
The Moon Lies in Wait

@lkfortier / lkfortier.tumblr.com

A development blog for my in-progress novel, and a place to share my passion projects © 2017-2019 L.K. Fortier All rights reserved.
Anonymous asked:

any tips for writing road trips?

Hi :)

How to write a road trip

For a road trip there are a few things to consider that change how you go about it:


  • Just wanting to have a road trip
  • Is there a specific place they need to go to?
  • What is going to wait for them at the end?


  • If there is a specific place, they need to be at they should take the direct route there
  • If it’s just for fun they can go and stop in any direction whenever they want
  • You can include some obstacles, like road blocks, traffic jams, construction sites, getting lost, etc.
  • If you use actual places, try to figure out the time it takes to get from point A to point B

Sleeping arrangements

  • A few options: in the car, in a tent, in a motel
  • Depends on where they are, their budget and the weather


  • How many people are in the car?
  • What is their relationship?
  • Are they carefree and happy or is there tension between them?

Plot points

  • The plot is like a road trip itself - it moves from one point to another and then ends at a point you choose
  • So, you can choose different stations during the trip to include different plot points and further the plot
  • Maybe something major always happens when they have to stay in the car with nowhere else to go
  • Maybe they only have important conversations at night

End of the trip

  • You should interconnect the end of the trip with the end of the plot you wanted to get across
  • It’s like reaching the destination in both aspects
  • That makes for the most satisfying end for the reader

Road Trip Ideas

  • picnic at the side of the road
  • quick bathroom breaks
  • having a snack stock pile
  • homemade sandwiches
  • getting lost
  • fights about which way to go
  • being stuck in traffic
  • the perfect road trip playlist
  • and still fighting over the music
  • phone batteries being dangerously low and no way to charge them
  • trying to read an actual paper map
  • packing too many useless things
  • while forgetting something important
  • looking out for places to sleep
  • contemplating if the creepy motel is worth it
  • sleeping in the car, uncomfortable in all the wrong places
  • sleeping under the starry sky
  • not seeing a single soul for miles
  • randomly stopping at interesting things
  • watching the sun set and rise again
  • measuring time with McDonald’s signs they see
  • visiting small towns
  • coming across ghost towns
  • exploring the remnants of civilization
  • arriving at their destination feeling either more connected to each other or farther away from each other

I hope you enjoy this and have fun writing it!

- Jana


Ladies Red and White

Lady Red

The darkness and the sins of life

Give way only to further strife.

No one can promise otherwise,

For only fools believe such lies.

Abuse and treachery abound,

Sensational pleasures all around

I find no Eden here, I fear;

Such paradise will not appear.

When all succumb to wicked ways

(And I myself break from my daze),

Relinquish morals, hopes, and dreams,

And know nothing is how it seems,

The Lady Red is here to stay,

Docile and harmless by the day.

Yet come the night beware her charm,

She yearns only to do you harm.

Centuries long has been her wait,

Resigned to a sinner’s fate.

Yet why pretend she stands alone?

All men toil for Satan’s throne.

The Lady Red is here to stay,

Docile and harmless by the day,

Yet come the night, beware her charm.

Like all she yearns to do you harm.

Lady White

Life is cruel, deny this not.

‘Tis a losing battle fought

Day and night, with no advance,

A struggle against fate and chance.

Still, my love, do not despair,

And shed not another tear,

For in this darkness dwells some light,

To save you from your hellish plight.

The Lady White is here for thee.

I’ll take you far away with me

And in my arms may you find peace.

Your lifelong sufferings shall cease.

From the sinners you shall flee

And enter eternal harmony.

See, my child, a life justified

By all of which you’ve fantasized.

Though for far too long you have agonized

Under the reign of façades and lies,

Now experience what few joys

Life offers that may never cloy.

The Lady White is here for thee.

I’ll take you far away with me.

No matter what, remember dear:

You’ll always find comfort here.


Found these poems in an old stack from high school. Despite the titles, they have little canonical relevance to the Lady Red and Lady White (Lucy and Luna Cross, respectively) in my WIP. At the time I wrote these pieces, I had been playing around with Luna and Lucy as characters, and had begun to brainstorm the earliest drafts of TMLiW. Seeing as the two were so different, and seeing as an assignment at the time was to write in a style similar to Blake’s, I turned to them for inspiration. Hope you enjoyed.


Can anyone recommend good websites for locating mythological names? Particularly in the Judeo-Christian/Islamic traditions? 

Trying to name demons/angels/any archaic deity is incredibly hard, and frankly my mind keeps reverting back to Aziraphale and Crowley and that’s not quite right XD or more stereotypical examples (Lilith, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, etc.) whenever I try to imagine names of this sort. Any help is greatly appreciated


For the ask game 29, 32 and 38


29 (best way to bond w/ me): Definitely just spending time with me. I’m a pretty independent person, but solitude can get boring, or even lonely, quite quickly for me, plus I always derive more joy from doing even small things with other people. If you make an effort to want to spend time with me (initiate contact, plan things without me chasing after you) and follow through, you’ll earn a place in my heart super fast. 

32 (top 5 fav vines): (in no particular order bc that’s hard) the girl on the guitar singing “hey, how you doing? well I’m doing just fine--I lied, I’m dying inside”; any of the “have you seen my berries” vines; the “hey guys check out this new dress my mom got me--PSYCH, IT’S A JUMPSUIT, YOU WERE FOOLED! MWAHAHAHA!” vine); “two bros, chillin’ in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re NOT GAY”; screaming grinch doing yoga.

38 (lemonade or tea): See that’s hard, because I love lemonade but tea’s pretty much my blood at this point...though I’m pretty addicted to ice tea lemonade too so we’ll go with that :3

Thanks for the ask! 


Hello Mr. Gaiman. Thank you for your work. People say to write you must kill your darlings. I am worried because I can't seem to. I don't want them to be sad. Are writers compassionate beings or sims players leaving sims to drown? My mother says that you let characters suffer so they grow but I can't seem to. I want to protect my good guys and bad guys because real life is crappy enough and I love them all. Is this normal? The urge to write burns in me. I want to cross this hurdle. Pls advise.


“Kill your darlings” was an expression Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch came up with, to tell young writers not to fall in love with a particularly fine passage. He wrote,

If you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings.’

It doesn’t mean “Kill all your characters”. Or even, “Don’t treat your characters with compassion and love.” Even when bad things happen to them, as they will.


And, for the record, when I write something I’m particularly pleased with, it stays.

Another thing that’s lost about this advice is that he was talking about style– not content, not characters. 

The particular problem he was trying to address was trying to look smart by showing off a big vocabulary with flowery writing. More often than not, the person doing this doesn’t actually have the skill to pull it off, and they end up looking ridiculous. 

Painfully baroque prose isn’t a temptation for most writers anymore. This advice was given in 1916, long before simple sentences became fashionable. 

I’ve encountered this writing vice occasionally in literary writing workshops and magazines and academic journals, but it’s much more likely to show up in arguments on the internet when someone is trying to intimidate someone who disagrees with them instead of making an actual argument.  

This is the whole paragraph from the book that contains the advice:

“To begin with, let me plead that you have been told of one or two things which Style is not; which have little or nothing to do with Style, though sometimes vulgarly mistaken for it.  You remember, may be, the Persian lover whom I quoted to you out of Newman: how to convey his passion he sought a professional letter-writer and purchased a vocabulary charged with ornament, wherewith to attract the fair one as with a basket of jewels. Well, in this extraneous, professional, purchased ornamentation, you have something which Style is not: and if you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings.’

“Kill your darlings” was a bit of writing advice my first creative writing prof gave to us, and I always wondered where it came from. This post just made it 100% better. 


weird asks that say a lot


1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?

2. chocolate bars or lollipops?

3. bubblegum or cotton candy?

4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?

5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?

6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?

7. earbuds or headphones?

8. movies or tv shows?

9. favorite smell in the summer?

10. game you were best at in p.e.?

11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?

12. name of your favorite playlist?

13. lanyard or key ring?

14. favorite non-chocolate candy?

15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?

16. most comfortable position to sit in?

17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?

18. ideal weather?

19. sleeping position?

20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?

21. obsession from childhood?

22. role model?

23. strange habits?

24. favorite crystal?

25. first song you remember hearing?

26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?

27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?

28. five songs to describe you?

29. best way to bond with you?

30. places that you find sacred?

31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?

32. top five favorite vines?

33. most used phrase in your phone?

34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?

35. average time you fall asleep?

36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?

37. suitcase or duffel bag?

38. lemonade or tea?

39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?

40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?

41. last person you texted?

42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?

43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?

44. favorite scent for soap?

45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?

46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?

47. favorite type of cheese?

48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?

49. what saying or quote do you live by?

50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?

51. current stresses?

52. favorite font?

53. what is the current state of your hands?

54. what did you learn from your first job?

55. favorite fairy tale?

56. favorite tradition?

57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?

58. four talents you’re proud of having?

59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?

60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?

61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?

62. seven characters you relate to?

63. five songs that would play in your club?

64. favorite website from your childhood?

65. any permanent scars?

66. favorite flower(s)?

67. good luck charms?

68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?

69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?

70. left or right handed?

71. least favorite pattern?

72. worst subject?

73. favorite weird flavor combo?

74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?

75. when did you lose your first tooth?

76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?

77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?

78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?

79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?

80. earth tones or jewel tones?

81. fireflies or lightning bugs?

82. pc or console?

83. writing or drawing?

84. podcasts or talk radio?

84. barbie or polly pocket?

85. fairy tales or mythology?

86. cookies or cupcakes?

87. your greatest fear?

88. your greatest wish?

89. who would you put before everyone else?

90. luckiest mistake?

91. boxes or bags?

92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?

93. nicknames?

94. favorite season?

95. favorite app on your phone?

96. desktop background?

97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?

98. favorite historical era?

I love how random this is 😆 Ask me questions to help me get through this work day please.


I’m trying to procrastinate please send some my way XD


WIP Intro: The Moon Lies in Wait

“What is remembered is what becomes reality.” -Patricia Hampl

Title | The Moon Lies in Wait

Genre | horror/fantasy

POV/Tense | 3rd person limited, past tense

Status | first draft

Summary | Emily Lyn was only seven years old the night her parents were murdered. Torn from her home by the very creatures responsible for their deaths, she is kidnapped to a world inhabited by monsters--intelligent yet soulless beings born of sin and chaos, destined to plague mankind until the end of time. There she is subjected to unspeakable cruelties and violence for years, enslaved by the monsters and forced to adopt their ways in order to survive. Now twenty-one, she is as hostile and heartless as the creatures who abducted her, and has given up all hopes of living a normal life…

…until a chance run-in with a bizarre stranger sets her on a path she never knew existed. Soon Emily finds herself on the run with this strange man, one who claims to have ties to her past, to a life she's long since forgotten. With the monsters at her heels and an unlikely ally offering aid behind the scenes, she must uncover the truth of who she really is, and confront long-buried questions crucial to her survival, including why she alone was left alive, and whether her parents' deaths were simply a tragic accident…or the result of something far more sinister than she could have ever imagined.

This story largely follows Emily’s experiences, though there are some narrative breaks that offer insight into other characters’ perspectives. As of right now I am hoping to use it as my senior thesis project, with the first draft set to be finished by September 2020. After that--well, fingers crossed.


Writing a Minor Character: Stages

Me: *writing a character in 2017* She's an annoying gossip with no respect for or understanding of others' privacy or boundaries. She exists as a tool of the story, but she'll probably get super irritating so we won't keep her around long. Ugh, I hate her.
Me: *2018* Okay, okay, still a total busybody, still annoying, but I guess she has some redeeming qualities...Still won't keep her around, though.
Me: *late 2018* I mean, she's a good mom...and has a good heart...and really good intentions even though she doesn't always realize what she's doing is wrong...Maybe she can make a cameo later on?

Reblog and tell me about your WIPs!

I wanna learn more about everyone’s writing, and honestly there are too many wonderful ones out there for me to find them all on my own.  So please help me!

Reblog this and talk about your WIP for a bit! I wanna know what your project is! Tell me about what you’re excited for! Describe your characters! 

I don’t know how big this post will get, but I’ll try to respond to everyone eventually :)


This is such a cool idea! I’m honestly awful at talking about/summarizing my work, but I’ll give it a go ^_^

My WIP is a novel called The Moon Lies in Wait, and follows the life of young girl named Emily Lyn. After the brutal deaths of her parents, she is abducted by the creatures responsible--intelligent yet soulless beings known as monsters--and taken to their world, where she is enslaved and tormented physically, mentally, and emotionally for over a decade. Over the years she loses herself, becoming almost as cruel and apathetic as the creatures that kidnaped her--until a run-in with a stranger, one who claims to have ties to her past, leads Emily to question everything she’s ever known. 

To be honest I’ve been working on this WIP for roughly four years now, and while the writing’s been slow I’ve finally sorted through most of the plot holes and other issues facing the story’s continuation. Makes me super happy, since these characters are honestly super fun to work with. Let’s hope NaNoWriMo sees a few more chapters come into being! :D


types of writer

A) existential crisis - self-deprecating - ask themselves everyday if they should just give up on writing - continues to write anyway - feels like they should be doing more (both in writing and irl) otherwise feels like they’re just wasting time - (they’re not tho i believe in them) - likes to complain about writing but they really love it and wouldn’t know what to do without it

B) make it stop - looooooooooooooooong stories - thinks their stories have too much filler scenes and that they’re boring the readers - but they can’t stop - unconsciously brags about their word count - 2,000 words turn to 20,000 words real quick without noticing it - how do they do this - probably bad in one-on-one conversations irl

C) do it for yourself - *mildly interesting thing happened in their life* “now how do I exaggerate this so I can add it in my story” - rants about their irl problems thru their writing - *cries while writing angst bc it’s too real* - they’re the main character - makes people they don’t like the antagonists

D) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - smut scenes that will make you consider kinks you didn’t know you have - makes their characters fuck in the middle of a zombie apocalypse just bc - afraid to write in public for obvious reasons - just wants to write porn but ends up adding fluff/angst - sometimes it’s the other way around - kinky but sexually frustrated irl

E) God - organized - has a minimum word count everyday and follows thru it - knows how to separate irl emotions to story emotions - intricate outline - perfect grasp of how the story will flow - what we all aspire to be

F) writing???in my house???what??? - spends more time complaining about writing than doing it - same with shitposting - daydreams all the time - has great ideas but ends up being forgotten forever - really good when they write tho

tag yourself, i’m A 👋🏼


I’m somewhere between A and B, with a teeny dash of F :’)


Welcome to week eight! Writeblrs, I want to hear about your ideal writing spot. What is your favorite place to write? Your desk, your bed, a coffee shop? What’s your dream writing spot like? Let’s talk about the environment that gets us in the zone. 

Send an ask, reblog, or comment to join the conversation! 

I tag everything with ‘writeblr conversations’ if you want to follow or mute all the reblogs. If you want to keep up with our talks every week, you  can join the tag list:  @elybydarkness @tjswritingstuff @gettingitwrite @gooseandcaboose @julesruleswrites @dawnhorizons @kd-holloman  @reininginthefirewriting @writingonesdreams@brb-writing @celstefani  @kirstenmcwriter  @no-negativity-writes @bardicfool @nemowritesstuff

I would like to say “my desk,” which is an antique tea cart I got from my grandmother after she was going to throw it out, but… I usually end up writing in bed with my cat curled up against me–or getting in the way! 

It’s hard to say which I prefer. I think I’m definitely more productive at my desk, but the bed is so comfortable…

My dream writing spot would be my own office/library, with a window that has a good view and a cat tree for Winnie. I’d still like to use the tea cart as my desk, but @r-hamlin might convince me to actually use it to display our silver tea set (also given to me by my grandmother) and get a real desk instead, lol.

I’m a sucker for antique furniture, especially from family. My “desk” is my grandmothers sewing machine table.

That dream sounds amazing! I’m all here for big library windows.


Gotta love coffee shops. I used to be able to write almost anywhere, and still can, but nothing puts me in a better writing mood than aesthetically pleasing shops. We don’t have a lot of small ones where I’m from, but shops like Cafe Nero and even certain Starbucks in my area have such a lovely, quaint little charm to them that puts me immediately at ease. 

Dream writing spot, though...that’s a little harder to say. On one hand, having my own office--big mahogany desk with a large window behind, walls lined with bookshelves, maaaybe a fireplace if we wanna go all out with the fantasy, haha. But just having a light, open space where I can go to work and feel at peace would be nice. Or, heck, even just another small town coffee shop. Either way.


Things to Consider When Creating a Fictional Mythology

  • How many gods and goddesses are there?
  • How are the gods and goddesses related to each other? How similar are these relationships similar to human ones?
  • Is there a ‘chief’ god? What makes them the strongest one? Have they always been the strongest?
  • How much do the gods meddle with human affairs? What motivates them to get involved?
  • Can humans have kids with gods? What special abilities to these kids have? How are they viewed by society?
  • Do humans pray, make offerings, or do other things to try to appease the gods?
  • Do people and/or societies tend to worship one god or goddess at a time, a handful that reflect their interests and priorities, or the whole pantheon? How does this vary between people and cultures? How do people who worship different gods or worship them to different degrees interact?
  • Which gods are the most widely revered? 
  • What is the mythology’s creation myth? How does that reflect society’s values?
  • What traits does the mythology tend to idolize? What does it demonize? Have people’s interpretations of these things changed over time?
  • Who are the main, famous heroes of this mythology? What makes them so well regarded?
  • Do gods have different names, personalities, or physical portrayals in different cultures?
  • Have details about some gods been lost over time?
  • Do gods and goddesses look like humans? Animals? Something else entirely?
  • How have various myths been sanitized over time to make them more tame or child friendly? How many different versions of each myth are there?


What is their name? Is there any meaning in their name? Their age? What are the quick simple things that make your character? What is there role in your story?


What is their body type and their height? What is their skin color? What is their hair, eyes and face shape? Are they considered attractive? Is there any birth marks or scars or distinguishing features? What do they think of their physical attributes?


What speed do they talk? Do they ramble or are they careful with their words? How does their speech reflect their personality? What is the repetition in their internal monologue?


What is their emotional and physical origins? What was their childhood like and how does that manifest in their current life? What does their origins mean to them? What is the relationship with their family or guardians? How does their origins effect the story now? What haunts them? What makes them believe or reject the lie?


What is their positive character traits? Flaws? How does those positive traits and flaws manifest in the story? How is their personality linked to their origins and ghost?


Are they going to experience a positive character arc? What is the lie? What is their truth? How will they learn that truth? Are they going to experience a negative character arc? What is the lie? What is the truth? How are they going to reject the truth for the lie? Are they going to experience a flat character arc? What is the lie they are fighting? What is the truth? Why do they believe that truth? How will other people learn the truth via your character?


Write a paragraph that perfectly encapsulates their character


Love. This. Definitely going to use this going forward to combat character-associated writer’s block! 

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