


Energy, or lack there of, is eternal.

A witch puts a spell on a girl, a sleeping spell that promises the girl shall wake through true love’s kiss. Men come and kiss her. She slumbers. Women come and press their lips to hers, but still she sleeps. Many years past, and the girl remains still. One bright morning,  a lost little boy finds her resting spot and clears the dust and grime from her face. He offers her a kiss on her forehead, and her eyes flutter open. She never feels romantic love for a man nor a woman, and she cares for the boy until the day she dies.

A young woman is imprisoned in a castle by a monstrously formed prince. The servants of the castle hope for them to fall in love, and when the spell is broken they assume their prayers have been answered. They are all surprised, but nonetheless pleased, when it is revealed to them that the young woman and prince are the truest of friends, and nothing more.

They say the kingdom is ruled by an evil queen, a woman who is incapable of loving. She is unmarried, she has no consorts, and she wishes for no partner. She is the wretched queen, the heartless queen. She must hate her daughter, for her daughter is beautiful, and women are incapable of liking another woman who’s prettier than themselves. It must be for this reason that the princess was sent away, not for how she was attacked by a man in the woods. They say the kingdom is ruled by an evil queen because she cannot love. The queen loves her daughter, and that is enough for them both.

There lives a prince who is forced to choose a bride at the ball. He meets many beautiful women, but find none which he loves. He spies one in a gorgeous gown and wonder in her eyes, and he dances with her all night long. The kingdom is sure he has found his bride. When the clock strikes midnight he tells her how he will never love a woman, or a man, in the way he is expected to. The beautiful woman smiles and tells him she expects nothing from him. The next morning the prince and the beautiful woman are missing, having run off together to see the world. They leave their shoes behind in their haste.

Many kinds of love exist. It doesn’t all have to be romantic.

Love this so much

Your Name Is Your Choice

When Marinette was born, she didn't have a soul mark, as her soulmate hadn't made a name for himself yet.

As she got older, she began to see a soul mark, but would wonder why it would switch so much. 

Sometimes it was ابن الخفاش (Son of the bat) other times it was simply Damian.

There were never any last names. No. That would make it to easy

As Marinette got older, her forearm would only display the name Damian, rather than reverting back and forth between ابن خفاش (Son of the bat).  

It seems like her soulmate figured out who he identifies himself with.

A few months after Marinette's 9th birthday, she had seen the name Robin appear, she was confused at first, seeing as the name had not changed in a few years. 

She didn't have long to dwell on it though, it changed back a few hours later.

Seeing the two names Damian and Robin on her forearm became a common occurrence, so she didn't worry about it.

The one time she was truly worried about her soulmate was when her soul mark disappeared completely. 

She waited for days, wondering what happened, she couldn't ask her 

parents because they didn't know about it, and they were probably too busy anyways.

As Marinette was reading, her face showed great sadness.

Apparently, when your soul mark disappears, then your soulmate has ceased to exist. 

In other words, dead.

After getting over the initial sadness, Marinette told herself that she wouldn't let that stop her.

She went about life. Soul mark mostly forgotten, when she felt a warmth like she had never felt before. Looking at where the warmth originated, she saw that her soul mark was back, the name Damian clearly displayed.

Marinette was confused.

What happened? It was gone. I had searched for days wondering what happened.

Even online there was no explanation, it was unheard of.

Marinette never told anyone, not wanting to be considered even more of a freak then she already was.


Everything went back to how it was before, the names switching back and forth, but that was normal.

After Marinette received the Ladybug Miraculous, she wondered if her own name would change on her soulmate.

She had always considered Marinette and Ladybug two separate people.

Marinette was just the clumsy baker's daughter who is always late, clumsy, and tends to get stuck in her.

No one wanted to be her friend anymore.

She was 15 now, but between Lila and Chloé, no one wanted to come near her.

In contrast, Ladybug was someone everyone listened to. She was a leader, and everything about her seemed like it. She didn't take from anyone hands down, and her creativity has saved the day more times then you can count on.

She doesn't resonate with both, it's always one or the other. Never both.


Marinette wins the class a trip to Gotham. Most of her classmates are excited, but a few know that their parents would never let them go.

It makes no difference, Marinette wouldn't be talking to them anyways.

In the end, only Lila, Chloé, Sabrina, Alix, Kim, Ivan, and Mylene are allowed to come along.


Marinette had gotten bored during the few days that they had to get over the jetlag, only ever talking to Tikki, and occasionally Mrs. Bustier.

Since it was dark outside she decided that there was no problem with doing a quick patrol. 

What she did not count on was a Bat seeing her.

After Marinette noticed someone was tailing her, she landed on a roof to get a better advantage point.

That is when Robin struck.

Quickly deflecting his sword with her yoyo, she exclaimed

"Who are you?"

"My name is unimportant - you, tyrant, will die today by my blade." 

"Tyrant?! I'm a hero, from Paris. I’m Ladybug!"

After hearing that Robin's steps faltered



Thank you @ramos123 and @ashbrea381writings for beta reading!


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Anonymous asked:

I want to live by myself when I move out of my parent's place but I'm really afraid of money problems? I'm afraid that the only place I can afford will be in the ghetto and it'll all be torn apart and I'll only be allowed to eat one granola bar a week. I'm really stressing out about this. I don't know anything about after school life. I don't know anything about paying bills or how to buy an apartment and it's really scaring me. is there anything you know that can help me?

HI darling,

I’ve actually got a super wonderful masterpost for you to check out:







Better You




Job Hunting

Life Skills



Travel & Vehicles

Other Blog Features

Asks I’ll Probably Need to Refer People to Later

Adult Cheat Sheet:

Once you’ve looked over all those cool links, I have some general advice for you on how you can have some sort of support system going for you:

Reasons to move out of home

You may decide to leave home for many different reasons, including:

  • wishing to live independently
  • location difficulties – for example, the need to move closer to university
  • conflict with your parents
  • being asked to leave by your parents.

Issues to consider when moving out of home

It’s common to be a little unsure when you make a decision like leaving home. You may choose to move, but find that you face problems you didn’t anticipate, such as:

  • Unreadiness – you may find you are not quite ready to handle all the responsibilities.
  • Money worries – bills including rent, utilities like gas and electricity and the cost of groceries may catch you by surprise, especially if you are used to your parents providing for everything. Debt may become an issue.
  • Flatmate problems – issues such as paying bills on time, sharing housework equally, friends who never pay board, but stay anyway, and lifestyle incompatibilities (such as a non-drug-user flatting with a drug user) may result in hostilities and arguments.

Your parents may be worried

Think about how your parents may be feeling and talk with them if they are worried about you. Most parents want their children to be happy and independent, but they might be concerned about a lot of different things. For example:

  • They may worry that you are not ready.
  • They may be sad because they will miss you.
  • They may think you shouldn’t leave home until you are married or have bought a house.
  • They may be concerned about the people you have chosen to live with.

Reassure your parents that you will keep in touch and visit regularly. Try to leave on a positive note. Hopefully, they are happy about your plans and support your decision.

Tips for a successful move

Tips include:

  • Don’t make a rash decision – consider the situation carefully. Are you ready to live independently? Do you make enough money to support yourself? Are you moving out for the right reasons?
  • Draw up a realistic budget – don’t forget to include ‘hidden’ expenses such as the property’s security deposit or bond (usually four weeks’ rent), connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
  • Communicate – avoid misunderstandings, hostilities and arguments by talking openly and respectfully about your concerns with flatmates and parents. Make sure you’re open to their point of view too – getting along is a two-way street.
  • Keep in touch – talk to your parents about regular home visits: for example, having Sunday night dinner together every week.
  • Work out acceptable behaviour – if your parents don’t like your flatmate(s), find out why. It is usually the behaviour rather than the person that causes offence (for example, swearing or smoking). Out of respect for your parents, ask your flatmate(s) to be on their best behaviour when your parents visit and do the same for them.
  • Ask for help – if things are becoming difficult, don’t be too proud to ask your parents for help. They have a lot of life experience.

If your family home does not provide support

Not everyone who leaves home can return home or ask their parents for help in times of trouble. If you have been thrown out of home or left home to escape abuse or conflict, you may be too young or unprepared to cope.

If you are a fostered child, you will have to leave the state-care system when you turn 18, but you may not be ready to make the sudden transition to independence.

If you need support, help is available from a range of community and government organisations. Assistance includes emergency accommodation and food vouchers. If you can’t call your parents or foster parents, call one of the associations below for information, advice and assistance.

Where to get help

  • Your doctor
  • Kids Helpline Tel. 1800 55 1800
  • Lifeline Tel. 13 11 44
  • Home Ground Services Tel. 1800 048 325
  • Relationships Australia Tel. 1300 364 277
  • Centrelink Crisis or Special Help Tel. 13 28 50
  • Tenants Union of Victoria Tel. (03) 9416 2577

Things to remember

  • Try to solve any problems before you leave home. Don’t leave because of a fight or other family difficulty if you can possibly avoid it.
  • Draw up a realistic budget that includes ‘hidden’ expenses, such as bond, connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
  • Remember that you can get help from a range of community and government organizations. 

Keep me updated? xx


just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.

for those of you who don't know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.

autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie 'inspiring' and important' and it's absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.

💛 - your local actually autistic pal

p.s. please, please reblog if you aren't autistic.


english: coconut oil

french: :)

english: oh boy

french: oil of the nut of the coco


english: ninety-nine

french: :)

english: oh no

french: four-twenty-ten-nine

english: potato

french: :)

english: oh geez

french: apple of the earth

french: papillon

english: :)

french: don’t

english: beurremouche

French: pamplemousse English: :) French: pls no English: raisinfruit

english: squirrel

german: :)

english: oh dear

german: oak croissant

english: helicopter german: :) english: uh oh german: lifting screwdriver

english: toes

spanish: :)

english: no don’t

spanish : fingers of the feet

english: bowl

spanish: :)

english: oh lordy

spanish: deep plate

english: car

polish: :)

english: i changed my mind

polish:  that which walks by itself


french: coccinelle

UK english: ladybird!

american english: ladybug

french: weird

dutch: :)

french: …what

dutch: the good lord’s little animal

french: …ok

irish, polish and russian: *giggling*

french: …just tell me

irish, polish and russian: GOD’S SMALL COW


English: jellyfish Japanese: :) English: what yo got Japan Japanese: ~*~*o c e a n m o o n*~*~

English: gloves Dutch: :) English: omg what now Dutch: hand shoes

English: porcupine Dutch: :) English: … please, no Dutch: sting pig



English: Poppy

Dutch: :)

English: … tell me

Dutch: Clap rose


English: dragon

Finnish: :)

English: for fuck’s sake

Finnish: salmon snake

english: dragon

asl: :D!

english: tell me?


English: nap

Romanian: :)

English: huh?

Romanian: a baby of a sleep


English: Giraffe

Latin: :D

English: what?

Latin: camelopardus!

English: In the middle of nowhere

Slovene: Behind God’s back


Serbian: Where wolves fuck


Polish: where dogs bark with their asses

English: somewhere really far and isolated

Italian: :)

English: what now?

Italian: in the ass of the world

Welsh: hiraeth

English: :S

Welsh: …

English: a longing for something or somewhere which no longer exists, to which you can no longer return; the longing for the lost homeland of your ancestors, which you know only through blood and tradition, and will never feel under your feet

English: ladybird

Welsh: :) :) :) :) :) :)

English: look, you literally just made fun of me for my lexical limitations, why are you -

Welsh: little red cow :)

English: aw :)

Welsh: :)


There may be a day I do not reblog this post but today is not that day!!!

English: raisin

English: Come on French, isn’t raisin a word in you vocabulary?

English: French?

French: …

French: DrY gRaPe

English: grape

French: you’re not gonna like it.

English: what?

French: in my defence I was first.

English: What?

French: raisin 🥺


Eight acts of random kindness in 30 seconds. Yes please


Also, play free games to fund rice purchases through the World Food Programme.


A bird explaining to a hedgehog crossing so it doesn’t die.

!!! ok but that’s legitimately what it’s doing!! That’s a corvid right there (looks like a hooded crow, to be precise), which means it’s intelligent enough to recognize, a) cars are dangerous and streets should be treated with a certain degree of caution, b) this car’s slowing down for them–cars do that sometimes–which means they’re not in imminent danger, so it doesn’t have to fly away just yet, c) that hedgehog’s still gonna get killed if it doesn’t MOVE, FAST (cars can change speed very quickly and the hedgehog’s still in the way), and almost certainly also d) if the bird does nothing it gets a free lunch.

Y’all, Y’ALL. This bird is consciously deciding to put itself in danger in order to save the life of a very stupid creature. A creature which, if the bird did nothing, could be free food

i can’t - look if you follow me you know I have a thing for corvids, but this is - like!!! People are always saying “ah yes they have sub-human intelligence and don’t consider anything that isn’t immediately necessary for their own survival/pleasure,” but! Whether or not it can do philosophy, this crow is clearly demonstrating compassion. Even if it’s just the kind of compassion a toddler shows to a snail, a social creature that instinctively recognizes the potential for emotion in other beings, that’s still huge and cool and important and corvids!!! are! neat!!! 


it's always a good day to complain about English speakers


Important addition: Maria Skłodowska-Curie was born during partitions, which means Poland didn’t exist, which means her insistence that she was Polish was a significant act of defiance against the occupation, which means that you should respect that instead of arguing that ‘well she had French citizenship’. She couldn’t have Polish citizenship despite being Polish, that’s kinda the point she was making by keeping her maiden name and naming a chemical element she discovered ‘Polonium’ .

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