oblivion npc

@daedric / daedric.tumblr.com

kt 23
marxist feminist lesbian
neopets stockbroker for socialism

I love you dumplings I love you gyoza I love you xiaolongbao I love you wonton I love you baozi I love you mandu and yes even you, ravioli


remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave

How fucking old are you people?

normal amount


Snowโ€™s deranged โ€œGood-bye, Lucy Gray, we hardly knew you.โ€ line but through the lens that we never really did, because both book and movie were narrated through the perspective of a deranged chauvinist like the narratives that diminished Dolores Haze or Daisy Buchanan. Suzanne Collins knows how to write female characters. But she also knows unreliable narrators. We see glimpses of Lucy Grayโ€™s whole humanity- her wit, her theatricality, her humor and resilience, her loyalty and absolute value of trust, her times of โ€œliving by her charmsโ€, โ€œshe hasnโ€™t been a girl for quite some timeโ€, her prior dangerous taste in men, but we donโ€™t get to know her outside of the manic pixie dream girl Snow percieved her as, and how deeply he resented any implication she had an inner life or a history. The fascination and disgust he held at once together, while watching her in her home environment playing music with the Covey in 12, instead of โ€œbelongingโ€ to him in the Capitol.

I would kill for Midnight Sun, genderbent narrative, Lucy Gray edition. The horror story Ballad would have been from her perspective.


Ivan Bilibin (Russian, 1876-1942), Archangel Michael, 1919-20. Ink and watercolour on paper, 32.5 x 27.5 cm.


i know this is really uncharitable, but like, forms of social organization that eliminate depersonalized interactions in favor of organic, highly personal, community-based living seem to be most frequently advocated by people who are really terrible at navigating their personal relationships. but i guess they probably also struggle with actual society in different ways and just deciding that the trade is worth it. but (perhaps self-interestedly) i think it's rather important that society treats even rather unpleasant and erratic people fully as members.


Yeah this is one of my eternal bugbears with a lot of left anarchism as such. The problem with a society built on voluntary mutual aid is that if nobody personally likes you, you starve! Assholes that no one wants to deal (and non-assholes that people are merely prejudiced against) with deserve safety and comfort too!

Indifferent bureaucracy is kind of necessary for a genuinely fair society, IMO.


you know how there used to be all those posts going around like โ€œI donโ€™t know any political theory, itโ€™s not hard to have good politics, itโ€™s called being a decent personโ€ type stuff, where itโ€™s like okay, well, if it works it works. but this year more than ever has convinced me that actually itโ€™s really important to have political values to fall back on even in cases of high emotion, e.g. anti-imperialism or bodily autonomy. feelings like kindness, empathy, concern, just on their own, are politically neutral and can just as easily motivate conservative or even fascist political positions. you know. like what happens to empathy-based politics when itโ€™s people whose lives are very different from yours, or where thereโ€™s a culturally-ingrained bias against seeing them as people, or if they are just interpersonally offputting and unlikeable. like how etiquette is for being polite when youโ€™re not โ€œfeeling itโ€, you need something to fall back on, a metric to evaluate what a โ€œjust societyโ€ looks like for people you donโ€™t personally know and/or like. am I making sense here


I think it's good to highlight that the amount of money the US is spending to conduct a genocide in Palestine could instead easily be used to house every homeless person in america or socialize healthcare or cancel student debt, because this helps demonstrate to people how little the US government gives a shit about you, but even if the US cancelled its billions of dollars in aid to Israel right now and diverted all that money into creating a massive welfare state for every american, it would still be a horrifically evil imperial country. the mountain of wealth it rests on top of was produced by the process of settler colonialism and genocide and slavery - the US is a big reason why "the global south" exists as a geopolitical category at all - and hoarding these resources domestically would not suddenly make it a just state. I think it's important when making these arguments that our ultimate conclusion isn't that the US should just become a western european welfare state while leaving the current system of imperial inequality enact. that is not the road that will lead to a decolonized Palestine because decolonialism is not merely the absence of imperial aid, it is the destruction of the system that allows a country to extract, hoard, and then spend billions of dollars on missiles and tanks and guns to conduct genocide in the first place


I also think more movies about high school should take a page from bottoms 2023's book and just lean into being absolutely surrealist. Yeah the pep rally cheer is just everyone pouring water on one girl. The classes are sometimes four minutes long because that's when the scene needed to end. The actors are clearly in their 20s. It's the kind of having fun with genre conventions I just adore. Oh and also the murder you can kill the opposing football team it's not a big deal.


for the sake of transparency and to give social context to oneโ€™s opinions, tumblr is including a new feature for faceless bloggers where in order to continue blogging facelessly, you have to verify with your face, and then the tumblr staff assess you for one of the four new username badges:





this feature cannot be turned off


so embarrassing when i forget im checking someoneโ€™s blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if itโ€™s just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone elseโ€™s apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch

reblog if i can wander into your apartment (blog) and make myself lunch (like and reblog as if itโ€™s my dash)


Tumblr already has a personalization algorithm it's called my beloved mutuals who have great taste and only wish to psychologically damage me sometimes

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