a request for more denial? Denial, edge 20, plug 30, suction, bands.

Denial, cold, icy hot, edge 20, fat piggy.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

Denied to almost next year now to work on easter. Denial, suction 30, spank 100 on your pussy with a belt, icy hot, edge 20.

There’s really no need to keep adding denial! I promise I’m already a drippy slut! Please give me other tasks so I can cum someday!

Did I hear a request for more denial? Denial, edge 20, plug 30, suction, bands.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

Denied to almost next year now to work on easter. Denial, suction 30, spank 100 on your pussy with a belt, icy hot, edge 20.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

Plug 30, edge 20, denial, taste it, bands


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

Got busy and forgot to post the past few days. Hopefully you are keeping busy, tortured, and denied. Here's a few more to make sure you stay that way: denial, plug 30, edge 20, bands, icy hot.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

A little more denial, teasing, and torture anyone? Denial, clips, suction, edge 20, plug 30


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

A new day means more teasing and denial for this slut. Denied, bands, edge 20, icy hot, spank 100 on your pussy with a belt.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let’s make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.

@sir—d Easter! I don’t think I could make it that long! I’m only denied until November 11th currently!

@slaveana easter it is then. Come on guys let's see how long it takes until this slut starts begging to cum. Denial, plug 30, suction, edge 20, fat piggy.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

I’ve had a few takers so far, here’s an example of a photo you might receive if you would be so kind as to reblog and send me humiliation/pain tasks! You can even add to my denial, which is currently one day!

Working off a few more tasks, I edged 10 times, and suctioned my nipple for 30 minutes! This is what they look like after the 30 minutes. My nipples are pathetic and tiny, so I’m glad I can get the chance to stretch them. Please keep sending tasks, make me hurt and keep me denied!


Let's make sure this slut is denied as long as possible. I think a good goal would be new years or maybe easter.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

For your reference


Let's add some more pain and denial for this slut.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

For your reference


Make this slut regret ever posting this.


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit

For your reference


Add to My Pain

Rules are simple, check out the list below, and send me one of the following words, and I will complete the task. One per day please. UNLESS…

You REBLOG the post, and then you can send me FIVE of the following words, and I will complete all the tasks! I will also send you at least one photo of the tasks. One reblog per day please. 

Nipple/Tit Torture SUCTION - I will put my nipple suckers on for 30 minutes CLIP - I will put my clover clamps on my nipples for 30 minutes TACKS - I will wear my tack bra for 30 minutes BANDS - I will put 10 rubber bands on each tit for 30 minutes

Humiliation/Degradation/Pet Play COLD - I will take my next shower cold DELICIOUS - I will add a shot of pee to a meal GAG - I will gag myself for 30 minutes FILTHY PET - I will eat a meal out of a bowl on the ground without using my hands BAD GIRL - I will crawl around wearing nothing but my collar and not use furniture for 30 minutes STARVE - I will skip my next meal FAT PIGGY - I will work out for 30 minutes

Tease/Denial EDGE x - I will edge x times (max 20) HORNY - I will have to edge the next time I use a public toilet  DENIAL - I will not cum for 24 hours (cumulative) TASTE IT - I will fuck my dildo for 5 min and then suck it for another 5 mins Pain SPANK x - I will spank myself x times with an implement of your choice, in the location of your choice (max 100) PLUG X - I will wear my plug for X minutes. (max. 30) ICY HOT - I will put icy hot on my clit


Make this pathetic slut regret posting this.

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