
Fangirl All Day

@its-chelisey-stuff / its-chelisey-stuff.tumblr.com

Always on the lookout for good thai BLs lol Watching: Queen of tears | Lovely Runner | We Are

He compliments her and she makes him kneel.


Oh, and then she magically chains him to a tree while they discuss her eating him. I think we all know what vibes they are going for here. His character is the type of product they sell at Subway.


A-hem. We know what this is.

PS yup she put a tracker in him.


Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact ę¶‚å±±å°ēŗ¢åØ˜ęœˆēŗ¢ēƇ (2024) Dir. Mai Guan Zhi, Du Lin ā€“ Ep. 1


Of course, all it took was FIVE minutes alone with her genuine self (man I do miss cheerful and positive Sol, full of smiles) for him to fall in love.

I really love how fascinated he seems when he looks at her. Like he's watching her for the first time, REALLY seeing her. And I love it. For ALL Lovely Runner has made me suffer and irritated me in the last week, I love watching Sunjae fall for Sol for the 10th time.

LOCKED. He isn't going anywhere. How does it feel, Sol? In a few minutes all your "work" of fifteen years went down the toilet lol




I figured out why this recent development in the story has made me so upset at the writing. Bear with me.

A few timelines ago lol Sunjae shared a piece of wisdom that resonated a lot with me and cemented (to me at least) the kind of character he is. This tenacity he has in him could have been mistaken for another, more childish sentiment, like an obsession or fixation. In fact, it was. Sunjae said that he did not regret how things had gone down with swimming, since he had given his all in that last competition. It cost him his athletic career and almost destroyed his shoulder, but there were no regrets left in him, since he had given his best at the time. And he was proud of himself. At peace. That journey ended for him, and it did on his terms.

A couple of timelines down the road, he told Sol he didn't care how it ended for him, as long as they could be together. I made a little fun of him at the time, because lol you're 19 years old, what are you gonna know about life? about consequences? Of course, he didn't care about his potential death, supposedly 15 years in the future. It seemed like an eternity away for him. So he didn't. He concentrated on Sol. Gave his best, and lived to the fullest, while he could.

Then, on that cliff. He was stabbed and made sure not to let go of his killer until he saw Sol was gonna be okay. Safe. It was heartbreaking, but again, he gave it his best. He made a choice, while he was still able to make one.

And that's it. That's what drives me crazy! Sol took that chance from him in this last timeline. We were all okay with her playing in the timelines, when it was about her life, and she could make all the choices she wanted (especially when we knew life hadn't been kind to her). Until it was about Sunjae, and it became about taking away a life he had chosen for him, repeatedly.

He now says it's a sad ending, and I agree. But can I add, infuriating? We know Sunjae. When the time comes and he remembers (because come on, of course he will) he's gonna forgive Sol. He's not gonna be angry. And I wish he could be. I can certainly be at this point.

I remember feeling a little bit of this bothersome feeling when Sol wanted him to skip that last swimming competition, and then again when she tried to stop him from becoming an idol. Because that was messing with his choices, and what he wanted in that moment. This time is so much worse, not because of the tragedy of it (and IT IS tragic and of course, I get that this is a woman in love, trying desperately to save the man she loves) but because she took away his choices before he could even take them. She had no right.


Lovely Runner ģ„ ģž¬ ģ—…ź³  ķŠ€ģ–“ (2024) Dir. Boo Sung Chul, Yoon Jong Ho, Kim Tae Yeong ā€“ Ep. 13


The more I think about it, the more irritated by the latest reset I get.

It's funny, because the reset in W superficially was similar (she redid the story so they never met and so she was the only one who remembered) and it didn't bother me at all. I think in some part because it was done much much earlier in the narrative - there was plenty of time for it to develop again and it did (I loved that he never remembered in W, not truly, tho he read about it in the comic), and because it was done only once (some of my eyeroll in LR is because I am getting tired of redos, though yes, I realize the repeats are theme of the drama so that's on me), but in larger part it's because W was a very different and a much more complex narrative.

It really processed at length what it's like to be the only one who remembers things nobody else does, the trauma of loving someone who doesn't know you, the reasons ML keeps being drawn to her despite not remembering her, AND it gave a great reason as to why she erased things - there was no other way to fix anything, the whole world included, as far as they could figure out - not to mention it wasnā€™t done unilaterally - she did it but at his request. W was a meditation on a lot of things and only some of it was the (admittedly awesome) love story, and it was incredibly and tightly written.

LR, for all its many charms, is a romcom. It's just a romcom. It's not really an exploration of anything else much otherwise. We are not going to get any of the exploration of what it means to fight fate or to love someone who does not remember you in a world in which you have no place. No take on what it means to have the ability to change the world and control it to some degree through your actions or the ins and outs of timelines or what it does to you to fight fate and fail repeatedly, and the trauma one can shove through making the best of bad choices. Heck, the last save and any fallout for Sol happens entirely off-screen. And let's face it, if Sol and SJ actually cooperated and thought for about five minutes, they'd not have ended up on that cliff, so the "necessity" feels contrived.

Basically, it's not really the erasure - it's the way I think it won't really be addressed or explored in any way I want.

I realize that LR never pretended to be anything but what it is - a cute romcom with amazing chemistry and some great acting - so it's a little like going to a steakhouse and complaining you can't get sushi. But the heart wants what it wants so here we are.


These four dramatic clowns deserve to be in the same family idc

I really have no objections to the best friend and Sol's brother dating. I know most people find the brother annoying and the couple boring. And I know a lot wanted the friend with Sunjae's bestie. It would've been cute, ngl, but at the end of the day we got what we got and if that was the price to pay in return for such a perfect main couple, you'd hear no complaints from me.

Plus, they kinda fit each other lol

Never let your tiny gf overheat or she could malfunction. lol


You know what, this scene reminds me a lot of another romcom-fantasy classic, Strong Woman Do BongSoon. That one where Min-Hyuk was all like "Please love me" and BongSoon was all teary eyed saying "I already do". This scene here, held the same amount of intimacy and romance imo.

Saying I like you after someone said I love you? Awkward. Ouchie. You're not meant to be. But saying I love you to I like you? Now, that's like a dare. Like, I care this much, can you reach my level? I'm gonna wait for you, so reach it hahahaha I loved it.

Well... What can I say? My initial reaction wasn't that coherent or completely nice if I'm being honest. And I'm not complaining about my sweet Sol, but rather about the writer. After doing many things right (in my eyes) she eventually had to do some wrongs. And I kinda take it personal, so maybe this isn't something that bothers anyone else on the same level but I HATE HATE HATE HATE the most these two tropes in dramas: Amnesia and Noble Idiocy.

Now, this drama has done amnesia to some extent (but not in the BOF Gu JunPyo suddenly forgets JanDi right before the finish line of the story level) and within reason. It makes sense to me, so it doesn't annoy me. But Noble Idiocy is a whole different thing. It was done in last week's episodes when Sol was putting distance between them and I thought Sunjae saying "Don't run away anymore" was the end of it.

Plus, it's called Noble Idiocy for a reason. At the end of the day, even if the person had the best of intentions and wanted to keep their SO out of danger, they fail, because well, it's right there on the name. They foolishly fail to see that their plan in fact isn't flawless and someone (or everyone) gets hurt in the process. One way or another.

As I said, my issue isn't with Sol. I understand she's afraid of what could happen to Sunjae. After all, that's why we're here in the first place. Dude has died twice and suffered quite a lot. And Sol has gone through hell by this point as well. But could the writer seriously not find another reason or create a situation in which Sol would be left alone with the killer? Must we, as a society that's evolved, use the dreaded, boring and stupid Noble Idiocy? Me thinks not.

Anonymous asked:

Two things about lovely runner: one I'm afraid we hit our peak at episode 8 it may be just me but I could connect with adult soljae and hs one but with collage one I don't know I feel something missing? Second reading your latest post I can't help but feel we will back at the first episode timeline, it feels right somehow? I don't know in episode 13/14 I see it possible, but before he dword but I found those scenes to iconic to let them not be part of their timeline btw love ur posts since DAYS

I thought I was crazy for thinking this!!! Adult Soljae was my brand, my addiction, my OBSESSION. I loved them so much and I'm sooooo salty we only got that specific timeline (and Sunjae) for only 2 eps.

I thought high school soljae was a lot more mature than college soljae tbh it's hilarious to think about it, because Sol is technically 34, but I guess a lot of things changed when she admitted her feelings for Sunjae as a man, and no longer as her favorite idol. Meanwhile, Sunjae, knowing his feelings are reciprocated, it's a lot more playful and childish, a product of that sweet phase of first love and dating. I hope they enjoyed it while it lasted.

Yeah, I think this time we will get a timeline similar to the first one, which kinda sucks for a lot of reasons, but we couldn't have it all, could we?

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