
Boy Oh Boy


Ahmed, bi, far left, 22, nb, they/them if I reblog a post tagged do not reblog I most likely did nor see and will delete when told to I don't be saying anything or making original posts for that matter I'm just a reblog machine

biden voters watching bidens politics in action in bidens america during bidens administration: wtf!!!!!! this is what would happen if trump was president.


On top of Chris fucking up the inheritance he's now sabotaging his job and with the enormous debt we owe on rates and utilities we're going to lose this house if he does. We're going to be homeless with a 14 year old (Jesse has been with my mother lately and it's going very badly).

I'm gonna have to go back to survival sex work even with my fucked up teeth and even though there's no work here anymore because the local economy is so bad, meaning the clients around are ones that are dangerous - that's why I quit in the first place, after being stalked then raped 3 times in a row.

Fern's fuckwit therapist is reporting me to child protection because I can't afford to send them to a private evangelical Baptist school because - get this - they can't attend the public school because the "bullying" (abuse) was so severe. I don't know why a private evangelical Baptist school is meant to be better

My life is completely falling apart and the worst part is how my kids are suffering and I can't help them

I don't know how to find somewhere else to live while I'm disabled, on unemployment welfare (so not the kind you can sort of survive on) and with two kids

We can't even live out of a car because we don't have one

I'm so scared. I don't even know what amount of money I need to get through this. Child protection will take the kids if I'm homeless and teenagers usually end up in group homes. I have no family support at all

My Ko-Fi is here or /FakeJuly and my PayPal is here or


These are my beautiful boys (pic is a few years old), please help us I don't know what to do I'm so scared

I can't reach that wall because of my back but as you can see everything is completely broken and leaks water constantly. The previous plumber somehow made it worse


"The more than 10,000 documents lay bare the outsize influence of a small conservative organization working to lend a veneer of medical science to evangelical beliefs on parenting, sex, procreation, and gender.

The American College of Pediatricians, which has fought to deprive gay couples of their parental rights and encouraged public schools to treat LGBTQ youth as if they were mentally ill, is one of a handful of conservative think tanks leading the charge against abortion in the United States."

We should hunt the members of the American College of Pediatricians for sport for their crimes against humanity.


Due to stagnant wages, little social support, and artificially inflated costs of "living" theft has increased in grocery stores. That's why we here at Loblaws are proud to announce our $10 billion automated turret system that will gun you down in the parking lot if you try to steal luxury items like food and baby formula. This has the added bonus of creating jobs because we need to hire some staff to drag the corpses away on the corpse wagons and yeah it does pay a competitive $15 an hour


One thing I love about the Mario RPG games is that they make the stakes of each game higher. Some bearded dude who wants to turn the entire Mushroom Kingdom into a pro-gun infested world, Bowser in PM64 literally defeats Mario and achieves his goal, a demoness that covers the world in darkness, murders and absorbs an entire audience, a jester that actually fucking kills Mario & co and sends them to hell before they die, a bunch of aliens that literally feed off the Toads in a parasitic relationship and a bitter prince who literally wants to turn everything into zombiefied origami figures. It's just great to see something so refreshing and serious


Hi it's Deej, black, nonbinary, disabled.

Things are looking up for me but I have some worries about how much I'm about to be doing to my body in my current state. My nutrition has been poor this year. My sleep has been poor. And now I'm at a full time management job I'm walking to.

I have a small list of needs that may help me keep this job for the month without pay. (I get my first check the 28th)

It's an hour walk back and forth from work every day and I'm also currently sleeping on the floor of my room. The air mattress I had gave out last month. I understand some people do it but I have hard core insomnia and restless leg. This is ruining my sleep and also fucking with my back and I just idk. Want this to be manageable instead of hell. I have pretty much not bout shoes in about 3 years so I'm wearing everything down to the sole.

Asking for 100 for an air mattress and like a pair of decent insoles and some sleeping meds. I probably won't able to buy a real bed for a while still. Still no insurance. I don't have anyone else.

Here's a link to my website for free poetry. It's all I have to offer but also there is alot.

Cash is forwardalways21



i didn't realize until just now that you straight up aren't allowed to bluff or lie about your hand in Yu-Gi-Oh. like it's literally a tournament-bannable offense explicitly on par with bribery.

i knew it was a deeply unserious game but i had no idea the situation was this dire

Genuinely what is the point of a card game with hands where you aren't allowed to bluff and lie

im never listening to any criticism of any card game from a YGO player again

im sorry but reading this as someone who's been playing MTG for over a decade is extremely funny. "bluffing makes games imbalanced" is such a damning indictment of the average YGO player

if this was YGO the manchild who stormed out of the store could have called a judge and gotten this genius DQ'd for cheating


…this is a thread composed of flexing about how your preferred exploitative-economy collectible card game is better than someone else's. Just. Just bringing some context here.

wow, congratulations on making the worst possible addition to this post! there was a lot of competition, but you really came out of left field with a bold new strategy that gets both sides of the argument mad at you. great meta call, i look forward to seeing your future work


literally so fucking telling seeing people here lament the loss of the middle class in such a way that it's clear as day that they don't realize homelessness wasn't like, invented in the early 2000s. like I'm sorry you're only Just Now getting on the same page as "the poors" but for some of us this shit has Always been unobtainable.

like for as much as yall recognize the "American Gothic horror of the suburbs" you really don't skip a beat fuckin fetishizing it as something you lost and need to reclaim.

and it's just fascist rhetoric at a certain point! "We used to have affordable housing in this country but it was taken from us" like who is us. Some of us actually grew up poor. I've seen people post shit like "yeah poor people used to be able to afford homes too" and it's like. No???? Lower middle class families used to be able to afford homes. The actual lower class has always been here. Homelessness has always been a necessity under capitalism. There is no golden glorious past of America that we need to Return to.


why do ppl think hookup culture is mutually exclusive from having a lover’s heart and feeling things too deeply? as if you can’t sleep with someone for fun and then pine wistfully for them. think of all the slutty gay poets in the world…


it is genuinely bewildering to me that adult human beings do not know this but if you are mean to people they will not like you. like tbh they are probably also not going to like you if you are mean to other people but they are definitely not going to like you if you are mean to them. it doesn’t matter if you are funny or if you can use r/aita rules to prove that you are in the right. people simply do not enjoy being treated like shit.


me: Yeah I wish kids were given legal autonomy over their own lives because I was abused pretty heavily as a kid

that genius: yeeeeees but without adults being allowed to legally control kids who would give children food and housing? I am very smart

If your roommate hit you or took your property from you or the door off your hinges you could sue for literally all of those things but if it's your parent/legal guardian its free game. If you leave school or home police are legally allowed to abduct you and return you against your will. are you telling me that abolishing that will somehow be bad?

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