

@karkake / karkake.tumblr.com

The wild mix of interests I have consumes this blog. Kaitlyn | 22 | She/Her | Boyfriend: @thatangrykoalatg

I love this so much, I’m gonna start saying “nuts” we need to bring it back

I love b&w proper ladies breaking character with “sonofabitch”

"OHH you're following me, oUUhhh I didn't know that!"

It brings me such joy that people seem to have always done the *sputters and blows raspberries like you're having a stroke* thing when they stammer

Anonymous asked:

how do the centaurs sleep? and how do they stretch after a good sleep?

Ok this is one I’ve been wanting to cover for a while and my cooldown sketches got out of hand, so buckle up and enjoy the picturebook!

The easiest options is exactly what you think, the flop. In a home, thick carpets or tatami-like mats would provide at least some sort of cushion for the horse-half and various sized cushions and pillows to lift and support the top half. And they CAN sleep standing up, like horses, but it does require both a special harness/corset and practice. And it’s not very comfortable for anything deeper than a doze or catnap for most, so it’s mostly reserved for bad situations, naps, or guard duty.

Most common are recliners, or ‘hammocks’. Easy to fold and carry for cultures on the move, or make fancy for the city-folk they are probably the most ubiquitous of centaur furniture. A simple adjustable A-frame supporting some sort of flexible fabric-ish sheet for the top half to lean against and sleep. Usually paired with some sort of large blanket or padding on the ground to lay the horse-half on!

When you don’t have no fancy recliners, your herd will do! The preferred sleeping method of closely bonded herds is to simply rest on your buddies cushy backside! Roaming bands can often form long chains of sleeping centaurs with the unlucky first taur either on guard duty, sleeping sprawled, or with the group’s only hammock.

Mix and match to your character and herd’s personal preference!

Also stretchies!


Omg these are delightful and add so much inspiration to my little centaur culture ideas.

Also, these sketches? So well done. I love them.


Don’t judge her, she probably couldn’t afford adoption papers

I work at a humane society shelter, and this does happen occasionally. usually cats won’t “steal” the kittens, they’ll hear them crying and stick around and if a momma doesn’t come around they’ll take them somewhere safe and try to care for them

we recently had a very confused lady who called that her cat was trying to take care of an astounding 8 kittens and brought them in

the kittens were obviously malnourished, and we looked around her neighborhood and sadly found the dead mama, she got hit by a car

it’s a really useful thing that cats will do

sometimes the mom will just have gotten lost and will come back to try and find her kittens and so that can be frustrating, but considering how rough it is for stray kittens, it’s a lot better for them to be in a household and cared for where the parent cat can get guareenteed food and shelter

I can’t tell you how many abandoned kittens we find that can’t make it

it sucks a lot

anyway tangent done

I just 😭😭 I love cats a lot

Your cat isn’t a kidnapper she’s an ADOPTIVE MOTHER don’t be rude


…..Cats are Mandalorians.


My most fave comment so far.

This is the way.


Pedro: Who does Oscar Isaac look like?

Oscar: I get David Krumholtz often—

Pedro: oH *wheeze* i remember whO you look LIKE!

Oscar: who’s that?

Pedro: that MUPPET I tOld you aBOUT!

Oscar: *wheeze* what muppet??

Pedro: *laughs* the—the

Oscar: *lightly slaps Pedro’s face*

Pedro: the-the grumpy eagle! *continues to laugh*

Oscar: the grumpy eagle???!

Pedro: remember!?

Oscar: oh, cause of the eyebrows??

Pedro: *fucking dying of laughter*

Oscar: malo


I grew up with a grandma who quilted, but she’d never been interested in passing along the hobby, so when she finally kicked it I was the grandkid who got all her materials, ‘cause I was the only one who knew how to use a sewing machine. Then, in 2015, a friend had a baby and I figured I’d make her a quilt, ‘cause how hard could it be?




Luckily I am the stubbornest human alive, ‘cause I never woulda finished otherwise. I didn’t know what I was doing, didn’t know the terms to look up how to do anything, I musta reinvented the wheel like eight times and it took ten months, BUT I DID IT.

Figured I’d suffered enough and would never do it again and now I’m on quilt #9 smdh


I’m hyperventilating.

Holy shit. Holy SHIT.


Oh my god.

I’ve gotta go lay down holy shit look at this how do we just walk by other human beings every day and live our separate lives when there’s a person sitting next to you on the train or in line for coffee who goes home and makes things like this what even IS being human holy shit.



Oh heck I did not expect the notes to blow up on this, UM

Okay so on a purely technical level, this is not that difficult, you just gotta come at it a little sideways.

The background of this sucker is just rows of 1.5″-wide fabric strips. I can’t remember the exact pattern, but I wanna say it was something like one row 6″ strips, one row 4.5″ strips, one row alternating? I don’t remember exactly, it was a while ago. That’s not difficult, you just lay it out and sew it all together one row at a time. It’s not hard, just tedious.

The fish are a lil different. I can’t draw, there is a disconnect somewhere and my hands are stupid, so I figured out probably fifteen years ago that tracing was the way to go. For this, I legit just yanked several photos of fancy-looking goldfish off the internet and traced over ‘em in Photoshop.

Once I had enough, I printed my outlines, laid ‘em out on the background to create the idea of movement, and then traced the outlines out on fabric and pinned the hell out of ‘em.

This woulda been WAY easier with Heat ‘N Bond, but I didn’t know that was a thing at the time. From there I just used just about every fancy stitch on my inherited sewing machine to make the fish STAY WHERE I PUT THEM, and also look good.

I have since learned this is called “raw edge applique” but whatever. It’s fun, it’s neat, you can do it with a bunch of stuff and impress the hell outta people. More recently, it’s how I’ve gone from this:

to this:

(this was another project I SUFFERED over unnecessarily, because I’m the dip that decided to quilt the waves, like a moron)

god that sucked but it looked SO COOL when I was done!


I’m very sorry to tell you that if you thought we would be less impressed with you after this update you were very mistaken. I’ll say again:

Holy. Shit.

Imagine inheriting your grandmas quilting skills without even realizing even after the 9th quilt


Its the comfort Stan! Reblog this to make your 2021 even brighter!


hey since i’m occasionally giving out adult advice. anyone wanna know my very adult and very boring and very sensible suggestion for grief gifts for friends and family when someone close to them dies

alright. this is shamelessly stolen from my godparents when they did this when my grandma passed about ten years ago, and since then i’ve been on both sides of this and it’s surprisingly thoughtful and useful. this is particularly important when people are like, in charge of funeral prep, but anyone who just heard someone close to them just died is gonna be in a certain headspace, so it probably works regardless. people are gonna be sending cards and flowers and other very nice, but ultimately useless gifts.

don’t do that. go to the grocery store and order one of those deli party platters. the ones with like, four different kinds each of meats and cheeses, maybe some sides, and veggies, and bread, and condiments. get the vegetarian version if you know they’re vegetarians. whatever. you know better than i how many people are gonna be eating it, but guess maybe, like, four day’s worth of food.

because, here’s the thing. cards and flowers are very nice, and remind you that you’re in people’s thoughts. but you know what you just. don’t even want to think about when someone dies? making dinner. going to the grocery store. ordering takeout. whatever. you don’t want to have to think about food. you just want to eat in between planning a funeral and working through your grief.

without getting too into it, when my grandma died, we were thrown for a loop. and we ate nothing but what was on that goddamned deli platter for days. because it was quick and easy and fresh and tasted good and we didn’t have to think about food. and ten years later, i don’t remember those cards or flowers, but i sure as hell remember the deli platter.

so next time someone’s going through something, when a family member or close friend just passed. go to your nearest grocery store, and if you can, walk a deli platter over to their place. as soon as you can after you hear. they may look at you weird when you hand it to them, but trust me, in the long run they’re gonna thank you.


hey it’s october so i just thought i’d let you guys know i’ll never post jump scares and am extremely anti-screamer or anything else along those lines. i hope you’re all ok and stay safe this month

[image is a banner showing a cartoon ghost on the left and the words “this account is jumpscare free” on the right. End]

Yeah none of that shit here. Your safe.

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