
So Addicted

@captain-splock-you / captain-splock-you.tumblr.com

Hey ! Egny | 30 | Female |
Love reading | Cat owner who loves her old cat but thinks cats are assholes who already rule the world | Star Wars ✨

Writing advice from my uni teachers:

  • If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
  • Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
  • Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
  • Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.

This is legit good writing advice, especially the first bullet point! In playwriting class we did a bit where every bit of dialogue had to be an accusatory question and it was glorious.


This made me laugh for a couple of minutes it is so hilarious and cute!


This made my day:33


Un petit copain de classe de mon fils de 5 ans est décédé dans un accident de voiture avec son frère de 7 ans et son papa ce lundi 4 juillet… Je n'ai aucun mot pour décrire ce que je ressens. Il y a un lien vers une page leetchi pour récolter des fonds afin d'aider la maman pour les obsèques. Si vous en avez envie faites un geste même petit, toutes les bonnes intentions comptent!


Why you should learn French then watch Kaamelott


KAAMELOTT is simply the best French TV series ever made. It’s the baby of Alexandre Astier who wrote the script, directed the series, composed the music, and played the main character, King Arthur.

King Arthur is on the throne of the kingdom of Brittany and attempts to rule the kingdom and organize the Knights of the Round Table in order to find the Holy Grail. He is an intelligent, kind and modern man. Unfortunately he is surrounded by complete idiots.

These are Karadoc (Galahad) and Perceval (Percival), joint holders of the title of Kaamelott’s Biggest Idiots. There’s a sort of beautiful consistency to their twisted and imbecilic world view that makes their comedy moments pure gold. They spend way too much time at the tavern. Along the way they also manage to invent a (useless) combat technique involving vegetables. Karadoc is always serious when it comes to food.

Also, you will ship Perceval and Arthur so hard your brain will discombobulate.

If you’re used to Bohort (Bors) being a kickass BAMF you will be… surprised at this version. Bohort prefers flower arrangements to sparring. He’d sooner organise the program for the Autumn Dance Festival than go and fight a dragon. Bohort supposedly has a wife back home but nobody has ever seen her.

Arthur is married to Guenievre. Guenievre spends a lot of time wondering why they haven’t had any children yet. Probably it is related to the fact that they haven’t had sex. She has a phobia of birds and thunderstorms. She thinks Arthur’s mistresses are lovely girls and tries to be friends with them.

Lancelot and Merlin are Arthur’s two must trusted advisors. They are one of his few competent aides. Unfortunately for him, Lancelot is a massive dickhead and Merlin is more interested in making pickled peaches than performing any actual magic.

You may notice Arthur is looking annoyed/frustrated in practically every single one of these gifs. That’s pretty much his default expression. Arthur does try, but being surrounded by incapable oafs is really hard.

The series spans six seasons, which start out as funny little 3-minute vignettes and progressively morph into 45-minute episodes. The tone also changes, starting from light-hearted snappy comedy to darker humour and angstier themes. Arthur’s downwards spiral into depression is especially heart-wrenching. Every single character is incredibly fleshed out and you will come to love them for all their flaws. It’s everything that is great about French humour: witty put-down banter, fast-paced dialogue, fluid references to sex and violence, poignant characters that are both laughable and endearing.

You can watch Kaamelott online for free here!


These are giving babies chemical burns!!!

Please reblog and spread the news to not buy Parent Choice diapers due to them having harsh chemicals that harm cause terrible burns to little ones like this.

So I’ve used the Parent’s Choice brand wipes and diapers on my son before, they literally melted his skin off. After about 2 minutes after contact, his skin turned red hot and started blistering. We were able to get an emergency visit with his pediatrician, but he still has scars where the wipes and diapers burned him over 2 years later. This brand is AWFUL. How it’s still on the market? I have no fucking clue, but do not EVER EVER EVER gift these to someone with a newborn or small infant. The wipes actually have alcohol in them (I tried using the leftover wipes on my own ass and ended up with a nasty rash).

Err on the side of caution and go with a smaller pack of pampers or huggies, or even get a cheap starter set of cloth diapers (ToysRUs sells a small econo pack for $15), but DO NOT use these diapers. There’s no worse feeling than seeing those scars and knowing you inadvertently caused them by making a careless purchase.


Hey guys! I know you’ve been really awesome putting up with me boosting my own crowdfunding post, but I think this one deserves to be shared just as much.

Stephanie Martinez was three years old when she fell from a 5th floor landing and died in the hospital. The accident happened while her family was vacationing in Anaheim, Disneyland specifically (though the accident didn’t happen on any Disney property).

Now her family have set up a gofundme account to help them cover the costs of bringing Stephanie’s body back to Las Vegas from Anaheim, as well as funeral expenses. They have already met their goal but I figured if anyone on tumblr has anything to give, the family would appreciate me.

This is particularly heart breaking for me because I know the little girl, and her family. They came into the Disney Store I work at frequently. That shirt she is wearing in the picture is a shirt I helped her pick out. I played games with her and her sister. I taught them to curtsy and wave like a princess. I gave them pixie dust (body glitter on their hands).

She was such a sweet little girl and my heart is absolutely broken for them. My store is already brainstorming for other ways to help the family, and we are going to try and get the other stores in Vegas involved as well.

In the meantime, please reblog this and signal boost. And give only if you are able to. I am going to tag several popular disney blogs in hopes that they will signal boost as well.

Thank you


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