
Technophobic Fanartist


21 | She / Her | Christian
Here to share my art with the internet that I should be adept at navigating but am not.
Instagram: @chewyscribbles
—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
-- 'One Art' by Elizabeth Bishop

you ever think about how after everything Ahsoka told Vader "I'm not leaving you" and it wasn't enough


@thenegoteator 's post got me thinking about Sokka and an actual space sword, which got me thinking about Sokka as a mandalorian, which got me thinking about Zuko as a mandalorian.

Part 1 of my atla/sw crossover series.

@chewyscribbles what if Zuko is a Sith-turned-Jedi and wields two lightsabers?? Then you'd get that good ole ancestral enemies to friends to lovers dynamics and shit now I'm thinking of Galidraan and Sokka being the equivalent of Jango Fett, hating Jedi for killing (almost) his whole tribe and swearing revenge.

Okay I'm back on my bullshit because this idea is growing faster than my brain can process it. Imagine a galaxy ruled by Sith Lord Ozai, Jedi and force-sensitive children being hunted down, civilizations being crushed, that fun Sith stuff - Mandalore is on the brink of civil war after the slaughter of the True Mandalorians by the Jedi, who in turn were deceived by Death Watch, aka the group advocating the return of 'tradition' and 'order' - the Northern Water Tribe. Sokka, son of Mand'alor Kya Kissavik, is the sole survivor of the massacre at Galidraan and one of the only people known to kill six Jedi with his bare hands.

Sokka hates the Jedi. Hates them for But his sister is incredibly powerful in the Force, and the two of them

Aang was caught in a stasis field in an old Jedi temple for over a thousand years. He remembers the last Sith war but also how the Jedi Order used to be. He's their hope for a better world, one where Katara can be Manda Jetii Baar'ur - a Mandalorian Jedi Healer - and not have to choose between her people, her powers, or her passions.

When Mandalore starts stabilizing and begins to be a thorn in the side of the Empire, Emperor Ozai sends his disgraced apprentice Zuko after them.

They've got to topple a Sith master, a Sith apprentice, and a cult built around war.

All in a day's work.

Anonymous asked:

i just found ur sw atla crossover series and i’m in love with it, it’s amazing

also, just think of the absolute chaos that would be qui-gon and uncle iroh, with their tea and comparing the chaos of zuko and obi-wan’s upbringings and creating even more shenanigans for zuko and obi-wan together

or maybe dooku and iroh? both disgraced from their families, dooku from the jedi and iroh from the fire nation, both who had loved them and been loved by them, both partially driven by the loss of their son (bc qui-gon was as much a son to dooku as irohs son was to iroh)

when you find someone who revels in being as chaotically cryptic as you

[sw-atla series: First | Previous | Next]

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