
super into stuff

@sensibleunderwear / sensibleunderwear.tumblr.com

lots of stuff

i guess if skype is going to offer me rpg-style dialogue tree options it’s only right that they include one that gets the player character punched in the face


this feels appropriate

I’ll keep rebloghing posts like these until we stop shaming poor consumers for not going vegan or whatever and start pressuring COMPANIES with MONEY to start operating more sustainably


Imperial passport of Kublai Khan “I am the emissary of the Khan. If you defy me, you die.” 1240 A.D. [886x960]


This is for all y’all who don’t understand how terrifying these suckers are. 


I know just the man for the job.

This is a good joke. This is such a solid, quality joke.

The initial image is a size comparison between the statue of liberty and a wind turbine. The wind turbine is over ninety feet (about 28 meters) taller.

A commenter pretended to misinterpret the image as one of a wind turbine attacking the statue of liberty. The next commenter answered with an image of Don Quixote, a literary character who once thought a windmill was a monster and announced his plans to fight it. They are joking that if a wind turbine attacked the statue of liberty, Don Quixote would be willing to fight the wind turbine.

Incidentally, that scene led to the English idiom “tilting at windmills,” meaning a person who has not only disproportionate reactions of anger, but disproportionate reactions of anger to nonexistent challenges.


So all those people who are fighting to preserve coal jobs and the fossil fuel economy are….


tilting at windmills.


I feel like this is one of the very few times where explaining the joke leads to another one that everyone can now understand and laugh at


a man: *refers to a woman as a ‘girl’ in casual conversation*

me, nonchalantly pouring a ring of salt around myself: uh huh, go on

A man: *refers to women as “females*

Me, casually inescribing sigils of protection on my door and dousing myself in holy water: hmm, yes, that’s interesting


Marshae Jones was shot in 2018 during an argument. She was 5-months pregnant at the time and the trauma ended the pregnancy. While charges were dropped against the shooter, the survivor, Marshae Jones is now being charged with manslaughter for starting the argument. Black and indigenous women are almost always the first targets of policies that attempt to steal autonomy over their own bodies from women. Marshae is clearly the victim in this situation, yet she know faces a hefty prison sentence for being shot. She is being held on a $50,000 bail. This is absolutely disgusting, and we must end both the system of cash bail and the prison industrial complex that seeks to criminalize black, brown, and working class white people at every opportunity. #SayHerName


I’m seeing a lot of tags on the posts talking about the concentration camps asking what to do. I think now is one of those times when it’s really important to “think global; act local.” 

You might not be able to have material impact on any of the children at a specific facility if you’re across the country or states away. But you can have an impact on people being detained in your own county. 

Freedom for Immigrants has a map of all the detention centers in the country. Look up those closest to you. 

You can use this website to look up the number of people detained (and the name of the detention center) nearest you. 

For example, say I live in Suffolk County, MA. 

I can find that the latest numbers retrieved in Dec 2018 there were 17 people held at the Suffolk County House of Corrections.

Once you know the location, you can look up that detention center and “ICE” to get news articles about protests from inside or outside the facility. Look for the organizations involved, and reach out to them. I guarantee they have lots of work that needs to be done and will be grateful for your help. 


The Avaar: ok so this girl left us lol cause she didnt wanna lose her body friend and is technically an abomination now but you go find her just to make sure.

The inquisitor: ….

The inquisitor: Shes gonna join the inquisition




its 2017 men still don’t understand the concept of “tell a girl if all you want from her is sex and don’t pretend you want more” and their dumbass response is “ok but they say no” LIKE SURPRISE!!! Women are allowed to say no to you if they don’t want just sex! SHOCKERRER THEY CHOOSE WHO THEY ALLOW ACCESS TO THEIR BODY WOW. WILD CONCEPT!!

It’s ppl out here who want casual sex find them! Don’t trick someone who told you I want more into thinking it’s more. You piece of shit.


I feel like literally all conversations where women give basic advice to men on common decency follows this pattern

Women: hey, you should actually communicate your intentions so women can decide for themselves if they want to do what you want. don’t try to trick, manipulate, or coerce women into doing what you want.

Men: Okay but if I don’t try to control women and instead let them decide for themselves, then they might decide to NOT do what I want. So obviously that strategy isn’t logical. God, women’s advice makes no sense at all. 

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