One Heart Two Homes

@saxon-rose-archive-blog /

Princess Blaeja– Princess of Northumbria Private & Extremely Selective Role Player Mun 18+

My muse has been acting strange, send one for you muse to...

℟ - Hug my muse from behind without saying a word

℠ - Slam my muse against a wall after my muse has been avoiding your muse to ask them what’s going on

⅋ - Bring my muse hot chocolate and a warm blanket

⅌ - Drop a kitten on my muses lap!

⅍  - Go up to my muse and just snuggle them

ⅎ  - Kiss my muse and hug them, telling them “I am always here if you need me”

⅏ - Take my muse out for a walk in a peaceful area

⁰ - Taking my muse out to do one of their favorite activities 

⇧ - Bury my muse in blankets and turn on their favorite show


"I have been tasked with protecting you.. But it will not be a bad thing if I fail"


“I’d rather look out for myself. Thank you very much.”

Floki giggled, clearly ignoring her words as he moved to push her once more.
“Just give me a reason to kill you”

She couldn’t deny it she was terrified of this man. But she did her best to hide her fear. “I married your prince so that there would be peace. You need to act peaceful.”


"I have been tasked with protecting you.. But it will not be a bad thing if I fail"


“I’d rather look out for myself. Thank you very much.”


Floki stood beside her, giving her a shove.. “Yes, looks like you can..” Floki gave a giggle. 


“You’re probably going to die”

Blaeja stumbled a little but tried not to show fear when she regained her footing. “Don’t push me. I am still a free woman. You can’t do that.”


"Blaeja, now that my son with Haaken is born, I was wondering if you would like to be his 'godmother' as you Christians call it?? What do you say?"


“You- You want me? Ingeborg I would be honored. I shall love him like my own, both for your sake and his. May I hold him?”

–Smiles softly as she watches her best friend with her son– I’m still not sure about that. I’m afraid I will drop him or that I won’t be able to understand what he wants –admires how good Blaeja is with baby Tihomir– yes well at least I hope he won’t get his father’s attitude
“You will do better than you think. I can already see that you love him well. That is the most important thing.” -Blaeja swooped down to kiss the baby’s forehead- “And he could never develop an attitude, he is too sweet.”

[ship starter for @saxon-rose]


“Ah, Blaeja! I am so relieved to see your face. How are you faring here with your new life in Kattegat? Is your husband keeping your interest?” she beamed at the other, pulling her close into a light hug.

Bleaja could not help but flinch slightly at the contact. She had never known quite what to think of Kwenthrith. She was a Christian princess like her, but not all of her behavior was very Christian. “I am fairing well, and my husband demands a lot of my interest, but treats me well. Have you a husband yet?” 

“I promise Mama.” He tapped his foot as he waited for his mother to him bring one of them. As soon as he saw the tiny ball of white fur in his mother’s hands he stopped the tapping and his face went from excited to a gentle expression. Reaching out, he took it in his hands and gave it a small kiss on the head. “ Mama, it’s so small. Aren’t you going to hold one too? ” He giggled.
“No I am just going to watch you hold the kitty for a minute.” She wanted to savor his reaction with the kitten. This was a rare moment where it was just the two of them. The younger set of twins would be awake soon and the other children would come home soon after that. She wanted to take her time and make this into a memory. “Want to do something fun for the kitty.” She took a piece of twine out from her apron and began to dangle it in front of its eyes.
Helgi’s eyes widen. “ I can? This is going to be the best day of my life, we have to hurry!” He picked up his pace and tried to pull his mother along with him.  Once the barn was in sight he sped up even more. “ Mama, do you think the grey one will like me? What if none of them want to play with me?“ He slowed down, realizing he was practically dragging her. “ Sorry.” He smiled shyly.
Bleaja’s heart soared as she saw how happy he was. She loved seeing his happy gap-toothed grin. “Oh we don’t have to slow down. Let’s skip the rest of the way.” His sudden burst of giggles told her he liked the idea. Once they were in the barn Blaeja led him to the corner away from the kittens. “Wait right here Helgi and I will bring you a kitten to pet, but you must promise me to be gentle with it, alright?”
With each piece passed over to him he realized how silly this was and starting laughing. After the last bite he jumped off the chair, almost knocking it sideways, and stood at the door wiggling his legs. “ Okay I’m done. What surprise is it?” The mention of a surprise had given him a boost of energy that would not be there otherwise.
Blaeja laughed as she followed him to the door and took his hand in hers. “Do you remember when the cat had kittens a few days ago and I said you couldn’t touch them until they had a chance to grow stronger? Well their eyes are open now and they are walking around the barn. I thought you might like to play with them. What do you think of that idea?” She gently swung his hand back and forth as they walked.

"Blaeja, now that my son with Haaken is born, I was wondering if you would like to be his 'godmother' as you Christians call it?? What do you say?"


“You- You want me? Ingeborg I would be honored. I shall love him like my own, both for your sake and his. May I hold him?”


ofcourse I want you silly. You have always been there for me no matter what, just like I know you will always be there for my son. And ofcourse you can hold him” –hands her baby Tihomir--


-gently takes Tihomir in her arms as her eyes start to get misty- “I always knew you would make a wonderful mother.”-gently strokes the baby’s face- “Look he is going to have your eyes and Haaken’s nose.”

Helgi sighed and slumped back down into the chair, failing to hide the smile her kiss had brought. There was no winning this battle but there was a way to get to the fun things sooner. He began shoving all the food he could fit into his mouth and chewed quickly. “ I’ll be don -chewing- soon!”
Bleaja couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. She’d never had a child like him before. “Slow down Helgi. You won’t have any fun today if you give yourself a stomach ache. Besides, I have an extra special surprise for you. One you’re really really going to like.” She took the tray from him and began to pass him one piece of food at a time to help pace his eating until it was all gone.
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