
Did you fall or did you let go?



heidi hansen noticing cuts on connors arms. heidi hansen asking about his life at home. heidi hansen seeing how big of a problem connors home life is. heidi hansen, after making sure evan is on board, telling connor to go home and get his stuff. heidi hansen taking good care of connor and getting him the help he needs. heidi hansen being a super helpful step in connors life. Heidi Hansen


whenever jared gets anon hate he responds exclusively by posting cute selfies of him and his bf,,,, also bonus theyre vris/rezi gays 


I wish...

The deh fandom cared as much about Connor getting professional help like they did who he’s better off with as a ship.

Anonymous asked:

Connor and Evan are both paranoid/psychotic (projecting) and will help each other but sometimes it's just too much/ they are both having A Moment™ at the same time and can't help each other so they get Jared over and he brings like comfort stuff while actually comforting them and they all know exactly how to help each other. And it's beautiful. They probably smoke and watch something until they fall asleep.

do you accept constructive criticisms about your asks??? becus this is the best ask i’ve ever received in my life and im literally going to cherish it forever,,,,like okay so connors paranoia manifests in his obsession with thinking hes seen as a freak and a psycho and evans is in that he constantly worried he’s doing something wrong,, connor has delusions that everyone is talking and plotting behind his back meanwhile evan has delusions that alter his memory and make him unsure of what exactly he did so he assumes he did it wrong. Evan talks connor down and assures him nobody is plotting against him to make him look bad and connor talks evan through the steps of what he did to reassure him that he did everything correctly in the place… and YES SINCERELY THREE when theyre both in the middle of an episode jared takes over and takes care of his boys!! he loves them both so much and does everything he knows to do to get them to calm down and bring them back to reality!! literally the smoke like 5 blunts while watching each others favorite movies (jared loves B list horror movies, connor loves sci-fi cult flicks, and evan of course loves nature documentaries and also ghibli movies) AT LEAST once a week


DEH AU where instead of dying Connor just went missing, and left the note behind, thus convincing them that if he hadn’t died, he had tried to, and that the note was his suicide note (like in canon) but then after Evan lies, Connor comes back (after like, at least a month) and is like “what the fuck” and evan is like “UH IM SORRY”

and then things proceed from there, though how I don’t know


Evan's Tree Facts

Evan:*rambles about trees*
Connor: [angry whisper] Do you even know how cute you are?
Evan: Don't fucking patronize me, now listen to my motherfucking tree facts bitch.

Consider: Jared Kleinman with access to a kazoo

  • It starts out at a younger cousin’s bar mitzvah
  • There’s a kazoo in his party favor when he leaves
  • Jared has snuck quite a few sips of relatives’ alcohol at this point. He’s tipsy and he has a kazoo
  • You can bet there are gonna be a dozen You On Kazoo reenactments during the car ride home
  • He plays it tunelessly for hours until his mom confiscates it, but he takes it back the next morning before school
  • People can hear a horribly off-key rendition of “Eye Of The Tiger” playing outside of every classroom as he struts down the hall between classes
  • He switches to the theme song for Elmo’s World during lunch
  • Five different students have complained at this point, but teachers are too amused by this almost-adult playing a kid’s song on a golden kazoo to confiscate the thing
  • He heads to Evan’s house after school to play Mario Kart with him and screams the song for every single course (he’s got them all memorized)
  • Twenty minutes in, Connor shows up
  • The X-Files theme immediately begins to sound from Jared’s corner of the room
  • Connor isn’t in the mood for this shit but he’s 100% amused by it
  • “What the hell, Kleinman”
  • Jared takes the kazoo out of his mouth for one of the first times all day to whisper “Evan look it’s a cryptid”
  • Connor sits next to Evan and puts an arm around him
  • Cue “Careless Whisper” being aggressively played from directly behind them
  • “Jared, I will eviscerate you”
  • *kazoo intensifies*
  • This goes on for a solid three days before Connor and Evan finally band together and steal it in the middle of second period
  • Jared comes to school the next day with five more he bought at the party store
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