
Adlock Sentiments

@adlocksentiments / adlocksentiments.tumblr.com

All things Sherlock Holmes x Irene Adler from the BBC series
John: Who was that?
Sherlock: Who was who?
John: That boy?
Sherlock: What boy?
John: ...
Sherlock: John?
John: I'm gonna make a deduction.
Sherlock: Oh, okay. That's good.
John: And if my deduction is right, you're gonna be honest and tell me, okay?
Sherlock: Okay. Though I should mention that it is possible for any little boy to become case clients and...
John: Irene Adler's back.
Sherlock: ... ... ... no.
Nero: *also upstairs* IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, MUMMY!
John: *glares*
Irene: *also glares*
Sherlock: I can explain.

I’m just gonna say this, if Irene hadn’t outsmarted Mycroft in ASiB (see the scene in his home) and ruined his BondAir plans, I think Mycroft would totes ship Adlock.

Remember that noir film he was watching, with a pairing that is definitely reminiscent of Adlock’s push-and-pull relationship with banter and innuendo?

He has the entire dialogue to that scene memorized (so he’s watched it over and over) and mouths along to the words. And look at his reaction to that pairing:

There’s even a line in there about taking clothes off, and oh, wait, what does that remind me of? Oh, yeah:

Just saying, in my head, Mycroft is a secret Adlock shipper, but knowing what Irene would do with that information, he would deny it to his grave. LOL.

Nine years after the Woman was last seen in Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson receive anonymous tickets to fly to New York at the service of a mysterious singer who wants to hire them for a case. They discover that the client is Irene Adler, now going by an alias, having resided in America since Sherlock rescued her from execution in Karachi. She explains that the events of The Final Problem had exposed her survival to Mycroft, so now many of her enemies are able to hunt her down. Sherlock finds it strange that after years of being capable of protecting herself, Irene would reach out to him. There is more to the story than meets the eye…
“She wants me to save him… What if I can’t?”
“You can.”
“How can you believe that after everything?”
“Because I know you like I know myself. Because… you’re Sherlock Holmes.”
When he returns to London several days later, he is Sherlock Holmes again.

In the same vein as my ‘Real’ ficlet. I know, I know, it’s cheesy, shameless fluff… But I need some Adlock to get me through the next week, dammit! Also because Lara was so cute in ‘Language of a Broken Heart’ (actually, she was the only person I liked in that movie).


No, but Eurus knew so well

If Irene had been the one she had chosen, it would have been too easy. Because she could have told Sherlock that she loved him because there were no complications between them. She loves him and the confirmation of the truth that Sherlock loves her back is agonizingly demonstrated in how difficult it was for Molly to say to him when he said it to her. 

Because Molly (and John) know Sherlock doesn’t love her that way, and Sherlock knows he doesn’t love her that way and it kills him that he’s forcing Molly to look that cold hard fact in the face. She has him say it back so that it breaks him just as much as it breaks her, and Eurus knows this. If it had been Irene, there would be no trouble whatsoever. The way it broke Molly at such magnitude that it exposes the fact that Sherlock clearly loves Irene in one way and Molly in the other, and while the exchange with Molly demonstrates that she does indeed love Sherlock romantically, Sherlock does not through how devastated he was after the call.

It’s absolute genius. Something that doesn’t even have Irene be directly involved, because let’s be real, if Eurus was a tiny bit kinder, she would’ve rubbed Sherlock’s feelings for Irene in Molly’s face. But no, she’s cruel. She makes Sherlock utterly destroy Molly all by himself, by the mention of Irene, that even if she was not in his heart, Sherlock still wouldn’t have any romantic feelings for Molly.


I am willing to wait another 3 years for the next season. I am that satisfied, y’all. They know exactly how much we need each time.


john watson is canonically obsessed with adlock. sherlock even so much as looks at a woman and john’s shipper goggles go on and hes like “hey!! let me guess you’re thinking of irene cause thats A woman and shes THE woman. im getting good at this deduction thing. ahh! sherlock you dirty dog you!” john calm downn.

As someone who ships adlock, this made me laugh so much after that harrowing episode so thank you. :)

as much as i would like him to be the captain of sherlolly ship (that honor goes to anderson) its fucking true. hes obsessed and i find it kinda hilarious every time he brings it up cause sherlock is so casual hes just like yeah were just texting and john is already planning the ultra chic wedding of the century. you know john be hiding that adlock porn.

sherlock: john can i use your laptop?


@applepiewithextrafreedom just when i though this post couldn’t get any better, you made it so. hahaha. 😂😂😂

Ultra chic wedding of the century 😂😂😂😂


Play You

Sherlock could have played the waltz he wrote for John and Mary, but he didn’t. He chose to play Irene’s theme, the music he wrote for the woman he thought was dead…the woman he later went on to save and have a passionate night with after he saved her from being beheaded..the woman whom he texts when nights are long and perhaps boring...the woman who texted him on this birthday…

Oh the posh boy does indeed love the dominatrix….

Eurus said that Sherlock had HAD sex based on the music. Sherlock played this on Christmas Day. They met Irene in September. That is three months, people.

Somewhere within that three months, they had already had sex.


The freaking text

The first time we see Sherlock text “You know where to find me SH” It´s to Lestrade, in the first episode:

And the second time is in TFP. So that´s why people believe that this second time the text is also for Lestrade

But let´s remember how things were between him and Sherlock in the first episode. They weren´t friends, Lestrade had trouble trusting Sherlock with cases, that´s why Sherlock texted him like that.

But now he doesn´t need to do that because, well, they´re friends. We even see him visiting the boys in baker street at the end of TFP. 

So that leaves us with one option:

he texted




I wholeheartedly agree and wanna add a few points:

1) Not even BBC Sherlock is above seemingly unattentive plot holes, see Lady Alicia/Elizabeth Smallwood. So I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that they merely forgot that Sherlock sent Lestrade a text like that 7 freakin years ago. On that note, even if they haven’t forgotten, it wasn’t even a memorable plot moment worthy of revisiting on TFP, specially involving Lestrade’s arc - which had a much proper resolution with the “great man/good man” mirror. Adding to the fact, as you’ve mentioned, Sherlock and Greg’s relationship is on a completely different level now, which makes the text as destinated to Lestrade just completely devoid of context.

2) There has been a whole episode in which texting was a huge plot point. And been established as quite the trademark of a certain character, with her own text alert and all. Which has been revisited just before TFP in a very explicit way. I think it’s safe to assume that texting is associated with Irene Adler in the series - not exclusively, of course - but it’s more her thing than anyone else’s in the show. Sherlock admittedly texts her back and a lot of their relationship has evolved around texting.

3) This brings us to: John telling Sherlock he doesn’t know what he’s missing with Irene and to get. himself. a. piece. of. that. I think a “you know where to find me” text is a clear continuity of that line and of John’s advice in general. “Text her, phone her, just do something because that chance is gone before you know it.” And so he did ;)

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