


Yee Haw // 21F // here to laugh leave me be

brb the whole discord in an uproar at the UNCONSCIONABLE results of Mister Global 2022

seriously though, MR. SPAIN?!

Mr Spain vs the runner up Mr Vietnam. Like. How the fuck?

Looking very respectfully at Mr. Vietnam


I mean personally I was in favor of Mr. Peru and Mr. Nigeria but I can fully agree Spain can get out of there.

Tbh mr spain looks like a piece of art compared to britain and cuba’s costumes


SE asia brought the thunder


my friend told me last night that he gets girls to come back to his place by telling them “oh i can’t wait to go home and have some stew” and “i’m so hungry, good thing i have stew at home” and it’s worked every time

bro the worst part is last night i went to his place and it’s 11pm and i’m sitting there eating fucking stew like god damn it worked on me too


He’s been around Tokyo’s Harajuku neighborhood or many years. We call him “The Harajuku Sheriff”.



Rating: Cute

this falls under the category of Mishap, meaning that nobody intentionally meant for the cat to get bonked by the swiffer. the cat that was bonked does not appear to be distressed or even particularly concerned, its face is just Like That.

tl;dr if you laughed, you’re not going to hell


In medieval culture, an event like a royal christening is not a private party; it’s the public social event of the year. To not invite any person of rank to such an event is a deadly insult.

Maleficent is certainly someone you wouldn’t want at a party, but she’s also someone powerful enough that only a fool would ever dare treat her with such blatant disrespect. The only way the King and Queen could possibly have gotten away with not inviting Maleficent was to not invite any of the fairies at all; inviting the other fairies and excluding her is explicitly taking sides in the conflict between the fairy factions.

Which means they made themselves her sworn enemies, and she responded by treating them as such from then on. If you actually get into analyzing the social dynamics of the scene, it’s very clear that Maleficent was willing to show mercy at first by giving the King and Queen a chance to apologize for their disrespect to her. She doesn’t curse Aurora until after she gives them that chance and they throw it back in her face with further disrespect.

And yeah, if the King and Queen had done the properly respectful thing and invited her, Maleficent would have given Aurora a scary awesome present. Moreover so would the other fairies, because at that point both sides would be using it as an opportunity to show off and one-up each other. What they gave her before Maleficent showed up was basically just trivial party favors by fairy standards.

How do you know so much about the social dynamics of medieval fairies

How don’t you


I do not get the unslaked thirst for Mads Mikkelsen on his website. He looks like Hideo Kojima's tragic purse dog in every photograph of him that exists



But you may choose only one.

THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT | 1x06 “From the Desert Comes a Stranger”

Yeah, because Luke has such an awesome track recotd for training Jedi.

At this point I don’t think he’s had the chance to train much of anyone, it’s set like 5 years after ROTJ iirc

Which brings the whole movie cannon into question here because supposedly Ben was his first student.

I mean Luke did have an awesome record of training Jedi before Disney came along.

This is the part where I cry because we were robbed of the tragedy of the Solo twins and that would have been epic.

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