
Wait, what?

@creativerat / creativerat.tumblr.com

My name is Cassie and all my pets have food inspired names.

Here’s some official art of a few of the characters! In order, we have: 

  • Lewis 
  • Edith
  • Sam and Calvin
  • Barbara, Walter, Rick, and the serial killer (who’s name escapes me)
  • An adult Sam and Dawn

There’s a lot to unpack here but I’m gonna try to divide it into my likes and dislikes. Here we go!


  • We get to see what an almost adult Edith looked like! That’s something that’s never shown in game, we only see pictures of her up till like age 11.
  • Sam and Calvin, despite being identical twins, have a distinct look about them. Even identical twins don’t look EXACTLY alike, and if you know what to look for or just know them in general you usually can tell them apart.
  • Originally I wrote off Calvin’s broken leg as a one off incident but he’s got quite a few bruises and bumps on him, which makes me think he was probably just clumsy. That’s really cool! I like that that picture has given me a new perspective on a character!
  • While it makes more sense for him to be in prison gear in game, I often forget that the serial killer (Karl Hammel, i just went back and checked) was a doctor, so him wearing doctor gear is a nice touch! 
  • I don’t know how to describe it, but real Lewis looks more… for lack of better term, real, than dream Lewis. Like D!Lewis’ hair and clothes look almost plastic compared to R!Lewis… almost like looking at an actual person and an in game avatar!
  • Also, we get to see Lewis’ face! I know we have a picture to go off of but it always bothered me that I couldn’t get a good look at his face in his story. And it bugged me that I could never really tell what color his eyes were so that’s really cool!


  • Edith looks… very pale. I don’t know if she was designed before they came up with all the lore and decided she would be biracial or what, but like, if you look at her compared to her brother she’s much lighter. And I would be lenient and think maybe she just happens to be lighter skinned than him naturally because I know I can get pretty white myself but in the pictures of her and her brothers shes always close to them in skin tone so…
  • What the fuck is up with adult Sam’s face
  • Although they are GORGEOUS, I’m a little disappointed with Lewis’ eye color. I was really hoping at least one of the Kumar-Finches would have brown eyes but I guess the Finches just have some strong ass recessive genes. I didn’t expect it to be Edith since she draws herself with light color eyes and Milton’s missing poster says he had blue eyes as well (and you can tell that if you look at his portrait)

Overall though, I’m really happy with these and glad the artist (whom you can find here) shared them with us! They also did some backgrounds and have designed stuff for other games too so you should check that out if you like what you see!


Anne with an E - Season 3 {insp.}

I’ve never bought into that “You Just Know” notion. Love is a tricky thing. Sometimes it feels like an undeniable force that hits between the eyes and doesn’t let up. Other times, it’s malleable, questionable. It’s truth hidden in and amongst external obstacles and internal circumstances that’ve formed who you are, what you expect in the world, and how you can accept love. Oh, to say the least, it’s complicated. And if a mind’s abuzz with pressure and deadlines and “What if this and that,” I imagine love’s truth would be a near-impossible thing to feel. I wonder if, when all’s quiet in your mind, you’ll find your answer.

I had a dream recently that I was getting all of my ingredients ready to make a delicious vegetable soup while the broth was being warmed on the stove on low. When I came back, there were TWO small capybaras in my soup pot bathing in the broth. In the dream, I was infuriated. But it’s a very cute image and someone should draw it.


The transition from a young plantling to a full fledged, grown up mother plant is a fascinating (but at times awkward) journey.

Shown here is a Dandelion, Strawberry and Helleborus flower - from newly sprouted bud to mature blossom!

I love this


The helleborus is a mood

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