
✨Gay Without Pay✨


|| I’m 21 || I adore cats even though I’m severely allergic || I’m not that interesting || I’m also a lesbian || I mostly post football (soccer), hockey, or animals or F1 or just shit posts and other sports (I don’t have good content at all tbh) || I’m also sickly as shit and mentally ill so that stuff comes up sometimes


i hope you all know that this post is riffing on something someone left in my askbox a bit ago where they accused me of having a "shape fetish" like with no irony at all. because i draw art with Shapes in it

my unruly ass could NOTTTTT be in the same room as RECTANGULAR PRISM 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Basically for the past 100 years when a group of guys got together and started hanging out they would eventually form a band. This was when there was balance in the universe. Then at some point in the 2010s a powerful crystal cracked and a single shard was lost and then strife began… and now when a group of guys get together they form a podcast

Need them to go back to making shitty music


this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it

buy a pack of chapsticks and put one in the pocket of all of your coats and jackets because you always forget to bring one and chapped lips is sensory hell

leave important things where you can see them. if they go in a box or a drawer you will forget they exist

put any appointments or deadlines in your phone calendar As Soon As you get them. set a reminder for a week before, a day before, an hour before, as many as you need as often as you need them.

when that little voice in your head says "i dont need to write that down, ill remember it" that is the devil talking!!! write it down anyway!!

plan for down time. have a few hours at the end of every day to just do fun stuff like engage in your hyperfixations. even if you didnt get all of your work done that day, have the rest anyway. you probably spent the whole day beating yourself up for not doing what you Should be doing, so you still need the break.

if you never eat vegetables because its too much effort to chop and cook them, get the frozen or canned shit. it doesnt go off for ages and you just have to microwave it. theres no point buying fresh vegetables if they just keep going off and being left to rot in the bottom of your fridge

if you struggle to decide what to have for dinner every day, take the decision out of it. choose a set of meals and eat those on rotation until you get sick of them, then choose some new ones and do it again.

its not stupid if it works! our brains literally have a chemical deficiency. you are allowed to accommodate yourself. go forth and stop making your life more difficult than it has to be because "this shouldn't be this hard". it is hard, so make it easier.

You are allowed to accommodate yourself.

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