
My Blind Palace

@nirnaed--arnoediad / nirnaed--arnoediad.tumblr.com

20 y.o., she/her. LotR, HP, DW, Sherlock, MUSE, Ylvis, HIMYM, the Beatles, Youtube, Dan & Phil, GMM

look, look, i gotcha some quality content!

are there any tom rosenthal fans here on tumblr? i hope so cause i made another cover of his incredible song Middle of My Mind. 

my small beans aka my younger siblings contributed to this video, i can’t thank them enough, they are the best part of this vid tbh. also there’s a tiny aquarium where my small beans agreed to fit in and beautiful magical lights. trust me, you won’t watching this!

take care, you guys! :3


heeeey! happy v-day to y’all who celebrate! and i got a kinda v-day themed video (not really but i did wait until v-day to upload it). it’s a bit angry, half-ironic, half-sincere and i poured my soul into it (as into any of my songs :D)

yeah, i hope you’re gonna like this vid. i spend i lot of time making it, i even had to ask my sister bioengineer to clone me (yup, she can do this!), i had to learn my clone sing and play plastic drum=container. you have no idea how much time it took, my clone turned out not to have a sense of rhythm 

i will greatly appreciate if you reblog and share this vid with other human beings (well, not necessarily with humans - if your pet enjoys watching youtube you can show my vids to your pet, i won’t mind). you will really help me out! i currently have around 120 subs, 25 covers (here’s the playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e6sb68PH8A&list=PLD3yUyvx2MXpltpm_tJ-8N-4Ex-kZZWSQ), a decent amount of original songs (well decent imho haha - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e6sb68PH8A&list=PLD3yUyvx2MXpltpm_tJ-8N-4Ex-kZZWSQ). i know i sound inexcusebly arrogant and you’re probably like ‘who the hell is she to demand our help?! just another girl that can play uke! anyone can play uke’. but bear with me, okay! look, what if one day i become crazy internet famous and you’ll be like - heey, i know this girl, i helped her expand when she had 100 subs!’ wouldn’t that be cool? :D

i don’t think i really want to be famous on the internet (in this case i would be doing anything to achieve this goal - maybe uploading regularly or covering the most popular songs). but i still want more people to hear my songs, share their opinion and help me improve. i cherish my friends’ and family’s opinion but - let’s be real - they are pretty biased :D



This is the best thing I have ever seen

@klubbhead You used a cinnamon roll for Rey and not Leia?


Dam it it got better


Do Darth Maul next!


This is why I love Tumblr. Do Yoda next please or Boba Fett.

Oh god. I can’t even think of something for them lol


Yoda gotta be raisin bread.





do grand moff tarkin.

The last one got me.


Hey, it’s uh… It’s me. I know that I’ve been gone too long and, uh… It’s– I just, I want you to know that it’s not about you and it’s not about our fight. Okay? Something came up and I will explain it all when I see you. I just… I want you to know that I’m not mad. I’m just sorry. About everything. I don’t want you to get hurt at all. And I don’t wanna lose you. Just make sure you heat up some real food, okay? Not just Eggos. And I want you to eat all the peas, even if they’re mushy and gross. And… I will be home soon.

I had no friends and… I just felt so alone and so scared, but… I saw you on the swings and you were alone, too. You were just swinging by yourself. And I walked up to you and… I asked. I asked if you wanted to be my friend. And you said yes. You said yes. It was the best thing I’ve ever done.
ok but how did filming that scene go
rian: adam please do a little excited slide on the floor like a four year-old wearing socks
adam, a method actor: but i’m the dark edgelord kylo ren
rian: ssh. just slide, my beautiful dark baby

the general public: i hate you because you killed han solo

kylo ren: bitch me too the fuck

the general public: i hate you because you look like you’re gonna kill leia

kylo ren, sobbing: BITCH ME TOO THE FUCK

the general public: i hate you because you have so many emotional conflictions so it’s like half the plot of the movie kylo ren, clawing at hair: BITCH ME TOO THE FUCK


What-ho, people of Tumblr! I wrote another original song which is basically about these tiny crushes you get in public places and you know you will never meet people you have a crush on again in your life and you feel so sad and lonely all of a sudden Check out the aesthetics with lights and window and everything! And I'll be very very VERY thankful to you if you share this video with people you know, who might like it (but only if you think it's worth to be shared)

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