

@discordianbronydragon / discordianbronydragon.tumblr.com


I know everybodys talking about the article but its this tweet itself that makes me lose my shit

tinder link in bio.

the replies:


*tapes scissors to my dick* why won’t anyone fuck me, edward scissordick?


I'm losing my mind over newborn hedgehogs fucking look at them they're so creature

what the fuck. who allowed this


i always assumed the quills only grew after birth so i was worried but

also now i know theyre called hoglets and thats awesome


I think it’s funny how daemons treatment and later murder of Rhea is defended or at least understood because “he was forced to marry her and he didn’t have a say in choosing a wife for the sake of alliances” but then when it comes to women in the asoiafverse like Alicent who was not only forced but never had the freedom that daemon had and had to deal with marital rape and forced pregnancies, the fandom lacks compassion and hates on her for yelling at her husband 15 years later. And let’s not forget Rhea herself who had no choice and has less freedom than daemon had during their marriage, has been called out for provoking and speaking down to him.

Also, imagine the humiliation Rhea faced while her husband was down in King’s Landing, sleeping with prostitutes and messing around with his niece. Imagine her waiting back at home for her husband to at least pretend he cares about her. Imagine that vile nickname he gave her wandering its way back up to her.


Raven Steals the Sun by Preston Singletary (Tlingit), Raven Steals the Light by Bill Reid (Haida), Raven Stealing the Sun by Ken Mowatt (Gitksan), webb and hubble images of the pilars if creation


These make me very happy inside. Plus size mannequins for men, it seems like a fairy tale. 

oh my i wish the lady ones had tummies???

this is awesome and i wish you saw it w lady mannequins too but i clicked on hairypigcub’s blog and it literally says ‘cannibalism fetish’ in the bio


Anyways, ignoring the cannibalism fetish, there are plus size female mannequins as well, Nike uses them sometimes!

These ones from Target too

There should be more in the world, but they’re definitely out there. Anyways. Now we can address the cannibalism fetish if yall really want to,


How are we supposed to leave tumblr when sentences like “anyway, ignoring the cannibalism fetish,” exist

Yall what happen to op?

my god,, no,,, hairypigcub what did you do?

For the Meme


Love goth culture but not really loving this prevalent shift into distinct gender presentation that's developed as its become accepted in society. Or the... I guess gentrification is the wrong word.

Like. You remember goths with huge ratty hair and KISS makeup and men in heels and corsets and women in huge shapeless sweaters till you couldn't tell who was under what? Remember when the clothes were hand-shredded from the thrift store for five dollars and some spit?

My first black lipstick was eyeliner. What's this Women Get Crop Tops Only For $60 crap. What's this Being Goth Too Expensive shit. Girl draw ur nails on with sharpie and embrace damnation wtfff

Alt fashion being gentrified (which is the right word, you nailed it) is the most bullshit thing. My forebears didn't thrift/shoplift leather and jeans and hold their clothes together with pins and dye their hair together at whoever's house had a sink sprayer just so modern punks could lament the cost of a good battle jacket and ripped pair of off-the-rack jeans like! Girl!! Rip them yourself!! Throw box dye in your hair and leave it on for an hour before rinsing in the sink!! Keep your jeans for so long they tear THEN pin that shit together!! The entire point was that we didn't contribute to the capitalist machine by buying new things!!

Cheap, shitty, and now!!


me, writing: this sentence is way too long. I need to condense it in a way that makes it grammatically correct while still preserving the original meaning I’m trying to convey

the devil on my shoulder: or, you can add five more commas, a semi colon, three em dashes, fifty more words, and it’ll all come together in a way that’s technically grammatically correct but completely incomprehensible to anyone who reads it, even yourself!

me, writing faster: you’re a genius


something in particular i found really interesting about wendell and wild was that none of the girls we see in the stereotypical mean girl archetype are ever intentionally cruel to anyone. like i feel like the story sets us up to wait for them to do something awful to kat and they never do. siobhan seems genuinely apologetic when she realizes she's misgendered raul, and we don't see the conversation that lead sweetie and sloane to protest klax korp, they just show up ready to support the people of rust bank. they seem like genuinely nice if sheltered people! and idk i just think it's nice to see a break from the "girls ripping each other apart for no reason" thing.


people who are like “please stop using incomprehensible words like ‘ontological’ and ‘epistemology’ and ‘teleological’ in the social sciences”..... okay but.... counterpoint..... you could consider, god forbid, learning something

Academic jargon definitely can be used to gatekeep and to give thin ideas more gravitas, but literally any group of people with a specialized shared interest will develop their own vocabulary and shorthands for things. If you've learned dozens of tropes from tvtropes you can learn a few philosophy 101 concepts. If you just don't want to that's fine but not wanting to is a you problem.


Google is right there y'all

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