
@solarwindscosplay / solarwindscosplay.tumblr.com

Scotty He/them 25 Pfp cred: @kiyaedits

now that I think about it growing up I really did just eat all the stuff my sisters didn’t like lmfaoooo all the vegetables, all the fiddly bits of meat they didn’t like, the β€œbad” parts of the neopolitan ice cream after they scooped out what they liked, the crusts off the bread…hungry hungry caterpillar ass


and is this not a form of love in and of itself? clearing someone else’s plate and relieving their burden? covering their faults? making sure that they’ve had their fill, saving what’s good for those you love, and making use of what remains as long as they’re happy?

"Machine, I will cut you down, break you apart, splay the gore of your profane form across the STARS! I will grind you down until the very SPARKS CRY FOR MERCY! My hands shall RELISH ENDING YOU… HERE AND NOW!"

I like how they never explained the flamingo.

I assume it's just a lawn ornament they shoot, or meant to, but despite being in promotion photos, it never appears. Or maybe it's just a lawn ornament in front of Peacemaker’s trailer.

Whatever it is, sweet murder boy Vigilante decided it was his and just carried it around like he was hugging it. Just look at the way he's tenderly holding that thing 🦩❀

Oh to be a cheap plastic lawn ornament held lovingly in Vigilante’s hands.

And now that (we assume) we're getting a soft reboot, we'll prolly never see it again.

β€œThe strangest part is that this is the House functioning the way the Founders intended. It is not the parties that are dictating what becomes law so much as the will of the majority. And the process, which has allowed for amendments rather than diktats from above and will allow members to vote as they please without repercussion from leadership, is exactly what archconservatives say they want. Despite that, it will likely place a target firmly on Johnson’s back from the MAGA-wing of his party. It is in effect a perfect illustration of how the Republican Party under Trump has been quick to turn its back on democracy when it doesn’t suit its authoritarian tendencies.”
Source: msnbc.com

Disability will have you thinking shit like β€œI’m not even that disabled. I can manage as long as I limit myself to very specific careers, never go shopping for more than an hour or two at a time, keep my plans open so I can cancel and stay in if need be, and only go out a few nights per week at the most”


most of the talk on this website about Game Changer is how Sam Reich psychologically tortures his contestants, but I want to make it clear to the uninitiated that he's actually extremely ethical about it

He sends out a company wide email and asks them to choose episodes based on a chili pepper rating system

meaning he doesn't put 🌢️🌢️ people into 🌢️🌢️🌢️🌢️🌢️ episodes

they're also big on consent ie cast and crew have to be okay with it before they'll do nudity or something like that in an episode

it's like the bdsm of psychological torture. safe, sane, and consensual.

the contestants know what they're getting into, and they're full down

Brennan Lee Mulligan is enrichment for Sam Reich

it's a very efficient system

Kind of a dog heaven is squirrel hell situation


League members discussing meeting Robin at work:

"Compared to Bats, Robin was a total sweetheart. Ball of sunshine."

"Man, must've been a good day then, the kid I met was a real anklebiter. He pulled out a sword and everything."

"Anklebiter is harsh, the sweet boy I met barely said a word, he just kept asking about Themyscira and the lasso."

"He? I met a blonde girl."

"No, no, black haired boy with blue eyes. We're talking about Robin."

"Yeah same here, blue eyed and tanned."

"Pretty sure he had green eyes. And talked fancy. And kind of scolded me for time travelling."

"The child I met was paler than the moon."

"I'm telling you I met a girl, and she was Robin."

"Well... either we're all wrong or we're all right."

So they arrive at the conclusion that Bats has a shape-shifter for a kid.

One day they decide to ask nightwing since they know he works with the bat. And purely for chaos he replies that every time robin dies robin changes form. This

1. Makes the justice league think one robin has died a shit ton of times.

2. Makes them think batman is just continuously letting one kid die.

3. Causes much more chaos

1. Makes the justice

league think one robin has died

a shit ton of times.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


cant believe they gave this woman enough money to ruin the environment for singing vapid shit of this caliber for over a decade. have some shame man. get a grip. what the hell are any of you even doing

"you just hate her" i hate you lot. i dont hate her. shes demonstrably incapable of eliciting any sort of strong feelings positive or negative from people that arent functionally american suburbia poisoned. genuinely how do you in your mind explain to yourself the need to justify listening to this wjthout a gun pressed to your temple or like a hefty financial incentive idk you do you but my God. my Good Dear God


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