
Bloody Pirate



Laden of the Torn (25 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Twenty-Two Twenty-Three Twenty-Four Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

A few weeks later…

Killian could now guess almost exactly when the pain would start, as determined by how long he’d been away from Alice. A fortnight allowed him to get within sight of the blue spires as the curse’s grip slowly tightened around his heart. One month, and he could stand at the tower’s base and gaze upward longingly with only mild discomfort. Six weeks, and he could make half the climb before the knives commenced their assault. Before now, he hadn’t had the self-discipline to test anything longer.

This time, as he climbed in the darkness of near-dawn, his still-healing hand threatened to give out before his heart even felt the first tentative prick of a blade. But his determination drove him higher, and yearning anticipation drowned out all physical concerns.


Laden of the Torn (24 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Twenty-Two Twenty-Three Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

Slowly, carefully, Killian slipped his arm into its brace, a simultaneously familiar and alien feeling after so long going without. His injuries no longer required the Warrior Ant jaws, but they were still tender and could probably still split open if he were not careful. Mandible watched with a concerned expression, but he also appeared fascinated by the straps and buckles necessary to hold the contraption in place. It would be an agonizing chore to get them all fastened, and Killian doubted he’d be able to remove it again for the foreseeable future, at least not without help. His hand was still too swollen and stiff to be of much use, but that was why he’d chosen to don his hook again. He’d have to make do.

He winced as he grasped a strap between his first two fingers, preparing to thread it into the intersecting loop circling his upper arm above the elbow. Mandible shuffled closer.

“May I assist?”


Laden of the Torn (23 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Twenty-Two Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

CHAPTER 23 NOTE: A million thanks to @cocohook38 for acting as this story's savior and rescuing us from a plot hole!! Your attentive reading and detailed comments came just in time to edit this chapter and salvage the ending! Phew, that was a close one! ;)

THANK YOU, MY WONDERFUL FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💓🫶🏼💓


Killian was no True Love expert, but almost everyone in the realm knew the story of Snow White and Prince Charming. So the surprising thing wasn’t the way his fever dreams wove together scenes of his upcoming reunion and painful fantasies of rainbow shockwaves bursting forth from a kiss placed tenderly on Alice’s forehead. Nor even that he had retained enough awareness through the relapses to realize that these were the attempts of a beleaguered mind to make a connection despite a sometimes-tenuous grasp on reality. The surprise, once he was well enough to recognize it, came from the fact that this potential method of breaking the curse wasn’t his immediate thought when he had first learned of Mandible’s potion. That oversight he had to blame on the fog of his recovery… but the length of time he’d buried the question behind mundane exchanges with the healers was due only to his fear of being disappointed yet again.



Laden of the Torn (22 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

Bleary with the heavy sleep of the wounded, Killian tried to pull away from an unexpected bloom of heat scalding his neck, grumbling a hoarse protest. He felt glued to the bed, limbs stiff as if he’d been turned to stone, and his mouth and throat were dryer than the dunes of Agrabah. The burning intensified as it penetrated deep into his being, lighting up his whole shoulder and chest until his spine began to ache. Again attempting to shift his weight, he was rewarded with a sudden flurry of piercing stings, everywhere at once, and he gasped a huge breath, suddenly flooded with adrenaline in response to the apparent attack. His eyes snapped open, but he couldn’t sit up or even roll in either direction. 

His limbs were bound. 

Where was he? Gods, was this Neverland? About to be vivisected in front of a mob of unhinged Lost Boys out for blood?


OUAT Week Day 5: Favorite parallel(s)

Here's a riddle for you.

Once upon a time, there was a man. A father, to be precise, who loved his child with all his heart. The child's mother had left, so the father was the only parent the child had left. One day the father met a man, a pirate, who mocked him for his softness and weakness, for that is what the pirate thought being a loving father was: soft and weak. But the pirate was not unreasonable; he gave the father the chance to prove him wrong. He challenged the father to a duel. But, of course, such a venture was risky, as the father's child was waiting for him back home, and needed him to come home safe.

What did the father say? Did he say no?

Or did he say yes?

When we first meet Killian Jones in 2.04 "The Crocodile," he takes on the role of the pirate in the story above: the tormentor who believes that putting your child first is worthy of scorn. "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants," he declares, "deserves what he gets" -- an impressive bit of rhetorical theatre that erases the very personhood of Milah and Baelfire both, instead constructing a world that revolves around the figure of the "man" and his success or failure to live up to a hyper-individualist and violent ideal of masculinity. No one else figures into the equation -- not women and certainly not children. To even consider putting fatherhood before being "a man," in Killian's worldview, is nothing but weakness.

By the time 7.13 "Knightfall" rolls around, Killian is now in the role of the father in the story, faced with the choice to duel a pirate and affirm his masculinity through meaningless violence or to go straight home to Alice and free her from the tower without risking his life first. It is no accident that he finds himself in the same situation he once put Rumpelstiltskin in so many years ago. Rather, it is a necessary step in his journey of redemption, growth, and healing.

Like so many other villains and former villains on Once Upon a Time, Killian was once a victim of other people's actions, but over time he has become his own worst enemy. Therefore, it is himself and his own false ideology that he must defeat in order to progress on his journey. So while Captain Ahab is not literally Killian, the way the Split Evil Queen is literally half of Regina or Wish Rumple is literally a version of Rumple, he is metaphorically Killian, and specifically Killian from "The Crocodile."

Captain Ahab makes metatextual sense as a mirror-Killian. Melville's Ahab was a direct inspiration for Barrie's Captain Hook -- in their source texts, both captains lose limbs to sea creatures and dedicate their lives to pursuing revenge against the ones they blame for this loss. And Captain Ahab's name is practically synonymous with obsession and revenge in popular culture. Ahab is revenge made flesh, the originator of the legacy of vengeance and violence that all Captain Hooks are heir to, here to tempt Killian into undoing the work he did in 7.07 "Eloise Gardener" to give up his revenge and his old pirate life behind for the sake of his child.

"Eloise Gardener" is a major turning point for Killian, arguably the biggest one possible. It is the moment where he chooses Alice over his quest for revenge, and in doing so rejects the version of himself who sold Baelfire to Pan, who orphaned and abandoned Liam II, who hated his father and Rumpelstiltskin so much that (as Bae put it) he didn't even realize he had become just like them. In this moment, he chooses not to continue down the path of becoming like his father, instead choosing to identify himself with his mother, who stayed with him "as long as she could." He names his daughter after her; he sings the same lullaby to his infant child that she used to sing to him; he promises to follow her example in staying with his child. He breaks the cycle he's been trapped in for literal centuries.

But that is not the end of the story. Just as Regina choosing Henry over the curse in the 3.09 "Save Henry" flashbacks was not the end of her story. She still had a lot to learn. And so, at this point, does Killian.

Thus, when faced with the same choice Rumple was faced with all those years ago, Killian chooses wrong. Unlike Rumple, he does not swallow his pride and go home to his child, even as Wish Rumple begs and cajoles him to do just that. Wish Rumple has his own self-serving reasons for not wanting Killian to accept the duel, but it is hard not to see him as an echo of the past, urging Killian to make the same choice he himself once made. But Killian doesn't listen. He accepts the duel, choosing the path set for him by Ahab -- his mirror-self, the reflection of the man he once was, his own false ideology that he has yet to truly reckon with. And it costs him everything.

Although he does not die in the duel, the way Rumple surely would have if he'd accepted Killian's challenge, Alice still loses him. A tiny graze from Ahab's bullet permanently poisons his heart and makes it impossible for Killian to stay with his daughter the way he once promised to. It is a profound cruelty on Gothel's part, but perhaps the cruelest part of it is that Killian, like all great tragic heroes, did it to himself. He chose to risk never coming home to his daughter, and that choice in itself ensured he never would. His own twisted ideology has failed him, and he has been forced to confront just how wrong and empty it truly is.

But this is not the end of the story, either. Indeed, in its own way, it is a kind of new beginning. For all that the curse of the poisoned heart is an awful thing for Killian and Alice to endure, Killian's experience with the duel does ultimately change him for the better. Not instantly, for it is hard to change without a support system, especially when you are suffering; but once he has people who have his back, he is able to take the lesson he's learned to heart. What is that lesson? That there is nothing in the world that matters more than one's child; that cleaving children from good parents who love them is nothing but petty cruelty; that being a good father is more important than being "a man" who is willing to "fight for what he wants"; that what he did to Rumple centuries ago was wrong.

Once Killian has learned this lesson, he can overcome his own previous failings as a sort of anti-father figure (or in other words, a Captain Hook -- George Darling's other face, a man whom "no little children love"). Instead of separating families and orphaning children, Killian helps keep families together. He abandons his plan to replace expectant father Storybrooke Hook in 7.02 "A Pirate's Life"; he helps reunite Zelena with Robin Jr. in 7.11 "Secret Garden"; he defends Regina's decision to cast the curse to save Henry in 7.10 "The Eighth Witch"; and, perhaps most touchingly, he gives Jacinda the white elephant to keep her and Lucy together in that same episode, sacrificing his own chance at a life with Alice to do so.

He becomes a living embodiment of loving fatherhood, surpassing not just his past self and his own father but Rumpelstiltskin as well. Indeed, in 7.22 "Leaving Storybrooke", he dies redeeming Rumpelstiltskin's greatest betrayal of Baelfire -- Killian keeps hold of Alice's hand while a portal threatens to separate them even as her very touch kills him, in sharp contrast to Rumple's series-defining moment in 1.19 "The Return" when he lets go of Bae's hand for fear of losing his power. Rumple, in turn, dies redeeming Killian's greatest transgression against Alice -- he gives Killian his heart to replace the one Killian poisoned with his choice to duel Ahab. Rumple, whom Killian taunted when they first met for choosing to get home safe to his son rather than risk his life, gives his life so that Killian can get home safe to his daughter, and in doing so finally heals the wound Killian inflicted on himself all those years ago when he made the opposite choice.

It is a powerful and beautiful ending for Killian and Rumpelstiltskin both: an ending where they redeem themselves by redeeming and healing each other, where they do for Alice what neither could do for Baelfire, where they defeat the ghosts of their past selves for good and pave the way for a better future. And it was all set in motion a long, long time ago -- with a father, a pirate, and an offer to duel.


Laden of the Torn (21 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

Awash in a sudden, palpable gloom, Killian lurched to a dazed halt. Either he had missed the entire transition from dusk to night, or blood loss and dragon venom were affecting his vision in a most unnerving way. Or perhaps he'd lost consciousness and now lay hallucinating the sensations of standing. The throb of an uneven pulse in his ears drowned out any hint of background noise as he struggled to catch his breath and decipher his current situation. He caught a whiff of wood smoke. Blood. Dampness and animal musk. 

A gentle tickle below his ribs caused brief confusion until he remembered his important passenger. Puzzle stirred again, underneath his shirt, more excited than scared this time. And as faint chattering began to filter through the static in his ears, a torch flared to life only a few paces away, and Killian's confusion cleared just enough to recognize the interior of the First Clan’s cave. He had no memory of approaching the entrance, nor of much of the flight before that. But apparently that did not matter, and he had made it. Somehow. And not a moment too soon, either. Intense vertigo dropped him to his knees then, with the distinct possibility that he would never rise again.


Laden of the Torn (20 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

Retracing his steps yet again to escape another cruel dead end, Killian worked to quell mounting frustration. With less than an hour until sunset and no means of building a fire, it was looking increasingly likely that he would face the choice of continuing by whatever moonlight permeated the clouds, or hunkering down on cold stone in damp clothing and possibly freezing to death by morning. Even the map would have done them little good at this point. They seemed to be caught in an invisible tide, approaching the likely misremembered landmark only to meet a dead end and be swept backwards the exact same distance to try a new path. If only he could climb the heartless crags concealing the way. 

Puzzle was asleep again, in her new favorite spot beneath his shirt, riding his braceless forearm as he held it stiffly against his abdomen. At least one of them was comfortable.

Community Label: Mature

Vocivore, Ltd. (1 of 40?)


Rating: M (warnings below)

Summary: An unidentified monster terrorizes the United Realms three years after its inception, enslaving and brainwashing innocents from every land. Casualties mount. A plan hatched out of desperation places Killian at the mercy of the savage villain… where no one survives for long.    

Will be posted later today to FFN and AO3.

AN: A million thanks to the organizers of the OUAT Winter Whump event! The influx of whump in the past few weeks has been amazing and I’m so grateful to be joining with such talented, like-minded people in the torture of our favorite characters. Extra thanks to @ouatwinterwhump for graciously assigning me a later posting date by request. I’ve had some productive weeks recently and am 75% sure the story is 75% complete :]

To my new friend @huffleporg: thank you for the offer to beta for me, and SO sorry this blossomed into too much. I feel bad that you didn’t get to participate because of me. I support you 100% in having to kindly decline the role, and I’m glad you’re being sensible and not biting off more than you can chew. For what it’s worth, I think that just the idea of using a beta for the first time made me even more nitpicky than usual, so you ended up helping anyway! :) Good luck with med school! You’re awesome!

This tale is 35 chapters long so far. In order to keep it a true “winter” event, and not stretch all the way into next summer, I plan to do my very best to post twice a week. However, the holiday weeks may see only one update apiece.

One great thing about this event was the thought that it could truly be a story with whump as the whole motive, no (self-imposed) pressure to give a deeper meaning or make it fit a more mainstream audience. So… you may find that the whump and aftercare drags on longer than in a “normal” story… because those are the parts I like the most! And it’s kind of the point :) Also, in the usual OUAT style, it jumps back and forth between “past” events and “present,” and the timeline will probably get confusing. My only advice is to pay attention to the labels.

WARNINGS: Obviously, there’s going to be a lot of pain and graphic injury involved. Also: abduction, restraints, brainwashing, serious medical issues, nudity, some bad language, and finally, hints that could be interpreted as non-con. Especially if you’re a Krakillian shipper who knows all of the wonderful things tentacles can be used for :] But nothing explicit is actually shown.


Captain Swan Halloween Reruns presents: Vocivore, Ltd

Written by: @hookaroo

Recommended by: anon

What the recommender loved: A vicious monster. Extensive whump. Love provides both motivation and the only lifeline through the suffering.

What we love: This fic is expansive and filled with so much whump and so much suffering and so, so much hurt/comfort. This is a fic that you lose yourself in with some of the most EXQUISITE whump…


This will probably always be my favorite thing I've ever written. 😈

Relevant jack-o'-lantern from that year:

Happy Halloween, friends!!

Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


Captain Swan Halloween Reruns presents: The Inbetween

Written by: jarienn972

Recommended by: anon

Summary: Emma is tasked with locating 3 teenagers who didn't come home after spending an evening trying to be amateur ghost hunters in the abandoned Sorcerer's Mansion. In a house they already knew was full of surprises, Emma and Killian find that the teens might not be the only one

What the recommender loved: I love the author's writing style, it's a creative premise and the relationships and characterizations are all wonderful!

What we love: It's a fun story with lots of spooky elements! I was on the edge of my seat! -kazzy


Laden of the Torn (19 of 25)

AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3

Killian was not feeling lightheaded. Absolutely not. Everything was just fine, thank you very much, and he certainly hadn’t almost lost his footing just a moment ago on a leg that was simultaneously stiff and unsteady, alternately skewered by intense heat or disturbingly muted sensation from toes to knee joint. No, there was no need to stop and rest; he could continue on like this for ages. He was a pirate in his prime, not a single thing ailing him, with all the strength and stamina of a well-rested athletic champion.

If only he could convince himself of the falsehoods he was silently reciting.

He paused to catch his breath, hunched slightly, but mindful of the priceless cargo nestled upon his shoulder. Deliberately avoiding catching sight of his haphazardly bandaged hand--the thumb and forefinger felt icy cold at this point despite the intense throbbing from the wounds above--he squinted at the natural rock spires lining the horizon.

“Look up ahead, little one. Do you see those two angled peaks, like rapiers crossed in battle? I believe I recall seeing them as I left your home. That means we’re nearly there.”

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