



Deeply fucked up that this game (real life) forces you to play a crafting mini-game (cooking) every time you want to replenish your stamina bar.

You can skip the crafting game by using a pre-made consumable if you have them on hand, but high level players will constantly nag you about it and tell you that it damages your character's stats in the long run.


i love telling people i accidentally made too much food and itd be a huge help if theyd take some off my hands because there's simply no way i could eat this much. because i love lying.

me, throwing an extra cup of rice in the cooker: whoops...oh noooo...whatever shall i do....how can this keep happeninggg...better text my loved ones about this shameful display of hubris after i make all this onigiri...=)

me: hi friend i accidentally made too much onigiri do you want some for dinner?

friend: omg yes please!!

me: cool thanks i'll see you downstairs :)

translator's note: it was not, in fact, an accident. it did this on purpose. because it is evil.


hey check out this meme i made because me too

i love this meme you made


If any part of your plan involves the words "nobody could be that stupid", please be prepared to be proven wrong at any minute at a moment's notice. Pay in mind that the person determined to prove you wrong may already be aware of this assumption, and is already approaching your current location at an alarming speed.

"it will be fine if people just"

people will not just


In 2011 I attended an event called Bmore Fail, in which entrepreneurs in Baltimore talked about their failures and what they learned from them.

What I learned is that there is an inflexible rule about how people interact with systems. If your system would work perfectly if people Just Would, and yet they Don't, then your system is bad and you should feel bad. Systems must be built with an eye toward "will people actually do this"?

Recycling was a thing when I was a child. (The 70's.) In my home in New York State, you could carry recyclables to a recycling center. Nobody did. Now in 2024 Baltimore there is a trash truck that comes every week to pick up my recyclables, and I and my neighbors fill our cans with objects that can be recycled, because a system was developed that was easy for busy people to do, and there's a lot of social pressure to do it -- but the social pressure wouldn't exist if it wasn't easy to do. Only the most crunchy granola people bitched at you if you didn't recycle in 1979, when it required a lot of effort. Now it is considered kind of on par with spitting in the street or leaving a dirty diaper on the diaper changing table in the bathroom instead of throwing it out, if you don't recycle.

Your job as the system creator is to make it as easy as possible for people to do the right thing, and as hard as possible to do the wrong thing. This is why web forms have data validation (but too much data validation actually makes the forms harder, so hit the spot in the middle.) And if you want people to adopt social change, whether it's environmentalism, accepting gay people, or whatever, make it as easy as possible. And don't guilt people about not doing it until it's as easy as possible; instead phrase things more like "wouldn't it be cool if". It's not the fault of the individual that they can't get things done in a bad system. Fix the system.

if users regularly fuck up using a tool you made, and your answer is "you're holding it wrong", the next question you should ask is "why did i make this tool so it's easy to hold it wrong?"


everyone knows that the last person you should ask about the experiences of trans women is a trans woman. they're all biased & can't be trusted

um i noticed you included opinions in this from actual transfems so it's not valid. everyone knows the only people who can speak authoritatively about the lives and internalities of transfems are *checks notes* everybody else who isn't transfem

ok sure you interviewed trans women about their lives but can we get some opinions from real unbiased people?


there isn't even a swear word in this. are you for real right now. are you serious

it doesn't get clearer than this. there is no mature content in this post, a post that talks about trans women being silenced when talking about their own experiences, by a trans woman talking about her own experiences, and it gets marked mature. @staff it no longer matters if this is algorithmic or a result of un-reviewed false reporting by other users, this is unacceptable for a site that advertises itself as "the queerest place on the internet." this needs to be fixed and explained.

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