

27y.o. vet tech, just living the dream

bakugo and deku expression studies from recent chapters

manga ref:


Buttery Salmon Chowder

I attempted to recreate the delicious salmon chowder I had at a little cafe near my work, and I got pretty dang close! It is definitely good enough to share so I’m gonna.

Note on picking your salmon: It’s gonna get chopped up and doused with cream, so there’s no need to shell out (hah, seafood jokes) for the king or sockeye. You’re just making chowder here β€” this is budget fish’s time to shine. Straight up, I made mine with keta salmon, aka the most basic bitch of the salmon varietals.

Buttery Salmon Chowder

Ingredients 4 tablespoons butter 1 onion ΒΎ lb red and/or yellow potatoes 2 medium carrots 2 tablespoons flour 1/3 cup sherry (or white wine, vermouth, etc) 3-4 cups fish and/or chicken stock 1 lb salmon Β½ cup cream salt and pepper

Optional but earnestly recommended: fresh bakery sourdough to serve alongside

Begin by prepping all the things that need chopping. Dice up that onion fairly small and set aside. Scrub the potatoes, no need to peel if you don’t want to, and dice those up small too. I do recommend you peel the carrots though, then cut into rounds (half-rounds for the thicker part).

Put a large soup pot over medium heat and melt down your butter. Does that seem like a lot of butter? Well later I’m gonna call for a whole half cup of cream, so make your peace with this recipe’s indulgence now.

Start with the onion, sautΓ©ing until it starts to get soft, about 5 minutes. Add the potatoes and carrots, and sautΓ© them as well for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour, stirring to evenly coat the veggies, and cook for 3 minutes, stirring continuously so the flour doesn’t scorch. Pour in your cooking liquor, stir for a minute, then add the stock a cup at a time, stirring well after each addition. Salt and pepper to taste, but go easy on the salt as you’ll be adding fish, which is naturally a little salty.

At this point you can cover your pot with a lid, lower the heat, and leave it to simmer for 25-30 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Check on it every once in a while and stir, but mostly you’ll be free to tend to your salmon. Remove the skin and any bones, and cut into bite-size pieces. Go ahead and measure out your cream as well and leave it on the counter to take the chill off.

Once the potatoes are done to your liking, add the salmon and stir gently. It will only need a few minutes to cook through, on the gentlest of simmers. Lower the heat some more until any remaining bubbles stop, add the cream, and let it warm through for another minute. Taste and adjust seasoning once more.

Serve topped with a small pat of butter, a drizzle of cream, and leftover parsley you have on hand if you are me and taking a photograph of this for your blog, and with lightly toasted sourdough if you appreciate the sublime.


person who posted this originally made it unrebloggable so fuck you it’s mine now

I Reblog this a billion times in hopes that I become a dragon too


A more Official Commission Sheet for my art. Ignore the old post it no longer applies. These are the new prices and a more detailed overview. We'll work out special cases in DMs. Which is where you can find me if you want a something. :)

You can look through the art tag if you want to see what else I've made, too.


My three girlfriends. And yes, they smoke weed.

do they smoke weed?

Yes, actually.

you mean she isnt just smoking a cigarette? but a weed cigarette?

It’s called a bunt…. Not weed cigarette… And yes, it is a weed bunt. They all smoke weed bunts before we kiss. (They are my girlfriends,)

They don’t look like they smoke weed.

Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. Fuck You. I’m so angry you are so lucky my three weed smorking girlfriends are rubbing my shoulders to calm me down I’m so mad.

YourΒ β€œweed smoking girlfriend” has a Hello Kitty tattoo on her belly. The one in the middle.

I printed out a photo of your avatar and taped it to my punching bag that I punch and I mutter your URL with every strong punch I punch you twerp…. Don’t ever Talk about Blaiz or the wicked Tat(tattoo) I drew on her ever again I Don’t wanna see you standing outside my home at 3 am holding your weird dripping brown bags ever again ok leave us alone this is the FINAL FUCKING WARNINGΒ 


Well that escalated quickly……

What, was that? Hmm? Come again. *Blaiz grabs my shoulder* Come on Jory, they aren’t worth it, please. * I jerk my shoulder shaking her hand off* NO! NOOOOO!!! *starts to just pummel you with my big fucking fists. With each blow I let out a furious yell. The blows come quicker and harder and the yells get louder. I’m yelling so loud and now I’m crying. BREAKING POINT. The week was hard and I can’t take anymore. I’m opening sobbing at this point while you blood gurgle. All three of my girlfriends struggle to pull me off and they finally succeed and lead me away from the goo pile that is now your body*

haha oh my god

who even is this dude? someone needs some anger management classes.

love how he keeps reminding us that β€œI HAVE THREE GIRLFRIENDS”, β€œTHEY ALL KISS ME”, and β€œTHEY SMOKE WEED HURRP DURR”.

and let’s not forget the β€œBlaiz” and her β€œwicked tat”, or that he doesn’t β€œwanna see you standing outside [his] home at 3 am holding your weird dripping brown bags ever again”, and that this is β€œthe FINAL FUCKING WARNING”.

β€œthe goo pile that is now your body”

i’m dying over here, jesus

please, Jory, come challenge me to a bout of internet witticsisms; i promise, it’ll be fun.

*shoots you dead* Heh, idiot… *leaves with my three weed smorking girlfriends to go hold hands and kiss.*

this dude playin omgΒ 

Come again? *The bar falls silent. No one dares to make a sound, as you have just said a very poor choice of words at a very dangerous time. I remain slumped over the bar, not looking back to you. One hand limply holding an almost empty bottle, the other hand cradling my head. I repeat the question, this time louder.* Come again?! *You can hear me slur the words, the sentence sounds like a real struggle for me to get out. I’m clearly intoxicated. A bead of sweat rolls down your face as you realize you might have just fucked up in a very major way. Everyone else in the bar is pretending to not notice what is going on. The bartender idly washes a mug with a cloth. His eyes are closed and he’s muttering something to himself. A handful of people hurriedly leave. One person looks back at you, a look of sorrow on their face. They almost say something, but shake their head and cast their eyes down to the floor, and leave. But not you. You stand, petrified. A quick look at me reveals I’m still Β at the bar. You look to the exit, there’s still time. But there’s not, there’s not, there’s not. Your fate was sealed the moment you opened your mouth.* Mother fuck.. what did you say?! *I slowly rise from my stool and being to lumber over to you. Β I look a mess. My hair is unkempt, I haven’t shaved in what looks like months, there are dark heavy bags under my eyes, my shirt is stained and has holes in it, and I’m missing a shoe. But the main thing you notice is the gun tucked into my jeans, and my massive muscle arms that look like they were made for punching. You know that song about the boots that were made for walking? Yeah, it’s like that only instead of boots it’s my muscles and instead of walking it’s punching. As I drunkenly sway over to you, you think of your family… Will they mourn you, or will they try and forget this blotch of stupidity, that their child insultedΒ theΒ Jory publicly, ever happened to their family? Your thoughts are cut short as I now stand face to face with you. I grab your face and pull you even closer.* Playin?! There was nothing playing… no playing you fuck. No playing… it was real.. the realest thing I’ve ever know.. felt… Love. I loved them… Blaiz…. Chas-Chas… Funk… I loved all three of em… but they…*My face is wet with tears and I’m blinking constantly in vain to hold them back.* They left me… left… *Almost instantly the sadness leaves my face and is replaced with pure anger.* Playin? Playin?!Β *My hand leaves your face and starts to head to what you think is the gun. You close your eyes and see God looking at you, shrugging.Β β€˜Pft, you brought this upon yourself dude.’ He says as he waves his hands at you dismissively. But instead of the gun, my hands grab yours. Your eyes jolt open and the anger is gone from my face. There is only sadness.* Left me… * I fall to the floor and sob.* Wow, grow up. *You say before you leave the bar but are hit almost immediately from a car and are killed upon impact.*


here's something stupid: the catcatfish

some quick facts:

  • they're nocturnal and tend to roam around while awake.
  • they have keen senses of smell and hearing, but terrible eyesight. despite this, they also have a tapetum lucidum, making their pupils "glow" in the dark.
  • their fur is short, dense, and oily to waterproof them.
  • they prefer a diet of mostly meat and are attracted to strong-smelling food like fish, cheese, and anything fermented.
  • the elongated dewclaw on each front paw is sharp, flexible, and nonretractable. it injects a venom that causes respiratory failure and cardiac arrest in prey and, in extreme doses, humans. veterenarians typically remove the dewclaw venom glands during the neuter/spay procedure.
  • they grow to an average of 1m and 23kg (3ft and 50lb) but can reach up to double that length and triple the weight!

Official fish post

Doesn't having a tapetum lucidum make your up close eyesight bad anyway?

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