luka gpt a fish in his mouth

@lllluka /

my name is Shy, ADHD

alternatives to “i want to die”:

  • i want things to change
  • i want a different life
  • today was a shitty day/week
  • i don’t want to live like this
  • i want to be somewhere else in life
  • i’m not where i want to be yet
  • + much more

Here's a few that I started to say because I thought they were funny so I was more likely to use them!

  • Wack
  • Unfortunate (can be shortened to unforch)
  • Sub-par execution
  • I would prefer the opposite of this, actually
  • Not a fan of this approach
  • Not very cash-money

"I am about to become the joker" is one of mine

some more to add to the list

  • Can we not?
  • I'd prefer that ya didn't.
  • This is not ideal.
  • This did not spark joy.
  • No thank you. (just, in general.)
  • Skill issue. (or, alternatively) Speed run strats.
  • Why are you like this? (aimed at the universe, not you)
  • Awesome. (it is, in fact, not awesome)

and my personal favorite

  • This is gonna be a whole thing, isn't it?

I will say. Yeah, ML fandom fans can be insufferable and have horrible takes, BUT at least it gave rise to like. A large subgroup of people with really decent critical thinking skills who got sick of all that. I do miss back when I could actually read something intelligible, like a completely unbiased analysis using actual canon material, while I just sit and throw cursed posts down.


Me, after forgetting to cut the top off an onion before dicing it: “Aw dammit”

The Gordon Ramsey that lives in my head: “Don’t worry there, this mistake isn’t going to ruin anything. No need to be too hard on yourself”

Me: “Wow, that’s…not what I was expecting”

Gordon: “Of course, you ought to know by now that I don’t shout at cooks just to do so. I do it because the people in hit television show Kitchen Nightmares are putting their services out into the public and claim to be good enough to have the title of head chef. You’re just some guy in your twenties making beef stroganoff for yourself and your roommate. I’m kind of a dick, yeah, but I’m not gonna scream at you for a minor mistake like this”

Me: “Oh….well…thanks”

Gordon: “You’re welcome…cunt…”


Still obsessed with Arthur Conan Doyle’s letter to Bram Stoker gushing about how wonderful a book Dracula is, but particularly how it makes such a good template for leaving fic comments, so I’m gonna to a BREAKDOWN:

  • Just say you loved reading it - “I am sure that you will not think it an impertinence if I write to tell you how very much I have enjoyed reading Dracula.”
  • Comment on a detail of the craft or structure that impressed you - “It is really wonderful how with so much exciting interest over so long a book there is never an anticlimax.“
  • Comment on how it emotionally affected you - “It holds you from the very start and grows more and more engrossing until it is quite painfully vivid.”
  • SHARE YOUR BLORBO FEELINGS - “The old Professor is most excellent and so are the two girls.”
  • Show appreciation for them as an author - “I congratulate you with all my heart for having written so fine a book.”

Next time you don’t know what to say on a fic you enjoyed, just use the ACD method~


[A very shaky gif that shows Nadia Chamak leaning out the door of a helicopter, with an Akuma fight going on in the background that is very out of focus, saying, “Looks like Ladybug and Chat Noir are struggling today!” the camera zooms in on Ladybug and Chat Noir, bringing them into focus to show that Chat Noir is lounging very casually, his legs crossed and outstretched in front of him, leaning back on one hand while the other rests his baton across his shoulders. 

His ears are up, indicating he is not hurt or in distress, and he is looking at Ladybug, who is crouched in front of him, spinning her yoyo to create a shield to protect both of them from the purple projectiles the Akuma has been repeatedly firing at them since the whole scene began.

She is crouched on one knee, turning her head away from the Akuma to say to Chat Noir, angry and annoyed, and it is obvious from the way she speaks that the camera is only picking up the tail end of a conversation, “–and stop calling us a couple!

[The camera skips forward a few seconds, to show Chat Noir bouncing through somersaults around the Akuma, moving slower than he usually does. He gets hit by one of the projectiles, and falls to one knee, his baton falling out of his hand. Nadia narrates, The Battle against Oblivio continues. Oh, no! Chat Noir has been hit!” not a moment after Chat Noir stumbles, Ladybug’s yoyo iis wrapping around his waist and pulling him backwards, away from the Akuma, leaving his baton behind on the ground. Nadia narrates, “But Ladybug pulls him out of danger.” Ladybug drags Chat Noir safely into an open elevator, before running inside herself.

[The camera has zoomed to follow Ladybug, where she is doing something to the elevator wall just inside the door, that the camera can’t see from its angle. Many projectiles hit the walls around and inside the elevator as Ladybug works. Nadia wonders, “What is she doing?” then one of the projectiles suddenly hits Ladybug in the side, and Nadia gasps as the hero falls backwards into the elevator just as the doors shut, “Ladybug is down too!”

—-Later, after they get their memories back and have defeated Oblivio—-

[the camera shows Ladybug and Chat Noir standing next to eachother, just after she has performed her Miraculous Ladybug. They have just been informed that they have already defeated the Akuma. They do not remember anything from after they got hit. 

Adrien leans towards Ladybug, smiling, with his arms crossed over his chest, and continues the conversation they were having before right where it left off, “We do make a good couple, don’t you think? Otherwise we wouldn’t have won again like we always do!”]

[Marinette face palms as Chat Noir leans back to a normal position, then clicks her fingers together (like that meme of the person standing and explaining something to the person on the sofa) as she says, narrowing her eyes in annoyance, “Ugh! We’re a team, not a couple!”]

[She throws her hands out to the side to emphasize her point, then leans away from him and crosses her arms over her chest, keeping her face towards him and she continues, “Don’t start that again! I’ve already told you I’m in love with another boy!”]

[She unfolds her arms so that she can gesture at the ground with one hand to emphasize her point as she says, “Besides, your charming kitty act was the reason we became distracted and got into all this trouble in the first place!” She sounds resigned as she says, “That’s right, laugh all you want.”]

[In a gif not shown here because I hit the limit for images in a single post, Adrien leans forward and reaches out with one hand for Ladybug’s face. Marinette says, uncertain and confused, “Hey! What are you…doing…?” as he turns her by the chin to face Alya. She trails off as her eyes widen.]

[The camera turns to show Alya holding up her phone, with a picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir kissing and holding hands displayed for the both of them to see. She is smiling as she points to the picture]

[in a gif not shown here because of the image limit, Marinette’s face upon seeing the picture is wide-eyed shock and dismay, her mouth halfway open and in a grimace, her pupils and irises contracted to show her horror. Adrien’s grin takes up most of his face, his eyes are wide with glee, and he is leaning forward excitedly. Everything about her expression reads horror and dismay. Everything about his expression reads as excited and gleeful]

[Ladybug draws back away from the picture abruptly, and clasps her hands infront of her in horror and she exclaims, “Everyone saw that? This is a disaster! What on Earth happened?!” She throws her head down into her hands and shakes her head]

[”Well, one thing’s for sure!” Chat Noir says, and Ladybug pulls her head out of her hands just enough to glare up at him as he continues, “We’d make a good-looking couple! We’re meant for each other, milady, you’re the only one who doesn’t see it!” as he speaks, he tilts head head back and smiles at her, not seeming to care that she is angry]

[In yet another gif not shown here (tumblr let us have more pictures in a single post 2k19) Marinette glares at him, but is stopped from retorting by her earrings beeping, signalling that she has sixty seconds before she transforms back. She pulls her yoyo from her waist, says angrily, “This conversation is NOT over!” and uses her yoyo to swing away before her identity is revealed.

Key points to take away from this post:

  • Adrien once again has chosen to purposefully goof off in the middle of combat, leaving Marinette to not only fight alone, but not she has to expend extra energy shielding him while he literally just lounges around like an Akuma isn’t trying to hit him. Not only is he not helping, he’s making the whole situation worse. Not only is she forced to carry her own weight, she now has to carry him as well. He is endangering himself and everyone around them, and putting all of the responsibility for keeping everyone safe squarely on her.
  • We are once again shown that Adrien has no respect for Marinette’s wishes at all. She has told him a million times that they are not dating. She has told him a million times that they are not a couple. She has told him a million times that she is not interested in him romantically. She has told him a million times that she wants him to stop flirting with her and calling them a couple. He ignores her wishes, every single time. Flirting is consensual. He does not have her consent. She has stated very clearly multiple times that she does not consent to his flirting. She has expressed her discomfort with his flirting a million times. She has asked him to stop a million times. What he is doing is not flirting. Because flirting requires consent from both parties. He does not have her consent. What he is doing is sexually harassing her.
  • They can’t be held responsible for what they did when they didn’t have their memories. They had no context for who they were or what their relationship was. I cannot hold him any more responsible for that kiss than I can her. I can’t hold him responsible for anything he did while his memories were gone. I can, however, hold him responsible for how he reacted after they got their memories back.
  • And how does he react when they get their memories back? he starts up the conversation right where they left off. Right after she told him, once again, that they’re not a couple. His immediate response is that they are, in fact, a couple. A great couple, even. And she is forced to tell him, again, for the second time that we’ve seen in just this episode alone, that they are not dating, they are not a couple, and she wants him to stop saying that.
  • She has already asked him a million times to stop flirting with her. She has already asked him a million times to stop calling them a couple, and to stop telling other people they’re in a relationship. She has already explained to him (And she was gentle while she did it! She was trying her best to let him down easily! She was doing her best not to hurt his feelings!) that she has feelings for someone else, and that she wants him to stop calling them a couple, lying to others about their relationship, and she wants him to stop asking her to date and kiss him.
  • She even tells him, in very plain language, so you fucking stans can’t possibly pretend he didn’t understand her, you are putting both of us in danger, you need to stop trying to get me to date you while we’re fighting Akumas, you are literally endangering both of us and YOU ARE THE REASON WE GOT OUR MEMORIES ERASED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  • His response to her once again setting very clear boundaries for their relationship? His response to her telling him he needs to be more responsible? He laughs. 
  • And he turns her head to show her that he’s already gotten what he wanted. He knows she does not want to kiss him. He knows she has no desire to date him. He knows that what he does upsets her. He is amused when she is upset by his behavior. He is doing it to purposefully make her uncomfortable and upsetHe knows that she would not willingly kiss him. He knows how she’s going to react when she sees the picture–he’s already laughing about it.
  • She is horrified to see that, while her memories were erased, she kissed the boy who has been sexually harassing her for months. She is horrified to learn that she kissed the boy who has refused to take every single one of her “no”s for an answer, and she can’t even remember doing it. She is horrified. She is dismayed. And he? He’s having the time of his life. He’s grinning like a maniac and laughing at her discomfort. He then goes on, explicitly against her wishes, explicitly against everything she has told him twice now in JUST THIS EPISODE ALONE, that they are such a great couple, and they’re already in love, AND SHE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN’T SEE IT YET.  
  • Adrien does not respect Marinette at all. He has no respect for her happiness, her consent, her discomfort, he does not care. In fact, he seems to provoke her because HE FINDS HER DISCOMFORT AMUSING! HE FINDS HER ANGER AMUSING! HE THINKS THAT HER BEING GENUINELY UPSET AND UNCOMFORTABLE IS HILARIOUS!!!!!

She has told him a million times that she does not like his behavior and she wants him to stop.

Every single time he ignores her. He purposefully ignores her.

He knows that his behavior upsets her. He knows that it makes her genuinely upset. He knows it makes her uncomfortable. He knows it makes her angry.

He knows.

He thinks its funny.

He’s doing it to purposefully upset her. Because he thinks it’s funny.

He knew she would be horrified about finding out they kissed.

He was laughing about it before she even saw it.

He is sexually harassing her and he doesn’t give a single shit about her feelings at all. He is forcing her to carry both their weights in battle and HE IS SHOVING ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE ONTO HER SHOULDERS.

He does not respect her safety.

He does not respect her feelings.


And all you Adrien stans saying he does? All you Adrien stans insisting he stops when she asks him to?



Ladybug deserves a partner that will help her protect their city. Ladybug deserves a partner who will pull their own weight and help her.

Marinette deserves a partner who respects her wishes and respects her feelings and RESPECTS HER CONSENT.

Adrien purposefully chooses to be neither of these things.

Stop pretending it’s not sexual harassment just because you fucking ship it.

(it is now okay to reblog this post. Please tag it with [flashing gif] because these gifs are annoying even ME)

Hi, how the fuck do you read this post and still come up with “well most of the time she doesn’t mind his flirting!”

She has literally never enjoyed his flirting. She is literally never welcomed his flirting. She has never consented to his flirting. There has not been a single time where he flirted with her and she was not made uncomfortable or asked him to stop.

Just because you ship it doesn’t mean it’s not sexual harassment. Just because you like the character doesn’t mean they’re a good person.


oop tea

It boggles my mind when people say ‘well that’s just their dynamic’…

If anyone treated me like that, I sure as hell would not be their friend or interact with them on any level. Just because the show doesn’t acknowledge this horrible behavior doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or that it isn’t problematic af!

What really sucks to my mind. This show is marketed towards kids and teens. Guess what they are learning during this age? How to do relationships with other people. Friendships and romances. Hopefully this show isn’t the only or even best guidance from ‘society’ because of these messages it’s portraying. So let me ask the Adrien Stans: Is this the kind of relationship you want your sons and daughters/ nieces and nephews in?

You want them with someone who doesn’t respect their boundaries or their wishes? Cuz that’s what we’re gonna get unless people start talking about why it’s unhealthy. So instead of defending an abuser and harasser, how about demanding Adrien get some healthy character development that allows him to grow and be a model for healthy relationships?

It’s a bit concerning how I never think anything of Chat’s behavior before it’s pointed out to me. I genuinely believed this was normal before reading this post because it didn’t really set off any triggers or warning sings in my mind. It never even crossed my mind to think of this as harassment (and I’m not saying it’s not, because I know it is), maybe because of how relationships are portrayed in the media.

Same thing with Adrien’s behavior in Syren with his threat to give up the ring when he should have been helping Ladybug. I never thought anything of it until I kept seeing it pop up again and again and again in salt fics.

Things like this have become so normalized that I guess I’ve been hard-wired to brush these things off. It’d probably be different if it actually happened to me, but all the same it’s bad I couldn’t recognize it through a screen.

Same. I didn’t even realize how bad a lot of the characters behaviors are in the show until I started reading fanfics for Miraculous. That was only a couple months ago. My sister watches this show, and I looked at her screen to see what she was watching once. Now that I was actively looking for it and just aware of how bad Chat’s behavior towards Ladybug/Marinette is, it was painfully easy to see how UNCOMFORTABLE and RESENTFUL she was when Chat kept flirting with her, and trying to pressure her into something she DIDN’T WANT. He tried to kiss her hand and she pulled away. I remember her saying something along the lines of “Chat, I told you already.” She shouldn’t have to say that. She shouldn’t have to repeat herself. She should not have to physically BACK AWAY FROM and AVOID her supposed PARTNER!!! I’ve never understood why Fu picked Adrien to be Chat Noir. And I don’t think I ever will understand.

And u wanna know the worst part?


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