
Writing, Fandoms, And Social Justice- Oh My!


I’m a writer who has never really ventured into tumblr until now. I believe in social justice and making the world a better place than our fathers left it. I’m an avid Harry Potter and Game of Thrones fan and I belong to a multitude of fandoms.


Understanding a character’s flaws is key to making them well-rounded and believable, so send me a number (and a character, if there’s more than one option) and I’ll tell you:

  1. a trait they have too much of  (ex. too much pride = arrogance)
  2. a trait they don’t have enough of (ex. too little pride = insecurity)
  3. a trait they express in the wrong way
  4. a trait they’re ashamed of
  5. a trait they’re not ashamed of (but maybe should be)
  6. a bad habit
  7. something they do that hurts themself
  8. something they do that hurts others
  9. a reason (or excuse) they haven’t improved on any of the above OR
  10. a way that they are improving on any of the above!

If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again

Isn’t it disgusting that 23 people just unfollowed me


Unfollow me too

this goes double if you call paedophilia a disability. unfollow me twice


and if you call pedophilia an “orientation” or in any way compare it to being LGBP+ you can unfollow, delete your blog, and set yourself on fire. 

I just lost 50 followers.. bye

clearing out the trash




I’ve seen this circulating forever and genuinely thought “no way do I have any of them following me” until this week when it turned out I had all these fuckin “MAP” (pedophile) followers sad to find out I’m an “anti” (normal person) Please leave and also please get guinea worm.

Please feel free to unfollow me


Hermione: Do you still have a problem with Muggles Draco: No that’s ridiculous Hermione: You wouldn’t smile at my parents all evening Draco: Oh that I didn’t want them to see my teeth Hermione: Your teeth are perfect Draco: And do you think I want your crazy dentist parents going after me with their torture clamps and pliers Hermione: Draco WHAT do you think dentists do Draco: … Hermione: … Draco: Well played Potter


There’s a Ball?

So, this was a prompt. I have included the ask at the very end this time because I don’t want to give away the spoiler! Another one that was slightly longer than expected. Oh well. 


            “Did you hear?” A boy whispered in delight, voice echoing around the now silent corridor. Draco rolled his eyes heavily. What was with immature people being obsessed with gossip? One would think that there would be better things to talk about than mindless shite.

             “Harry Potter is coming back for the Remembrance Ball next month!”

               Draco froze as he fought the urge to demand the boy to spill his sources. It wouldn’t do well to bring himself attention, especially about Potter.

               Excited whispers broke out as they all waited for Slughorn to open his door for class.

               “Where did you hear that?” Smith asked doubtfully. “Someone else brought up Potter at the beginning of the year but it turned out to be false.”

               For once, Draco was rather grateful for the Hufflepuff’s insight. He just hoped that it wouldn’t be a recurring thing.

               “I overheard McGonagall telling Flitwick about it when I was passing by the staffroom.”

               Draco furrowed his brows. If Potter was stopping by for a visit, Granger or Weasley would have acted like it, wouldn’t they? He shot a look towards Granger, who had a book on Modern Goat Conspiracy Theories compared to Anciently Deceased Theories open in one hand and their Potion’s book in the other. Surely, she couldn’t be reading both, right? Weasley had his head resting on Granger’s shoulder and appeared to be asleep. His mouth was open and Draco was pretty sure he saw drool.

               The clang of the door opening had Draco putting this behind him. It was no doubt just gossip.


               “If Potter is coming back for the ball, who do you think will be his date?” Abbott asked as Draco sighed heavily, a few seats away from her in History of Magic.

               “Who says he has to have a date?” Macmillan asked with a scoff. “I’m going stag and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

               Finch-Fletchley snorted loudly. “You’re going stag because everyone you asked turned you down.”

               Draco was incredibly sick of everyone talking about Potter. This was getting out of hand. What was with everyone being obsessed with the savior? Merlin, there had to be better things to talk about.

               “That’s because he is blind to Abbott’s desperate pining after him.” Draco snarked, not bothering to turn around. He was just fed up with the whole conversation.

               There was a stunned silence that filled the room. Macmillan sounded as if he was choking on his own tongue and that was certainly the highlight to Draco’s day.

               “Is—Is Malfoy telling the truth?” Macmillan whispered, sounding awed. As if he hadn’t noticed that the girl had been in love with him for seven years.


              Draco spared a miniscule moment of guilt as the girl sounded positively miserable. But it was for the best. He knew how this would end. And really, what was a little pain as long as it ended in happiness? Well, if they actually lasted as a couple that is. As a realist, he predicted those two would break up after one or two children.

               “Would you like to go to the ball with me?” Macmillan’s tone was scared, which had Draco rolling his eyes.

               “Yes!” Abbott squeaked out far louder than was necessary, causing Draco to nod approvingly.

               And if a small smile also escaped, well, no one had to know.


Draco dying his hair light blue


Harry can’t stopstaring. His breakfast is forgotten. Malfoy’s hair is blue.

“Harry! Harry? Whatare you – “

“Malfoy.” Harryanswers Hermione without looking away.

Ron pauses midway through a mouth of potato.“What?”

“Malfoy,” Harryexplains again, “He – Look what he did.”

Hermione’s eyes remainfixed on Harry. “Don’t you think you need to stop obsessing over him? The waris over. We’re all on the same side.”

“No, look what he didto his hair!” Harry all but shouts. MALFOY’S HAIR IS BLUE.

Hermione and Ronfinally follow Harry’s gaze to the Slytherin table to Draco Malfoy, blue hairand all.

“Bloody hell.”

“That is surprising,”Hermione admits.

“Maybe someone cursedhim?” Ron suggests.

“I hope not,” Hermionefrowns. “Like he doesn’t have enough to deal with – his mother is being retriedthis week.”

Harry’s chestconstricts. “That’s this week?”

“Yes, Harry. I thoughtyou were the one stalking him?”

“Well he has beensadder than usual. He’s been eating cereal since last Friday which is odd as healmost always goes for – what?” Harry stops at the looks Hermione and Ron are giving him.

Hermione shakes herhead. “I was being facetious, Harry. I can’t believe you’re stalking himagain.”

“I’m not stalking,”Harry clarifies, focusing his attention solely on Hermione and Ron to prove hispoint. Which is difficult when MALFOY’S HAIR IS BLUE. “I’m just observant.”

Hermione smiles wickedlyand Harry already knows he’s stuffed before she opens her mouth. “Okay, thenwhat do I usually eat for breakfast?”

Harry tries to eye herplate discreetly but she already has her hand covering it. He desperately triesto remember what she’d been eating only seconds earlier. “Uh….uh…”

“That’s what Ithought.”

“I’m not stalkingMalfoy,” Harry tries again.

Ron sniggers into hismorning omelette. “Sure, mate.”

Hermione rests herhead in her hands (revealing her breakfast of poached eggs). “Why don’t you goover there and ask him?”

“Ask him what?”

Hermione closes hereyes in obvious exasperation. “Why hishair is blue.”

“I can’t – “

“Mate, just go,”Interrupts Ron, now with a mouthful of tomato. “You’re going to be like thisall day if you don’t.”

Malfoy looks up insurprise as Harry approaches, his cereal spoon hovering above his bowl. “Potter?”

“Malfoy.” Harry nods.He tries not to stare so openly at Malfoy’s hair but…it’s BLUE.

Malfoy drops his spoonand pushes the cereal away. He stares at Harry suspiciously. “Are you lost?”

“No, I – why is yourhair blue?” Harry blurts out, unable to hold it in any longer.

One of Malfoy’s handsautomatically jumps to his hair, as if he’d forgotten the colour for a moment.After the initial surprise, Malfoy’s turns defensive. “You got a problem withit?” He asks.

“No, not at all. It’sjust – never mind. Forget I asked.” What was he thinking? What were Hermioneand Ron thinking sending him over here? He turns to leave.

“it’s poetic, Potter.”

Harry turns back toMalfoy. “Poetic?”

Malfoy shrugs, andlooks down into his cereal bowl. “I’m feeling blue. I dyed my hair to match. Itmade sense last night after the second bottle of firewhiskey.”

Harry considers this. “Yourmother?” He asks, softly.

“Yes,” Malfoy saysinto his cereal.

“Do you – I mean,would you – would it help if I came with you?” Oh Merlin, did Harry really just saythat?

Malfoy looks up,sharply. “Why would you want to do that?”

Harry feels his cheeksreddening. “Your mother saved my life,” he offers, which is true at least, but only a small part of his real motivation.

“Of course,” Malfoysays with a polite nod. Is Harry reading into it or does he seem…disappointed?

“And you mightneed…support.”

A small smile plays onthe corner of Malfoy’s mouth. “I have friends, Potter.”

“Right, I didn’t meanto say – it’s just – I’d like to be there. For both of you.”

Malfoy tilts his headand looks Harry over with a curious gaze. This only makes Harry blush harder.

“Okay,” Malfoy finallysays, “You can come.” He picks up his spoon and returns his attention to hiscereal.

Harry can’t stopstaring. His breakfast is forgotten. Malfoy’s hair is green.

“Go ask him, already.”

Malfoy looks up. Thistime he doesn’t seem surprised. “Potter. What brings you here?”

“You know what.”

Malfoy smirks. “Enlightenme.”

Harry stares at Malfoy’shair. “Why green?”

Malfoy shrugs. “Justfelt like it.”

Harry frowns. Hewonders whether Malfoy’s being entirely truthful. “That’s not very poetic,” hepoints out.

“His eyes are as greenas a fresh pickled toad,” Malfoy whispers.

Harry blinks,processing. “What?”

“His hair is as darkas a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he’s really divine, the hero who conqueredthe Dark Lord,” Malfoy continues with a shy smile. “Poetic enough for you?”

Harry feels himselfblushing again.

“Maybe I should havegone pink to match your face,” Malfoy suggests with a wink. Merlin, Harry mightmelt.

“You remembered the po– “

“I wrote the poem,”corrects Malfoy.

Harry frowns “But Ialways thought Ginny – “

Malfoy shakes hishead. “Nope.”

“Does that mean you –that you used to – “

Malfoy interrupts witha roll of his eyes. “Like you?”

Harry gulps. “Yeah.”

“I thought that wasobvious, Potter.”

Harry feels like hisknees might buckle at any moment. This is really happening. He runs a handthrough his hair nervously. “And now?” he asks.

Malfoy raises his eyebrows, a playful smirk on his lips. “I thought thatwas also obvious, Harry.”            

And just to be an infuriating bastard, Malfoy chooses this moment todust himself off and leave the Great Hall, with one last wink at Harry.

Harry wants to follow but he thinks his legs may have turned into jelly. Hehas to grip the table tightly just to keep himself standing.

Harry can’t stopstaring. Breakfast never stood a chance.  Malfoy’s hair is pink.

He doesn’t even botherto take a seat at his own table, instead heading straight over to the Slytherinside of the Great Hall.

Malfoy watches him ashe approaches with a smug smile. “Pot – “

Harry interrupts by leaningdown and smashing his mouth onto Malfoy’s, his hands reaching out to finally runthrough that gorgeous hair. The entire Great Hall is watching and Harry’s face ison fire, but none of that matters, because Draco Malfoy is kissing him back.

And his hair is bloodypink.


34 Behind-The-Scenes Shots Showing How Photography Is Done! Behind every great picture there’s a talented and creative photographer, but just how creative they sometimes get is rarely ever seen unless there’s another photographer on hand ready to capture the action. It’s relatively easy to overlook the hard work that photographers put into taking their photos due to the assumption that digital editing has made achieving great photos a lot easier. But the truth is that’s only a fraction of what makes a great photo.

Take a look at these behind-the-scenes pictures to see what we mean.


in french we use the same word for avocado and lawyer

why am i telling you this? because if you’re making up cultures and languages and stuff, pls consider having some things lost in translations and characters being utterly confused because wait, why is that person talking about potatoes? 

oh you use the same word for potatoes and airships? that doesn’t seem practical but okay? cue jokes about mashed airships or sky purée  “but don’t you get confused? how do you know when you mean airship or potato” “well Eriel, usually, when we talk about pirates living in a saremni, we don’t mean they all live inside a giant flying potato but if that’s confusing to you—” 

and characters sharing private jokes in their language and snickering but then being utterly unable to translate the pun leading to the joke falling utterly flat— “how is that funny?” “because we- the- i- never mind” 

Anonymous asked:

Do you know they recovered the crossed out words Hamilton sent to Eliza with new technology😯? Do you think they may do the same to lams letters? ;)

I actually didn’t know about this until you sent this message.  I will say that a lot of those missing words have already been deciphered, largely thanks to @ciceroprofacto’s work on Those Five Words.  I’ve also posted several writings and comparisons that reveal Hamilton’s edits and crossed-out words.  So the new technology from the LOC isn’t exactly necessary - but on the other hand, why do the straights get all this technology first?  Historians already readily believe that Hamilton loved Eliza - why not use the technology for better “proof” of the Hamilton-Laurens relationship?  (I could go into a whole spiel about why requiring such extensive proof is queerphobic and inhibits thorough understandings of 18th-century same-gendered relationships, but I digress.)  As @ciceroprofacto said to me: “This is heteronormative technological gentrification of historical interpretation.”  Don’t be such cowards, LOC.  Reveal the gay writings.


My friend of 22+ years is getting married. This sprang into my head.

Goin’ to the “chapel” and she’s gonna get maaarried.

Goin’ to the “chapel” and she’s gonna get maaarried.

Gee, she really loves him and they’re gonna get maaarried.

Goin’ to the “chapel” of love.


I always start scenes with telling what has just happened to the character in the first paragraph and then giving background information in the second. I don't know if this needs to change or anything, but I feel that I could use some input.


This is a very common thing for new writers to do. You’re relying too much on telling and employing info-dumps. While telling isn’t inherently bad, this is not the correct usage, and info-dumps are pretty much always a problem. 

Summarizing is a form of telling and it reminds the reader that a narrator is present and takes their attention out of the story. You don’t have to connect all the dots for the reader– let them do it themselves. Let them infer what’s happen through contextual writing rather than you directly summarizing. 

Just jump into the scene and don’t tell anything until becomes directly relevant. (Also known as the in media res method, which isn’t always the best choice for a scene start, but is something that you would benefit from practicing.) Yes, you still need to do basic scene setting if you just “jump in”, but you can weave that information into the actual story instead of info-dumping. Pick up a book and notice how those authors do it; they definitely aren’t starting every scene with info dumps and summarizing because that’s boring to readers.

Starting with dialogue is one way to create immediacy, but sometimes characters aren’t talking and that’s okay. You can still start with description and action, just avoid info-dumping and summarization of events.

Here’s an example of the first lines of a new scene:

“Is Ty seriously still asleep?” Allen said, the steam from his after-lunch coffee starting to fog up his glasses. He debated taking them off, but nobody on his team had slept well and he wasn’t about to put his own dark circles on display with everyone else.
“Hewent to bed after us,” Haley said. “I gave up after the computer crashed for the fifth time, but he seemed really into making sure the program worked.”
The cafeteria seats were too hard for any form of comfort, something Allen was grateful for if it meant he couldn’t fall asleep sitting up. With the late lunch crowd starting to thin out, the lack of energy in the room drained him even further, but he had to stay awake enough to make it to his next meeting. Hopefully, Ty had made enough progress to give Allen something to report when he met with the Board. 

From those few lines, you can infer:

  • The time frame: after lunch
  • Everyone is tired 
  • This program is important, based on how they stayed up to work on it and there’s a meeting
  • The basic setting: cafeteria with hard chairs

And because this isn’t the literal start to the story, the reader should already know who the characters are and the previous scene would have explored what this “program” was. If it didn’t, then that would be the appropriate time to insert a short explanation after it was brought up (still not in a block at the start).

If that scene were to be continued, then it would definitely help to expand the setting, but you don’t need to push all the detail into the literal start of the scene because taking early scene time to describe or explain anything takes away immediacy. In some cases, that’s okay, but not every scene needs “set-up”. 

If the scene continues a direct idea from the previous one, you don’t need extensive set-up. If there were a time skip between scenes (like a few days or more and something important happened) then you can take the time to expand that set-up, but you still never want to block it all at the start. 

There are times when you don’t need to summarize at all because you need to trust your readers to remember information. You might have to remind them of the name of a magical artifact a few times, but they can reason basic cause-effect in a linear story. 

For your information delivery, I’ll link you to: How to World-Build Without Boring Your Readers. While the purpose of that post isn’t quite on target, world-building is just a form of exposition and the techniques it mentions about pacing the info, using context, and prompting, are all applicable to “giving background information” (AKA exposition). 

Good luck with your exposition!


Reblog If You Can Take Off Your Bra Without Taking Your Shirt Off.

    Girl’s are amazing

I think we broke the notes…

i feel like i’m reblogging history. “the post that broke the notes”



what the heLL


There are negative notes….




Its in the black hole of tumblr

At time of reblogging, this post has 1 note :’)

Uhm nothing was there then I hit the heart and 1 note popped up.. Guys I’m scared..

it has reset to 0 notes. what have you done?


now it’s floating in the middle of the thingy


There’s literally nothing there. 

What is this? 

I couldn’t scroll past this. I need to be part of history for this. There are no notes do you even realise

Let it be known I was here on this day of march twentieth twenty sixteen and I’m laying in bed at nine thirty am








Oh wow there are seriously no notes..

What the heck.


OH MY GOSH IT’S TRUE. There were 0 notes, now i liked and just one note popped up! I’m.. I’m not sure how this can happen..? But now I’m part of history YEAH 24th March 2016 - 03:05 am


I just had to see it for myself and it’s true. Holy crap.

On this day, March 24th, 2016 at 12:22 in the afternoon, I have made myself part of history.

it’s back


I’ll probably always reblog this

I feel like tumblr staff have been motoring this post and they put a special code in it so no notes ever show up

This post is historic

you can never not reblog this when it comes on your dash tumblr rule

7/9/16 - 8:32 pm


Take your chance and be part of it. They’ll talk about this in their history books in future.


Literally no notes

I liked it one note pops up

What the everloving fuck



Wtf.. there’s not even a message saying 0 notes xD


No notes

One note popped up


07:46 AM


… there’s…. there’s no notes…. 😳


Don’t u get it guys?!? IT’S the GIRLS SUPER-POWER-BRA MAGIC

OfFICIallY 2018

the ForCe is ToO MuCH

It didn’t work for Mr Notes again


is there a map generator that lets you input region names and it generates you a made map? 


theres this thats pretty close to what you’re looking for i think? you can input the number of countries you want and rename them



It’s a visual representation of one of my favourite quotes from the books: “We’ve all got light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” It’s a Dark Mark with rainbow. Light and dark. I’ve had this tattoo for almost three years and it wasn’t until tonight that I could put into words why I got it.

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