


Just obsessed with Reddie
AO3 and Wattpad intouchwithhumanity

“it would’ve been less effort for them to carry eddie out than drag richie out” is my “there was room on the door”


just so we are all on the same page, the losers club does bad "family" photoshoots every year.

examples from Pinterest:


trans bear richie tozier,,

  • he’s pretty skinny as a teenager but once he gets on t he starts rounding out, getting some more meat on his bones
  • it doesn’t take long for him to be like wait this is actually awesome
  • he goes to the gym and bulks up a little more, not anything too intense but just enough to have some definition to his arms and shoulders
  • he still hates cardio, though
  • his metabolism is very fast and between that, exercising, and growing boy hormones, he’s always hungry
  • he starts cooking because he feels bad making others constantly make food for him but he ends up really developing a passion for it
  • his hair grows in patchy which is so unfair because wentworth has a really nice mustache and beard and even when he keeps it short you can still tell it’s good
  • so yeah maybe he’s gotta use the extra strength minoxidil on his face and his chest (yeah, yeah, eddie, he knows it’s only supposed to be for his head, but it works, okay?) but he does grow hair and he looks fucking hot if he does say so himself
  • he gets top surgery when he’s in his 20s and he always joked that they should give him a refund since his tits basically grew back after surgery
  • (it is his fault. he never misses chest day. he loves his big tits)
  • he wears those tight compression shirts to the gym specifically because he knows eddie will drool over him the whole time
  • all of his voice training when he was younger really helps him out when he’s first starting T
  • the T definitely helps but he notices a more obvious change quicker because of his continued training
  • eddie loveeees every iteration of richie’s transition voice, from when it’s cracking and high at the beginning to rumbling and raspy when he first wakes up
  • just,,,trans bear richie <3 <3 <3

dont even worry about that crying sound u hear its just me crying


richie & eddie still call each other 'bro' and 'dude' when they're married and dog parents. you agree


do you guys ever think about how richie has to live with the regret of never telling eddie he loves him earlier or is that just me

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