The emperor feared my great power—do you?

@legendary-assassin-stance /

IG tag: branwen.1049 don't be fooled, i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing, both in-game and IRL Character Roster: ((these aren't changing to match the new url cus that'd be a nightmaaaaare lmao)) Personal post tag: from beyond the grave Writing tag: journal scribblings of a lost soul Asks: voices of the dead Shiro bullshit / headcanons / etc: the domestication of shiro tagachi

handy cheat-sheet for asura roleplayers of some various Lore Words for what to call things btw

computer/pc ----> console (used various times ingame)

tablet/other handheld touchscreen device ----> datapad (used here); i also personally use dataslate

email (or some kind of chat) ----> inter-terminal communication (used here); i tend to refer to email as "ITC" for short

phone/phonecall ----> comms, comms device, communicator, comms call, comms channel, 'scrambled comms', etc-- this one is used a copious amount of times within the main story itself. they seem to be earpieces that nebulously work like both a phone and a radio, utilizing different channels and frequencies, and they can have voicemail left on them

other interesting things of note:


I dunno I wanna believe in my own headcanon that the Elder Dragons weren't always these all-consuming forces of nature, but instead were once benevolent and well-meaning forces of Tyria that just succumbed to dragon madness due to the high volume of magic they had to consume in order for Tyria to stay stable, much like that of the dragons of Fire Emblem franchise


WHOOPS this got too long for a comment so uh.

I like to think that's what Soo Won implies when she talks about them in some dialogue, I think at the end of the DE meta? They weren't always these devastating, overwhelming, world ending forces of destruction- they were her children, they played, she loved them and they loved her.

But they became something else, something horrible, something that threatened the balance Soo Won had wanted to maintain, and it came that there was no choice to kill them to save the world. Otherwise they could have lived harmoniously. It's the real tragedy of the end of the dragon cycle, I think. That they weren't always forces of endless destruction, they were loved, but despite all that they must die.

Gets me in the chest every time.


i have. mixed feelings on the "inspect cosmetics" option that anet has put into the game.

cus on one hand i am naturally curious, and being able to see what ppl use for outfits is nice, especially bc hunting singular pieces down is a nightmare.

but on the other hand, i am (and have been) SO incredibly paranoid about people stealing my ocs because they're all extremely personal to me, and being able to see exactly what dye combos and gear pieces i'm using gives people one less obstacle to do so if they want to be particularly malicious.


Alright, I’ve personally been wondering what other people’s opinions on this would be, so

*I know IBS isn’t a true expansion but it’s got its own mastery line so I’m counting it


i was putting this in the tags but it got so long that it was basically an entire post anyway so. okay. listen to me. hear me out:

I know Champions was bad. I know Champions was really, really, agonizingly bad, and because they dripfed it to us over months you never got used to it because UGH. GOD. NEW SUPPLY MISSION. every 3 weeks or whatever and it just was not fun. You were always being freshly reminded of how bad Champions was. The character writing is bad (No asura except Taimi has basically anything to say about Primordus, and she's portrayed as basically just being ridiculously hysterical about it?? They've been smoothing her down over time but it was real bad here.), DRMs were fucking miserable, I think DRM CMs are still bugged, and Dragonstorm is Okay but there's only so many times you can watch Jormag puke in their brother's mouth and hear CHAMPION!! HELP ME!! THIS POWER!! IT'S TOO WILD!! before you're just going BenAffleckWithACigarette.png about the whole shebang. IN THE MEANTIME, FIRE ALAR[sniper rifle shot rings out. i crumple bonelessly to the ground]

Here is the thing. Here is the horrible truth I realized when I did Seasons of the Dragons:

The rest of Icebrood Saga was good. (Cut for length. I, uh, I kinda went on about this & about why I think SotO is so bad. Sorry. I have strong thoughts and feelings. When I said 'length', by the way, I meant it,)


I am the first to affectionately call Canach a cactus - and it is fitting! both physically and in terms of his prickly character - BUT! Allow me to bring forth an alternative! Canach is not a cactus. He is a hawthorn.

As a sapling, Canach arboured light green bark, and white leaves / petals, his features remarkably devoid of thorns.

Come a few years and a few hardship, and there's Canach as we now know him, his bark turned dark grey and quite a few thorns marring his features.

And now for the comparison. Hawthorn.

As for how far as the comparison goes...

Hawthorns are shrubs, or small trees.

The name itself is derived from the anglo-saxon word 'haguthorn' meaning "wall of thorns". "The bramble walls were a stroke of genius. If I do say so myself."

And as for the symbolism of hawthorn, they are associated with protection and isolation, thriving in defensive, thorny hedges, and as solitary trees, with love and renewal, blooming in may, and with death.


guild wars community, i bestow some treats to you:

absolute truckloads of concept art, generally organized by type. these pages are weirdly buried on the wiki and presumably easier to find if you're a wiki editor, but a lot of the images in these folders aren't linked to any other pages so they're very easy to miss.

check out these ungulate-like asura (and underground asura !!) concepts from gw1:

as well as a gw2 concept for a stingray-like asura naval ship/floating fortress:

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