
My only god is called Nature.


Interested in art, cultures and languages from around the world, nature, sciences and lover of all things gloomy. (Code Lyokô and A:TLA are my favorite shows.)

Rules: Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.

Oh, this is gonna be awkward.

Thank you @vampire-rights for tagging me. Not sure we're in the same fandom so I hope this wasn't just a mistake, haha. Anyway I wish you all the best for the year to come!

Since my introvert self has talked to almost no one on Tumblr and I mostly interact through reblogs, I'm thankful for all the people who take their time to read my posts and leave notes and everyone who follows my blogs. Damn, that's cheesy.

I didn't want to tag anyone because I'm gonna forget a lot of blogs I like but I'm still gonna thank @shippyboi because he/she/they (always?) leave(s) notes on my Avatar blog even on my cringiest posts and I love his/her/their Maiko blog.

I'm thankful for all the other Mai and Maiko blogs, the rare P'Li and the Azumailee ones, if they even exist, that are what drew me to Tumblr. It's always nice to share interests with someone else.

Finally I'm thankful for all the vegans out there who give me faith in humanity.


Thanks for tagging me @glitch-lou1min6. I only know 1 of the songs you listed so it made me discover some artists.

rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!

1. To wish impossible things by The cure

2. Save tonight by Eagle-eye cherry

3. Monster by Kanye West

4. Love is a bitch by Two feet

5. Béla Lugosi's dead by Bauhaus

6. The golden mask by CloZee

7. 56K by Loud

8. Everything counts by Depeche mode

9. Omens by Shawn James and the shapeshifters

10. Endless by Steve Kornicki

I still like all of these. My tastes in music are very diverse and I feel like it doesn't show in this list. Oh well.


Tag people you’d like to get to know better!

It's been a while since I last checked my Tumblr account so sorry for the late answer and thanks for tagging me @avrelia ! :)

Favorite color: burgundy.

Last film I watched: I Am Mother (loved it).

Last song I listened to: Easy by Son Lux.

Last TV show I watched: I'm in the process of watching The Dragon Prince (which is not a TV show per se).

Favorite characters: Mai from A:TLA, P'Li from TLOK, Yumi from CL and some others.

Pets: I'm currently living in the house of 6 demons/cats.

Sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet or savory, it depends.

Sparkling water, tea, or coffee: tea.

I'm not very active on Tumblr so this would probably come off as random though I tag @99nzhe @maiisbuns @attackfish @swan2swan @cuteniarose and @felicity-kitten (feel free to ignore).

Anonymous asked:

I love your drawing of Azula, Mai and Ty Lee with static hair from lightning! It's so cute! And don't worry about the antomy, it looks great and it's something most people struggle with (I do too, even though I know my anatomy (med student) it's just difficult to draw haha)

Aww thank you so much for the kind words! I still think it looks like a kid made it but I love the idea behind it so much I had to draw it.

Yeah, I guess it can be hard to draw accurate anatomy even when you're a med student. It's one thing to know the right proportions, it's another thing to reproduce them in 2D.


I saw a news report about this on T.V., she was a straight A Student who had perfect attendance and everything. Everyone loved and respected her for her skills, but when she started this experiment and people thought she was pregnant, they started treating her like garbage. Even her teachers started looking down on her like she was scum of the earth. The only people who knew she was doing this as an experiment were her school principal, her health care teacher, her boyfriend, and her mother. Her own siblings thought she was pregnant! I mean even her friends turned on her, it was horrid. Very very sad, and as soon as she revealed during an assembly that the pregnancy was false, a lot of people were in shock as she brought up all the horrible things they said and did to her because they thought she was pregnant. The reason for the experiment was to see how people would react and treat her if they thought she was pregnant, as opposed as to treating her as the straight A “Perfect” student they usually did. And it proved that people were horrible scumbags to her as soon as they thought she was.

holy shit. this is fucking awesome


I read this chick’s book! It was so cool.

Her book is The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez


Pretty sure I reblogged something about this in the past, but now someone’s posted a book title and I want to read this book

I read the book and saw the lifetime movie


She came from a family with a history of teen pregnancies but she was the exception to the rule. As her senior project she wanted to see how things would change for her if she “succumbed” to what was expected of her by society and statistics. basically she told her bf for his permission and one or two school officials (I think her sister or mother as well but I read it soo long ago).

The teachers who didn’t know immediately began to look down on her, most of her friends abandoned her. He bf's family told him to leave her and she basically became the school outcast. Only the other pregnant girls were friendly to her. At the end of the school year she made a big presentation to the school giving them facts about teen pregnancy and telling them about her experiences as a pregnant teen including things they had said to or about her. Then she finally revealed that she wasn’t pregnant. Some people were mad that she had tricked them but overall they understood why she had done it.


Assholes weren’t mad that she tricked them, they were mad because she exposed them for what they really were: a pack of shitheads.

Is it surprising that a lot of people are assholes though?

Source: did-you-kno

Playing with Rose.

Rose was born on the same day as her sisters Rosie, Rosa, Rosenn, Rosane, Rosette and Rosemary. Their parents have them go to the same school, do the same activities... People call them the septuplets because they can't tell them apart. Though Ty Lee feels like Rose is different.

When a child plays, they often recreates situations that stress or scare them. It helps them overcome their fears.

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