
Where Am I?


In a new world and now I’m a horse, ask me whatever you want and I’ll do my best to answer

Hey guys back again but not good news this time.

I know I said I wanted to restart this blog and I was doing art for it and everything, however life has got in the way to me being able to do this.

To make a long story short, after I made my last post I had to end up at the doctors because it turns out I have a hormonal imbalance which has really affected me, so my doctor prescribed me hormone pills that some days are fine but sometimes it’s bad.

I still have to take anti depressants along with them, so my body is going through a whole lot.

I also caught an illness which I’m still recovering from, one of the symptoms is extreme tiredness which hasn’t gone away.

I also have family things to deal with on top of it.

Needless to say my motivation for drawing as a whole has taken a nose dive, I haven’t been able to draw these past few months and I don’t know when the want will come back. Because right now I don’t enjoy it.

Because of all of this I’m not gonna continue this blog, at least not right now.

I can’t stay optimistic about something I’m losing interest in, and I’m sorry.

I love you guys but I don’t want you to stand by and wait for something which is probably not going to happen.

I’m really sorry you guys. But all I can say is thank you for being supportive of me, it means a lot.

Please don’t be mad at me for this decision. I don’t want to post half assed content to you guys, so please don’t be mad.

I may return one day but I won’t hold out hope, so all I can say is goodbye and thank you. Xxxx


Hey guys just coming in to say that I’ve not disappeared I’ve just been trying to update character designs and backgrounds for this blog and it is not easy, hairstyles are the bane of my existence most of the time but I’m still working on it.

It should not take long to get them done but I thought I should let you guys know that’s what I’ve been up to!


TMI QUESTION: Music or song that has brought you to tears?


That would be “ In This Shirt ” by The Irrepressibles. There’s just something so sad to me about that song that my tear ducts just act up every time😂


TMI Tuesday: Favorite anime?


Oh that’s a difficult one because there’s so many but I think I’d have to go with Miss Kobyashi’s Dragon Maid!

I love that anime with my whole heart, from the character design and story it’s just such a sweet anime to watch. I recommend it to anyone who just wants to have a nice time.


What do you do to enjoy a time of relaxing?


Many things. I draw, I play games on my switch, or I make thing’s whether they are out of clay or cardboard! These things are really relaxing to me.


TMI Tuesday: Who is your rival on Tumblr?


I have never had a rival, I think everyone’s blog is really cool and unique to them! I hope no one sees me as a rival because I just wanna be friends with everybody!


Hey there glad to see you are back hope things are going well for you


I’m doing much better now, I needed those two years away from my family and they agreed that I was not in a good place at all. But I’m recovering day by day, some days are still bad but no where near as what they used to be.

I plan to keep up the progress I made and that means doing what I love to do. This blog ain’t going anywhere my friend!


Your OC looks very interesting. What inspired you to create them?


I just imagined what I’d look like as a magical horse except I’d have no magic😂


Yay! The fren has returned! I still greatly appreciate what you drew of my pone and yours, by the way, I never forgot! :D


I’m glad to be back and if anyone wants there oc drawn by me all they have to do is ask! Also I’m glad that you still want me back. Xx


It's very awesome to see you again! I have notifications turned on for your blog, and when I saw the update ping, I was quick to see it ^^


I’m so glad! Most of the time I compare my blog to that of others and I always think mine just isn’t good but to know you actually like it make me really happy!


Welcome come back my banan frind


Hello again my friend thank you for the welcome! Glad to see you’re here too!


Hey guys it’s me!

To start with, yes I am alive and I’m doing good right now. I’m back home so I’m with my family again and I’ll tell you it has not been smooth sailing.

Stress has been the main reason I haven’t been on here, every time I get into my blog something comes to ruin my motivation to continue.

The only reason I haven’t deleted my blog is because I know people on here care, and trust me I’ve almost completely given up more than once.

To everyone who has been messaging me to know how I’m doing I’ve got to say thank you and I’m sorry. I have a very hard time talking to people, I see the messages and I feel awful for making people worry, I hope you all know that I have thought of you and I have missed you guys very much. Thank you for not giving up on me.

About my blog, I’ve been debating with the story for some time now and I want to restart one more time.

Wipe the slate completely clean and bring back the character that started this blog.

I’m bringing Lilly back! And she’s had a big change. I’ll get into her character at a later date but I just couldn’t get rid of her completely. She means too much to me sense she brought me to you guys!

That is all I wanted to say for now, I shall be back again soon and this time I plan to stay.

I hope you guys are still interested. And I hope to see you soon. I love you all. Xxx


Guys just letting you know that I’m feeling pretty crappy rn, my Nan thinks I have a virus so I’m not doing much.

Oh I haven’t been posting because my older and younger brother have came to visit and so a lot of my time has been on them.

So sorry for the silence, it’s been quite hectic lately 😅

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