
roll to bite the sun


probably vampire rpg ideas! for all your vampirey d&d needs! (- Follows from @thepictoblr -)

ok hear me out. vampires but instead of bat-coded they’re cat-coded. crepuscular people who thrive at dawn and dusk. their coffins sit near the windows and they slumber in the sunlight. they’re magnetized to heat sources because they can’t produce their own. when they yawn and their teeth do That Thing. hear me out. vampires coded by creatures other than bats. snake vampires are comforted by the constricted area of a coffin. wolf vampires stick together. coyote vampires are scrappy and loud and hunt around the clock. hear me out


disturbed by how little ppl acknowledge the secondary health risks of vampire bites. if your vampire lover is drinking your blood you MUST be up to date on your tetanus shot. puncture wounds are at especially high risk for tetanus infections. just because your partner was born in 1312 doesn’t mean you have to die like it.

moreover they should be prepping the bite point with an alcohol wipe.

and while I’m at it, I’ve noticed a blithe disregard for health & safety when it comes to blood pacts. can’t believe I have to say this but you should absolutely NOT be cutting your palm open with the pocket knife from your belt holster (??????)

if you’re expecting to be in a blood pact/oath situation please just pick up some sterile finger lancets from the pharmacy. cannot stress this all enough.


All text posts will be written in blood from now on

Homestuck Heritage Post


how do you feel now that you’re officially a homestuck heritage post owner

i feel like somehow yall managed to "guy who only watched boss baby: getting a lot of boss baby vibes from this" the entire concept of writing in blood. also




Knowing that dhampirs in 5e can have a pretty typical vampire origin without being full blown vampires is great cause u can have all the sexiness of the drama and allure of a vampire without sunlight fucking turning them to dust and them being accused of being stinky cause they cant stand in running water.

I've always been a fan of dhampirs (or thin-bloods in Vampire: The Masquerade) because of the great decision they face. When you're a full vampire, it's all "there is no chance of redemption in this eternal night, my hunger compels me to do awful things". But when you've got one foot in and out of the grave, it's a whole other ball game.

Half-vampires may be considered as just some edgy and misunderstood version of a regular person, but they get to see how the world treats the undead, and how the undead treat their mortal prey. For some of them, it may be possible to achieve full humanity and walk in the sunshine or eat real food again, to have friends and family without subconsciously wanting to drink their blood. But on the other hand, becoming a full vampire has its own temptations. To cast off social and moral constraints along with your physical form, to make great changes in the world with your own strength. Play a dhampir! Make this final choice, or change your mind several times as your story pulls you through the half-light of the world.


Knowing that dhampirs in 5e can have a pretty typical vampire origin without being full blown vampires is great cause u can have all the sexiness of the drama and allure of a vampire without sunlight fucking turning them to dust and them being accused of being stinky cause they cant stand in running water.


a reverse vampire story would be interesting. where vampires are the mortal default form of humanity. whispered legends of the folk of the bludgeoning teeth, whos skin turns red and eyes white when they eat the forbidden fruit. they’re driven so mad by the taste, that they can never go back. their fangs fall out and their blood turns thick. they thrive under the burning gaze of sunshine, some say they can’t die. do not go out alone in daylight. wait until the night, when their rage tires them so much they fall limp and rest. otherwise they might mistake you for the monster


so im trying to decipher this chart on wikipedia that has common vampire weaknesses in it and

a ‘green/yes’ is a weakness, a ‘red/no’ is something that isnt a weakness, and a ‘?’ is something that has never been addressed but fucking riddle me this

in what lore are vampires weak to getting soggy in milk

i scrolled over to check to see what this could possibly be and


places a hand on me cheek

happy halloween month time for my favourite post of all time

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